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Posts posted by RJF

  1. I've been through several coups while in LOS, this one has a dangerous odor to it. If anyone really reads what is being planned for the future here, then they should be scared, it isn't pretty. That will surely create a rise in tourism if TAT reporting has anything to do with it; the rest of the world knows what going down, and that's number of tourists.

    Dangerous odor, be scared of what is planned, no pretty future...gee you know how to whip up the excitement. Would you care to give a bit more precise detail of how you envision this to the uninitiated here? PS I am not mocking you, I am seriously interested!

  2. I actually think the tourists are down by about 50% in real terms.

    I flew to the UK last month and back to Thailand, The plane was completely full both times. Would that suggest that tourism is down by 50%?

    It just might. If plane occupancy goes down from 100% to 50%, and say 2 out of 4 flights are cut because of that, then the remaining flight you are on would still be full. But don't let deeper analysis, helicopter views and mathematics get in the way of your oversimplified view on the world.

  3. The Revolution Will Not Be Televised - Wikipedia

    Nor will it be on the internet.

    But that was not the case with facebook being down in Thailand. The military did not do it.

    Facebook is Down in Several Countries Worldwide


    Yes, it seems it was down in several other countries worldwide as well...nearly 2 years ago!!!

    • Like 2
  4. What a retard! As if anyone would believe him!!!


    ying luck?

    and suthep?

    obviously you are one of the problems for picking sides. so if i took you out to dinner and gave you the choices of eatting Dog Poop, Condensed Buffalo Fart Patte, or Sheep Nut Cheese with Grapes. which would you pick. Honestly the one with grapes sound nice.

    Who's picking sides here? This article is about something Suthep said, has said many times before and never stuck to his word, so hands22 simply responded to that. It wouldn't be relevant to also comment on all other nitwit politicians that are out there.

  5. The only one interested in violence right now is the gangster Suthep and he has no scruples of arranging this attack on his own people to further his cause while he is still trying to provoke a coup with violent attacks on his own people.

    The other side would gain nothing with such an attack.

    What a piece of stupidity.

    The violence is against the protesters by others.

    The only one, as I have said many times , that (thinks he) can benefit from a coup is your hero Thaksin he can then say his legally elected Govt was once again overthrown by the military, international sympathy.

    The armed reds will then come out and give him the civil war he so dearly wants.

    Revenge, then after the country is devastated he will return the hero and peace maker to unite the people make them prosperous and the country will be so grateful they will make him president for life.

    What dreams that man must have, right now he is having a nightmare for PT is finished.

    If you really believe what you have posted then please explain how a coup and the reds coming out against it could possibly benefit Suthep.


    Nah, I don't know who did this and I am not making any claims but it does seem PDRC has more to gain from chaos than the reds - all the reds have to do to regain power is simply wait for the next election. A coup will benefit the likes of Suthep, just like it did 8 years ago. The reds coming out against it is irrelevant. It was the army vs the reds in May 2010 and that lasted less than a day. To show my total impartiality in this matter, I think that action was called for btw. The reds were illegally occupying the streets of Bangkok (like the PDRC were earlier this year) and they had ample warning. They should have done the same with the PDRC. Yet the courts ruled CAPO was 'not to obstruct traffic lanes' when dealing with the protesters (who were blocking major intersections). What a joke.

    No bias on your side. The army has a coup straightens out a few things in the constitution calls an election Thaksin wins it. The next election Thaksin wins it. Then they call a third one and once again Thaksin wins it. All the time the country is going down hill. Corruption is booming and Thaksin is ruling from his castle in Dubai.

    You liken the reds occupying the streets of Bangkok to the current PDRC of course you neglect to mention the reds were armed and firing rockets at civilian transit terminals along with invading hospitals. U tube is full of videos of them urging their followers to burn Bangkok down.

    It is also full of videos of Suthep calling for no violence. But you are not biased.

    Bull S

    I can only see that what Suthep says and does are 2 completely different matters. We had a 'final battle' over 10 times for example. Explosives have been found in the PDRC abandoned strongholds, and I've seen them molesting people. There's a whole comedy going on on Thai language websites at the moment named 'don't move that cone' after various people have been molested after moving PDRC placed cones. But you conveniently forgot to mention all that .

    I condemn violence from the reds as strong as violence from the PDRC. Neither has a crystal clean sheet. You are just fueling the fire by taking sides in this ridiculous Thai soap opera where anyone with common sense knows no one can claim a higher ground.

  6. The only one interested in violence right now is the gangster Suthep and he has no scruples of arranging this attack on his own people to further his cause while he is still trying to provoke a coup with violent attacks on his own people.

    The other side would gain nothing with such an attack.

    What a piece of stupidity.

    The violence is against the protesters by others.

    The only one, as I have said many times , that (thinks he) can benefit from a coup is your hero Thaksin he can then say his legally elected Govt was once again overthrown by the military, international sympathy.

    The armed reds will then come out and give him the civil war he so dearly wants.

    Revenge, then after the country is devastated he will return the hero and peace maker to unite the people make them prosperous and the country will be so grateful they will make him president for life.

    What dreams that man must have, right now he is having a nightmare for PT is finished.

    If you really believe what you have posted then please explain how a coup and the reds coming out against it could possibly benefit Suthep.


    Nah, I don't know who did this and I am not making any claims but it does seem PDRC has more to gain from chaos than the reds - all the reds have to do to regain power is simply wait for the next election. A coup will benefit the likes of Suthep, just like it did 8 years ago. The reds coming out against it is irrelevant. It was the army vs the reds in May 2010 and that lasted less than a day. To show my total impartiality in this matter, I think that action was called for btw. The reds were illegally occupying the streets of Bangkok (like the PDRC were earlier this year) and they had ample warning. They should have done the same with the PDRC. Yet the courts ruled CAPO was 'not to obstruct traffic lanes' when dealing with the protesters (who were blocking major intersections). What a joke.

