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Posts posted by iwad2010

  1. I put my daughter to marry a westerner. Why, because I married a Thai woman and I know the psychological stresses it puts you under coming to terms (if you ever can) with a totally allien culture.

    my son, I put down as dual national ( I like that term). Don't know why, totally knee-jerk.

  2. If I met anyone on the KS road I would want to get away.

    I spent 4 days there before moving to a proper BKK address.

    I couldn't stand the 'traveller' bull.

    "I'm not a tourist, I'm a traveller".

    Get out of that western ghett, leave the yogourt and fruit, and start living.

    Fish, sea.....plenty

  3. Without reading the comments.....I think the shaun barnet...can seem a little intimidating....on some folk.

    Why; because it's part of a bigger persona with some people. Normally there are other tell-tale signs of macho tendancies. Like tatto's, and the general posturing of the hard man. On others, it's just a sensible way to mask their folic challenges.

    However, thank god that the skin-head is more acceptable now. remember the days of the comb-over!!

    I remember playing in a cup final when I was a kid. Ralph coats (ex spurs winger) handed out the trophy. I can remember looking at his hair. It was laquered over so you couldn't see the mass of baldness. We all wanted to pull it over.

    Shave if your going....but cut out the other sh*t.

  4. I'm not sure, but, I think the Int licence is only valid for 1 yr.

    She should have insurance in Thailand (much the same as we can get insurance in Britain) that will cover you world wide.

    My wife took 8 ( I repeat 8) goes at passing the UK test. She passed and has taken the passenger side doors and pannels of 3 cars.

    Bless her.

  5. I totally agree with you, thats one of the reason I try to avoid Swiss People here, most of them moan all the time about what is bad here.

    Now that said, I really wish they would start to build proper roads here in Pattaya and get thouse fxxxg telephone and power cables under the earth. Also this music blaring Pick ups are going on my nerves together with thouse insanely loud Advertisement Trucks ........... ohhh, did I mention I hate Bath Busses :)


  6. Time after time; we read, gossip, remark, complain about Thai culture. Of course, some more than others. Often sarcastic, barbed comments about the people and the place we love. Is it a 'love hate' thing? Are we professing our superiority?

    Being wed to a Thai, I can be honest enough to say.....there are elements of thinking and social posture that I will never understand or come to terms with. I suppose it's understandable. Yet, during my years in Thailand, I met a good deal of people who had an almost pathological hatred of Thai ways. :)

  7. The 1st place I lived in BKK was a rat alley.

    Coming home at night was a bit chilling. You could see their dark shapes on the path. They wouldn't move untill you was right on top of the barstuards.

  8. We played guess the nationality on DIA (for money)

    The Philipinos always show lots of breast.

    Chinese always have OTT air brushed photos.

    Thais have a certain dress sense.

    Ladyboys, well what can I say; normally pouting & looking dirty.

    It's the ones you bet on to be Ladyboys who are women. Oh dear, but great fun.

  9. Didn't happen to me, but borrowed from a friend, a university instructor...

    "I should have anticipated this happening long ago. I mean, what are the odds?

    "I go to step on the songtaew this morning, it's fairly empty, a few girls seated and 2 young men standing on the extended platform at the back edge. But just as I put one foot on the step and shift my weight forward, the goober takes off. I flail my arms reaching for the bars that the two boys are standing between. That's when it happened. In my desperation, I frantically grabbed for anything to keep from tumbling over backwards. In this case it was a wild grab that landed right between the one kid's legs. Spot on. Couldn't have placed it better if I had been intentionally going for the gold. A direct hit right to the kahoonas. Willy Mays in his finest moment couldn't have made a more accurate snag.

    "What to say? What do you do? Does Emily Post offer a proper response in such circumstances? Does Hallmark make a card for these occasions? Do you say, "Sorry I accosted your manhood?" Or a more flip "Oops, terribly sorry, thought that was the pole." Or do you do like I do, and pretend you are totally unaware of what has transpired?

    "I effuse apologies and pardon me's but the truth is, there are simply no words to excuse this kind of behavior. Not in Thailand, anyway. I stared at my feet for the rest of the trip and prayed to God I never see this kid again for the rest of my life. It's not like I can hope to fade into the crowd. Is it any wonder they think we Americans are all a bit peculiar?

    "Some days I'd just like to hide under a rock."

    I once saw a rather large lady hang onto an old London Bus (routemaster) as it was pulling away. She couldn't keep up, but she didn't let go. She was dragged on her gut for aprox 80yds. I don't know what made her hang on for so long. I watched with horror, but chuckled a bit when she got up and brushed herself down.

  10. Picking your teeth in a public place still seems to be most embarrassing thing for a thai... Swinging your ass in a gogo-pole - not so...

    I my case I was on one of my early dates with my girlfriend and as we sat there she introduced me to a couple of her own friends. I had just had a cold and still had a bad cough and sore troat. So we got a few beers there, and I decided to take a cigarette. This made my throat more itchy. I took a big sip of my can (with beer) and suddenly it went into my wrong throat (so to speak) and I just automatically sprayed down her and her friends (in public) by coughing my beer on them with great force. I went everywhere and they where allmost dripping. They not made any effort by easing the situation, joking about it or saying something like "this can happen to everybody", but instead sitting there very emberrassed, muted and regretting they ever sat down there. I did some effort to stop coughing while trying to get them a towel or tissue.... I wish I had brought my invicible coat with me that day. But luckily there was more beer at hand and I really had to drink a few to stop thinking about it.

    Hmm, not a good experience. The best option is always to have another beer.

  11. Reminds me of an old friend.

    He was a 'traveller' who liked to embelish stories. He was good at it, and often cadged drinks from people who were willing and astounded to listen to his tales on the road. He was a self stiled 'drop out'. Couldn't bare the thought of doing a normal job.

    He would get so absorbed in his story telling, that he would forget that I was on a good few of the trips.

    Te real truth was never quite the same as his version of events.

    A cross between Walter Mitty & Indiana Jones.

  12. Short shelf life this thread is me thinks :)

    Back to your point, do you ever compliment here, buy her roses, chocolates, take her on romantic beach holidays? :D

    Yeah, all that & more.

    I just wondered if it was a cultural thing, and, if so; to what extent??

    Not a cultural thing if that helps more of a .. thing. :D:D

    OK...that's made my mind up.....Mia noi...that's the way to go.

  13. My wife (Thai) will always say how 'geng' my friends or their children are but finds it next to impossible to compliment me or our own kids!

    She will not hesitate to say that so-&-so is very clever, very good, never argues with his wife, can do this,that, other etc.

    Other peoples children are 'geng mak mak' never do this, that, are sewayee etc etc

    She also finds it difficult to express emotion by cuddling, saying sweet words etc etc.

    Is this a common Thai trait or have I married a monster?

  14. Food.

    Bum gun.

    Girls sitting side saddle on motor cy.


    Air con.

    Foot massage.

    Watching late night footie.

    Watching soi dog fights from the safety of your balcony.

    Taking a shower.

    Mango season.

    Watching your friends (1st time to BKK) face after getting a shoulder rub when taking a piss.

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