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Posts posted by tombradly

  1. What do you guys think would be the next appropriate step Govt could take if this violence carries on for furhter 2-3 days ?

    Guys with "kill them all" approach pls don't reply...

    There is surely only one person who can stop this now.

    Yep. Agreed.


    It's a bird

    It's a plane


    It's Superman

    The Head of the UN? NO

    David Beckham? NO

    GW? NO

    The POPE? God NO

    But--the Pope would love Thailand.

  2. Well, anyone who speaks Thai or has a Thai wife needs to watch this!! If your wife watches it, get the kleenex ready!

    Watch This!

    (can anyone tell me how to embed youtube videos on this site?)

    My wife, MIL, sisters etc, just watched it and all burst into sobbing tears. It is above politics and shows the real feelings of the normal Thai person as to what is happening in this country right now.

    If anyone can give a better translation please do, but what I picked up was this. The guy picks up an award at a Thai TV awards show, and during the speech says something along the following lines. "This 'house' used to have lots of fighting, the family were never happy and fought about everything. Then along came our Father, he worked so hard to build a beautiful new 'House' for us, where we could all be happy and live together. As a young boy, I grew up in such a happy house and my Father loved us all and we all loved him so dearly. Now some members of our family are fighting for someone else and want to destroy our 'house', and hurt our Father and even take him away. Why? If you don't love our Father anymore, then just leave our House and let us be happy once again with him, we love him and we would all die for him"

    All very emotional and a standing ovation. It is flying around the Thai social networking sites at the speed of light. If this is broadcast to the 'normal' red protestors they will all go home within 20 minutes of watching it.

    I just have a feeling tht those people living upcountry in Isaan and other regions aren't the active on "social networking sites" ... I may be wrong though ... :)

    And Thailand has its priorities pretty clear when they can hold a TV award function while quite a big part of the city is buring...

    Let them eat Cake say the elite.

  3. The Sunday Times <script type=text/javascript> May 16, 2010

    <H1 class=heading>From coup to class war</H1><H2 class="sub-heading padding-top-5 padding-bottom-15"></H2>

    <script type=text/javascript> gSiteLife.Recommend("ExternalResource", "7127797","http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/article7127797.ece"); Recommend? (4) div#related-article-links p a, div#related-article-links p a:visited { color:#06c; } What has divided 'the Land of Smiles'?

    A Buddhist kingdom, Thailand is polarised between its elites and the poor in a struggle for power that has turned Bangkok into a war zone. The violence is threatening Thailand's vital tourism industry. Although 800,000 Britons a year holiday in the kingdom, there have been mass cancellations since the Foreign Office warned about the risks to visitors

    What started it?

    In 2006, Thaksin Shinawatra, the popular prime minister, was ousted in a military coup:

    a miscalculation that made him a hero to the masses. Most polls suggest he would win any free and fair election. But Thaksin, a billionaire telecoms tycoon turned politician, is feared and hated by his rivals in the elite. They will do anything to stop him coming back

    Who are the Red Shirts?

    They started out supporting Thaksin but are now a mass movement preaching social change and class war politics. They are a challenge to the old order, which is built around the monarchy and the army. Among their ranks they include students and activists, as well as many down-to-earth villagers

    What do the protesters want?

    They regard the prime minister, Abhisit Vejjajiva, a British-born Newcastle United supporter who came to power in December 2008, as a puppet of the military.

    They are demanding that he dissolve parliament and call elections

    What's going to happen?

    Thailand's old hierarchy is on the way out. The gap between rich and poor is too wide. Discussion of Thailand's most important institution, the monarchy, is stifled by strict laws. The revered King Bhumibol is old and sick. A privileged class of courtiers, soldiers and businessmen could see their status threatened, so there could be much more bloodshed before any genuine reform

  4. According to international news, the government is sending the Thai Red Cross into the mob's encampment tomorrow to try and convince women, children and anyone who want's to t leave - can't say fairer than that. Those who remain will have to accept the consequences.

    There is no way anyone in his right mind can blame the government for any deaths after so much effort.

    Get out, go home or ..........

    actually I don't understand 'it is tomorrow' and why it is not TODAY ?

    I think the reason is that they have been increasing the pressure over the last few day's hoping to persuade more people to realize that if they stay, they will get hurt or die. Tomorrow will be the last attempt to remove as many as possible and than, serious action will follow shortly

    The men in Black are sitting quietly and waiting.