  7. Do truck drivers need a special license in LOS, or are they just driving on car licenses ?

    Licence?? What licence?

    The same kind of licence that James Bond has.

    The encouraging thing about this story is that the police were spurred into action by social media. Now if more people can film this kind of driving and post it online it would be a big help. It would be a good thing if a Thai TV station could run a program where people could send in videos of driving like this. I'll bet it would get a huge response and it would put the frighteners on the maniacs, who would never know if someone was filming their driving.

    Brilliant idea! Drive like a maniac and risk losing face in front of the whole nation! I have countless hours of Thai traffic stupidity from my dash cam.

  8. 12 January 2014: Protest leader Suthep Thaugsu-ban ruled out talks with the government in an interview published on Sunday but said he would stand down his movement if, as some fear, violence escalates and civil war looms. “If it becomes a civil war, I will give up. People’s life is precious for me,” he was reported as saying by the English-language Sunday Nation. “If someone instigates a civil war, I will tell the people to go home.”

    Any follow up on this, or was he just making this up as he went along?

    I find it incredible how people have such short term memories. Why anyone really interested in the future of Thailand would trust this man to deliver is beyond me. Pretty much the same goes for the Thaksin clan btw.

  9. The Violence was stated by the PDRC, they are the only one that can gain from it!


    Nonsense and you know it.


    I can and will not accuse anyone without having proof. I am considering the following though: the attacks seem to have been carried out by professionals that knew what they were doing. Professional and army issued munition is being used. Suthep is supported by ex-generals (e.g. Anupong) with strong army connections. We know and have seen there are weapons being used by unknown people supporting the PDRC (Laksi). As long as YL is still in power, the red shirts have little to gain from escalation as opposed to the PDRC. No one has been caught. A PDRC protest leader was arrested and then freed by a 'mysterious' group of men.

    Again, this does not prove anything. But to assume that all violence comes from one side only seems highly unrealistic. I at least consider the fact that there are certain forces at work that have a clear agenda. If it were ONLY just angry redshirts, surely some would have been caught by now (if not by the incompetent govt or incompetent police, then surely by PDRC guards or by the public). This smells...and it does not smell pretty. Get out of your biased bubbles...both of you!

    Really, biased am I? I have condemned violence on both sides from the start. My reply was a response to a ridiculous assertion that one side alone is to blame for violence.

    My apologies if I misinterpreted your short reply. I don't know of any other or previous comments you made. I interpreted this particular comment to mean it was nonsense to assume the violence could come from the side of the PDRC, or that they would not gain from violence.

    In any case, I think I made my point on this clear. I agree...no one can point fingers to one side without proof. I have my own theories but admit they are nothing more than that...theories.

  10. Way to go suthep the body count is going up. It appears that you might just pass the 2010 total. Good luck. I just wonder when will the Thai people wake and see that suthep ONLY cares about suthep and no on else.

    Ehhhh??? So YOU are holding Suthep responsible for all these deaths??? Also you say Suthep ONLY cares about himself, so what about Yinluck??? Go and ask a Thai person right now, in fact I done it for you, my office is full of Thai's, and you want to know what they said..............

    Can't write anymore about your post, as I will get banned from the moderators.......

    CHILDREN have died, wake up!!!

    Most Thais I speak with are fed up with this bullshit from both sides. They are the smart ones.

  11. So things are getting uglier then. It is escalating as anyone with a brain said it would over 2 months ago. Both sides don't deliver any substance apart from trying to blame each other for the mayhem. Suthep making jokes and threats about sending popcorn shooters and a red shirt gathering where people cheer upon hearing about death and injuries. People on Valentine's day getting attacked for wearing red clothing for the occasion. PDRC supporters with their kids attacked at a noodle stand. It all makes me sick to my stomach. The social media and forums are alive with Thai people (and some farangs) sharing and spreading propaganda and half facts to justify their side of the story whilst people including children are dying on a weekly basis. They don't realize that they are part of the problem, and they are not aware they only contribute to its escalation rather than to a solution.

    Someone has to do what should have happened a long time ago; take charge. Either the government cleans up the streets or the army moves in for a coup. Unless the attitudes of people change - and what hope in hell do we have really - this will only go downhill from here.

    • Like 2
  12. I wonder who gave the orders for these attacks. Was it just a couple of extremists acting on there own misguided initiative or were orders issued from high command overseas. I think we all know he is capable of it.

    Not sure what you are suggesting here, but the truth is that there are very desperate people on both sides that are capable of it. In thinking and posting the way you do, you are basically part of the problem. Trying to pin this on this or that party doesn't do anyone any favors.

  13. My Thai wife tells me that the farmers who have gone home are from Uthai Thani and that their leader, a MP from one of the smaller parties supporting the government organised the drive to Bangkok fully with the intention to con the people into thinking that they would descend on the Airport, but actually had no such intention. The going home bit is meant to send a message that "we the farmers trust our beloved leader and we know she would never lie to us'. My comment 'sad delusional fools!

    Just get on with it Khun Suthep, My Thai family who are all professional people albeit not overly rich, are 100% with you. They are extremely confident that Khun Suthep will win the 'battle'. .

    Anyone who is either 100% with Suthep or 100% with the Shinawatra clan is part of the problem. Never before has the slogan 'same same but different' rung so true.

  14. I have a feeling that they and their families back on the farms have been threatened to stop immediately by red thugs. Either that or they're the most trusting dullards on the face of God's earth.

    My bet's on the first. ph34r.png

    You seem to completely ignore the possibility that some money changed hands between govt and farmer protest leaders. Which would be the 1st thing to come to mind. This is Thailand.

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