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Posts posted by Burbridge

  1. Lose the weight first, then hit the gym. Every thing that you need to stay in shape is in your home. Unless you want to bulk up. Free weights people dont have. Machines do nothing but assist you. They don't help.

  2. I seriously don't understand the need to pay money to a gym! All ypu need is a pull up bar a floor space of one meter square. Just run around the condo for cardio then your sorted!

  3. Unless the girl starts talking and naming names nothing will happen. A drug capture is big news for any country, if she is Thai or not makes little difference. If she can prove her story then happy days. If not she will be left to rot. In a nutshell.

  4. I guess the ratio must be a little higher here due to the older guys going with younger women, but if you took that ratio and compared it to that in the west it would not be to different. As long as you find some one that you trust then who are we to decide your happiness, those willing to take a risk will only reap the rewards!

  5. Thanks for the ideas guys and I hope

    To meet you out and about. But it seems all meetings take place in bars, which is to be expected. So what you suggest is go out and start talking to randoms?

    I would do that but a lot of the "local" expats think your a piss head or think they are supiror. There must be a group of hard working young lads out there?????

  6. Hi people I have been in Thailand for 5 year and Bangers for three, I struggle to meet any one other than tourists!

    My problem is I work rotational and can not do weekly meets.

    Is there any groups that would accept a young Geordie living In Bangkok but only there for 50% of the time?

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