    They have not given away their positions.

    If they are charged upon, they will fill the streets with dead young Thai army members.

    They shot 245 in just 10 minutes but were using rubber bullets the last time they were charged at.

    This time, the bullets will be real.

    I predict that the army cannot get any large number of army to go against the group.


    Most are pro red.

    Their friends in Black are also army and have warned them.

    The endless warnings by the joke Thai government will become just endless threats with nothing to back them up.

    Good luck because the fight could turn into war if the reds are attacked in force.

    Just my opinion of course.

  5. Why is it some people cannot respond to a post they disagree with without name calling? Do they not realize it will almost surely result in a suspension? Reminds of this illegal red mob who just keep shooting themselves in the foot in terms of having any of their grievances heard ... if they have any real ones beyond house dissolution.

    oic You strictly observe your own warning! Are you exempt from you own rule?

    Quoted from your post " illegal red mob "


    wow, some reds here really should visit a psychiatrist quickly!

    " illegal red mob " is a statement of fact - its a mob and it is illegal and to take it further, its a mob with a strong terrorist fraction mixed in

    I am sure we all understand that one man's terrorist could very well be another's freedom fighter and Patriot. The dems were calling Bush a Nazi and the repubs in America were upset. Now the Repubs call Obama, a Dem, a Nazi, and-it is just fine for them and the Dems cry.

    Of course it would be good to see legal means taken to solve the problems in Thailand but when one group has overwhelming power and simply rejects any loss in an election as against the law, things are bound to deteriorate.

    It is truly amazing how so many defend a regime that has done 18 coups or more in the last 70 years. These defenders seem to have selective Armenia when they say the regime never shoots unarmed people. All one has to do is do a google search to see the murders in the past.

    <H1 id=firstHeading class=firstHeading>6 October 1976 Massacre</H1><H3 id=siteSub>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</H3>Jump to:navigation, search 6 October 1976 Massacre250px-Sculpture_of_6_October_1976_Memorial.jpg

    6 October 1976 Massacre Memorial in Thammasat University, BangkokLocationThammasat University and at Sanam Luang in Bangkok, ThailandDateOctober 6, 1976 (UTC +8)TargetDemonstrationAttack typeShootingWeapon(s)Small armsDeath(s)46Injured167Belligerent(s)Pramarn Adireksarn (deputy prime minister), Lieutenant-General Chumphon Lohachala (police), Prachuap Khirikhan (Border Patrol Police)The Massacre of 6 October 1976 ( เหตุการณ์ 6 ตุลา) was an attack on students and protesters that occurred on the campus of Thammasat University and at Sanam Luang in Bangkok. Students from various universities were demonstrating against the return to Thailand of Field Marshall Thanom Kittikachorn, a former military ruler. By the official count, forty-six people died in the attack, during which protesters were shot, beaten and their bodies mutilated.[1]

    Following the Fall of Saigon in April 1975, rightists became convinced that Thailand would be the next Communist target and that the country's unruly left-wing students promoted the enemy's interests.[2] Major-General Pramarn Adireksarn plotted and organized a coup for months, at first as defense minister and later as deputy prime minister. Right-wing paramilitary groups were armed and trained and a crackdown was prepared.

    The day before the massacre, a photo of a mock hanging by Thammasat demonstrators was published in the Bangkok press. To many, the students in the photo appeared to be hanging the Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn in effigy. In response, outraged paramilitary forces gathered outside the university that evening.

    Lieutenant-General Chumphon Lohachala, deputy director of the national police, ordered an attack in the morning and authorized free fire on the campus. A junta headed by Admiral Sa-ngad Chaloryu seized power immediately after the massacre. The membership of the junta was more moderate than that of Pramarn's faction and the relationship between the factions remains poorly understood.[1] The junta appointed Tanin Kraivixien, a hard-line anti-communist and a royal favorite, as prime minister.

    Now before you say that was a long time ago, this is the same ruling regime.

    It has used over 18 coups and endless murder to hold power against the will of the people.

    Now we can all watch the propaganda machine Thai style and laugh.

    Remember Thais.

    When the regime falls someday, and it will, you will be judged. if you write nonsense here, it will likely be used against you if the government takes revenge for the killings by the ruling Junta.

  6. To have sharpshooters taking head shots at people presenting them no direct threat or actual bodily harm is simply escalating this and not solving it.

    From your keyboard, how are you possibly able to ascertain that the soldiers are under no direct threat?

