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Posts posted by doyley

  1. I am 20 years old and my gf is 23. With have been together for 1.3 years. And now we are thinking about getting married. I know it is soon but we feel like we cant be apart any more and marriage is something we want so why wait. We are thinking about getting married at the end of this year. And then trying to get a marriage visa to the uk after that. What are the things I need to look out for? I will move to london as there is more jobs for her up there than where I live and also a lot of people that she could talk to. I will try and use our age to our advantage and that we have a future together. She previously was at university but had to drop out as of lack of funds. She was doing a tourism degree. Do you think she has a chance of getting the visa? How much money would I need in the bank? thanks

  2. Hi guys I am new to all this so bare with me. I am 20 years old from the UK, I have a Thai girlfriend who is 23. We have been together for 1 year. We meet when I was travelling through Asia. After I starting seeing her I had to leave the country because my visa only had a few days left on it so I went to Laos and Cambodia for 1 month. We kept our relationship going while I was away. When I came back I was invited to stay in her home in Bangkok with her parents which is a big thing to do as to live with a girlfriends and not be married is against the Thai culture. The parents wouldn't except any money from me even though they are poor. In July I had to come home back to the UK. I stayed at home for 2 months and then returned to Thailand while I was in the UK we kept in touch speaking everyday. I stayed in Thailand from Sept to March again living with her and her parents. Now I am back home and missing her a lot. I was wondering how much money would I need in the bank to sponsor her, she will be staying with my parents house free food and accommodation. She goes to university so I think that would be a good reason for her to return. We have about 300+ pictures together and I ring her everyday using Skype. I was also wondering how do you save and print out your call list from Skype.

    I hope to you can help thanks :)

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