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Everything posted by MCos

  1. There’s always the outside chance she meet with an accident, was abducted or killed herself
  2. You could be disappointed if you think you’re performing some sort of rescue service and your wife will be forever grateful Doesn't work that way. It’s an equal partnership
  3. She’s not talking to a bunch of people in a cafe or whatever Making a speech to a gathering of world leaders is a serious business and it’s common to use a prompt. Furthermore Shes inexperienced at speaking at these important occasions and it’s important she doesn’t go off track
  4. Why is the inspection period confined to six months? Because if they had the personnel to work every day there would be no chance to charge a premium for express service As it is they make enough money to take six months off and gamble or watch the soaps
  5. I sympathize with these people, but at least they get something For Kiwis one must be resident in NZ to get anything
  6. Probably arguing about foreigners going to Oz and starting fights
  7. This incident should open a broader debate about whether any notice should be taken of this serial petitioner and general trouble maker
  8. Pretty tough when 75yo blokes are employed as security guards
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