    Look at Sa Daeng he was no threat he was being interviewed not armed no threat at all

    All of your posts are absolutely ridiculously biased....

    I really can not read your crap anymore.....

    But please keep on posting........We are in a democracy

    Why is it you allow the rightwing to insult like this Thaivisa?

  7. Compare and Contrast.

    The UK has an election and a long time government is removed.

    The New PM quickly forms a government and the old PM quietly and politely steps down.

    All happens in one month.

    Thailand has an election and the reds win.


    Party is disbanded by a puppet court.

    New election.

    Reds win again.

    Court removes the PM for doing a cooking show on TV.

    Now after 18 or 19 coups, Thailand says it is shocked by people being upset.

    Why on earth would anyone here be surprised?


  8. While we are all allowed to have opinions, we must know that the opinion of a farang in Thailand is not worth a thing.

    I mean really people.

    Most of you people here are in Thailand for less than proud reasons.

    If Adolf Hitler were running the place, you would be fine with it as long as the bars and the women were still going on for you.

    If Gandhi were outside and got shot down by an army sniper, you would say------Gandhi had it coming. You would then type right-wing nutcase posts here which are never deleted. All the guys who post any strong defense of the reds here are thrown off.

    Rush Limbaugh--a right-wing loudmouth jerk on American radio, would love it here. He could make fun of the poor Thai people dead on the street by playing his sick song--I ain't Got a Home.

    Really people.

    You posters here, on the right, are the kinds that were happy when the students at Kent State Ohio were gunned down during Nixon's time as President USA!

    You Loved Margret Thatcher who loved Reagan who were both idiots.

    People want fair elections, and you laugh.

    People want justice and you laugh.

    People get killed by Thai army snipers by the dozens and you laugh.

    The way this thing here at Thaivisa is run is indeed shameful.

    If the people ever do win power in Thailand, they should look into what went on in the media.

    What a sick post.

    Well... I'm laughing at his post :)

    Yes and everytime you reply, others read his good post.


  9. While we are all allowed to have opinions, we must know that the opinion of a farang in Thailand is not worth a thing.

    I mean really people.

    Most of you people here are in Thailand for less than proud reasons.

    If Adolf Hitler were running the place, you would be fine with it as long as the bars and the women were still going on for you.

    If Gandhi were outside and got shot down by an army sniper, you would say------Gandhi had it coming. You would then type right-wing nutcase posts here which are never deleted. All the guys who post any strong defense of the reds here are thrown off.

    Rush Limbaugh--a right-wing loudmouth jerk on American radio, would love it here. He could make fun of the poor Thai people dead on the street by playing his sick song--I ain't Got a Home.

    Really people.

    You posters here, on the right, are the kinds that were happy when the students at Kent State Ohio were gunned down during Nixon's time as President USA!

    You Loved Margret Thatcher who loved Reagan who were both idiots.

    People want fair elections, and you laugh.

    People want justice and you laugh.

    People get killed by Thai army snipers by the dozens and you laugh.

    The way this thing here at Thaivisa is run is indeed shameful.

    If the people ever do win power in Thailand, they should look into what went on in the media.

    What a sick post.

    It was a good post.

  10. They shoot a red, a Thai General, and think they are safe?

    No man is bullit proof.

    Lots of Thai military snipers who love their general can and will take revenge.

    New movie titles

    Bangkok Very Very Dangerous.

    Bangkok Burning

    War and Peace Thailand

    The Rise and Fall

    What do you mean the beer is gone?

    Is cambodia nice?

    Thai Military love Thai people-dead

    Indonnesia revolt, THAI style.

    Hey, those American Aircraft Carriers are close

    Assassinations can go on and on on all sides.

    Are those issan slaves worth the death of Thailand?

    Rich old jerks

    Upper Class scum

    So you idiots think your sht does not stink?

    Dumb Dumber and Dumbest

    I did not kill my brother

  11. Countries warn against travel to Thailand

    <H2></H2> By Ploy Ten Kate, Reuters May 15, 2010 9:33 AM showTab("text/html"); function resizeImage() { var imgBox = document.getElementById('imageBox'); var photo = document.getElementById('storyphoto'); if (imgBox != null && photo != null) { if(photo.width >= 460) { imgBox.className = 'imagesize460'; } else { if(photo.width >= 300) { imgBox.className = 'imagesize310'; } else { imgBox.className = 'imageboxpadding'; } imgBox.style.width = photo.width + 'px'; } } } function getStoryFontSize() { var storyfontsize = getCookie('storyfontsize'); var storyfontimage = getCookie('storyfontimage'); // use cookied value, if present if (storyfontsize != null) { setClass('story_content',storyfontsize); if (storyfontimage != null) { setClass('fontsizecontainer',storyfontimage); } } else // default it to para14 if no cookie { setClass('story_content','para14'); setClass('fontsizecontainer','size02'); } } function setStoryFontSize(storyfontsize,storyfontimage) { setClass('story_content',storyfontsize); setClass('fontsizecontainer',storyfontimage); setCookie('storyfontsize', storyfontsize, '365', '/', '', ''); setCookie('storyfontimage', storyfontimage, '365', '/', '', ''); } function setCookie( name, value, expires, path, domain, secure ) { // set time var today = new Date(); today.setTime( today.getTime() ); if ( expires ) { expires = expires * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; //days } var expires_date = new Date( today.getTime() + (expires) ); document.cookie = name + "=" + escape( value ) + ( ( expires ) ? ";expires=" + expires_date.toGMTString() : "" ) + ( ( path ) ? ";path=" + path : "" ) + ( ( domain ) ? ";domain=" + domain : "" ) + ( ( secure ) ? ";secure" : "" ); } function getCookie( check_name ) { // split this cookie up into name/value pairs var a_all_cookies = document.cookie.split( ';' ); var a_temp_cookie = ''; var cookie_name = ''; var cookie_value = ''; var b_cookie_found = false; // set boolean t/f default f for ( i = 0; i < a_all_cookies.length; i++ ) { // split apart each name=value pair a_temp_cookie = a_all_cookies.split( '=' ); // and trim left/right whitespace while we're at it cookie_name = a_temp_cookie[0].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''); // if the extracted name matches passed check_name if ( cookie_name == check_name ) { b_cookie_found = true; // we need to handle case where cookie has no value but exists (no = sign, that is): if ( a_temp_cookie.length > 1 ) { cookie_value = unescape( a_temp_cookie[1].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') ); } // note that in cases where cookie is initialized but no value, null is returned return cookie_value; break; } a_temp_cookie = null; cookie_name = ''; } if ( !b_cookie_found ) { return null; } } BANGKOK, May 15 (Reuters) - Many countries have issued travel advisories for the Thai capital since Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva declared a stage of emergency in April to quell unrest that has killed 27 people and wounded around 1,000.

    Tensions are returning after troops fired at protesters on Saturday in a third day of fighting that has killed another 22 people on Bangkok’s streets as soldiers struggle to isolate a sprawling encampment of demonstrators seeking to topple the government.

    The U.S. Embassy offered to evacuate families and partners of U.S. government staff based in Bangkok on a voluntary basis, and is urging its citizens against any travel to Bangkok, in its latest update to be issued soon. _ 1/8nSGE64E033_ 3/8

    Arrivals at Bangkok’s main Suvarnabhumi airport dropped by a third in April, putting a government target of 15.5 million tourists this year in doubt and dealing a blow to an industry that supports 6 percent of the economy.

    Tourist arrivals to Thailand were 16,989 per day on May 5, or a 3.6 percent drop from the same period of 2009, according to the latest industry data.

    Following are some advisories from foreign governments:

    THE UNITED STATES - The U.S. Embassy will soon issue a new alert urging its citizens against any travel to Thailand’s capital, the embassy spokesman said on Saturday.

    "Before we were advising against all non-essential travel to Bangkok. Now we are asking for Americans to stay away from Bangkok, essential travel or not," spokesman Michael Turner, told Reuters.

    The last U.S. travel advisory, issued April 28, warned only against non-essential travel to Thailand.

    In 2009, 627,000 Americans came to Thailand.

    BRITAIN - The British Embassy warned on Saturday of "intense violence" in two areas of the capital. "We expect shooting and intense violence in Ratchaprarop, Din Daeng area and other violent areas," the embassy said in a statement, referring to areas in Bangkok where troops and protesters have clashed.

    "As a further precaution, please avoid department stores in Bangkok. If safe to do so, please return home or stay where you are safe."

    In 2009, 841,000 British tourists came to Thailand, more than from any other European country, according to government data.

    "There is a high threat from terrorism throughout Thailand. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places frequented by expatriates and foreign travellers," it said in its website.

    In 2009, 841,000 British tourists came to Thailand, more than from any other European country, according to government data.

    GERMANY - The German government has issued a heightened security alert for Thailand and tour operators have cancelled tours to Bangkok and some destinations in northern provinces.

    Some 573,000 Germans visited Thailand in 2009.

    CANADA - Canada warned against non-essential travel to Thailand. "The situation is very volatile and it is unclear for how long these protests will continue and which areas may be affected."

    Canadians should exercise high degree of caution, and, if violence erupts, remain indoors. About 170,000 Canadians came to Thailand in 2009.

    AUSTRALIA - The Australian government has also advised its citizens to "reconsider your need to travel to Thailand".

    "There is a strong possibility of violent clashes in Bangkok and in other parts of Thailand between demonstrators and security forces. These clashes could involve the use of lethal force and could occur at any time."

    In 2009, 647,000 Australians visited Thailand.

    NEW ZEALAND- New Zealand warned against non-essential travel to Thailand and advised citizens concerned about their safety to consider leaving the country.

    "The situation is highly volatile and dangerous."

    "We strongly advise New Zealanders remaining in Bangkok to avoid and stay well clear of all areas where protest groups, police and troops are assembled as violent confrontation between the groups could erupt with little or no notice," it said.

    Some 88,000 New Zealanders visited Thailand in 2009.

    JAPAN - Japan raised its security risk level for Thailand to 2 out of the maximum 4 since April 27, advising its nationals to seriously reconsider travel plans to the affected areas and take precautions if they did decide to make a trip. Just over a million Japanese tourists came to Thailand in 2009.

    CHINA - Beijing warned its people not to visit and to "temporarily leave Bangkok if possible" if already there.

    Chinese tourists cancelled in droves in April after violence on April 10 that spilled into the Khao San Road area, popular with low-budget travellers. Some 778,000 people travelled to Thailand from China in 2009. Another 319,000 came from Hong Kong.

    SINGAPORE - Singaporeans have been advised against non-essential travel to Bangkok since April 10. "Singaporeans who are already in Bangkok are strongly advised to remain indoors as far as possible and avoid unnecessary travel within the city, in particular to avoid the areas where demonstrations are occurring."

    SOUTH KOREA - South Korea is advising its citizens to avoid travel to Bangkok and other parts of Thailand.

    TAIWAN - Taiwan is maintaining its "red" level alert on travel to the Bangkok area. Red is the highest level of alert in Taiwan’s four-tier warning system and urges nationals to refrain from travelling to the affected area. About 350,000 Taiwanese tourists visited Thailand last year.

  12. i hope the reds can get what they are wanting and that democracy and fair justice for all.....

    Are you insinuating that the Reds want real democracy and fair justice? Did you just pull in from Jupiter (where people are stupider) or from Uranus (where, ....oh never mind)?


    What people do NOT want to be treated fairly and with justice?

    It is funny that so so many people here post attacks on the reds in English.

    Looks like the western governments are not on your side.

    None of them are condemning the Reds.

    Even here in Asia, most governments are not condemning the Reds.

    I thought you and your kind said this would be over quickly?

    The army charged toward the Reds and some men in Black opened up on them.

    The video of the army running is quite educational.

    Those guys dressed in Black are Thai military shooting at their own.

    No charge after has occurred.

    All the posts about the Reds likely losing the next election reminds me of the Republican right wing nuts in America who say they will kick Obama's rump in the next election.

    He will win again and likely win by even a bigger margin. The rightwing idiots in formerly Bush run Nazi America are upset. They hate him.

    BUT they are just shooting their fat mouths off.

    Here, you who hate the reds are screaming because you know the Reds will win.

    Quit your crying.

    It is stupid and dense.

  13. Luv the comments re the "double standard" at work... No standard at all, more like it. Neither Reds nor Yellows in jail, last time I looked.

    Normal but true Thai way.

    Rich people or powerful people never go to jail.

    The reds saw this speech from Sir Winston and liked it.

    "We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old."


    Of course it needs to made into Thai and go something like this.

    We shall go on to the end, we shall fight on Sukhumvit, we shall fight on Asoke, we shall fight with or without beer, we shall fight and watch TV, we shall talk to the bar girls and to the girls on the streets, we shall fight even when it is hot and the football game is on TV, we shall never surrender.

  14. And the so-called democracies should mind their own business and clean their own houses first. Thailand is a sovereign kingdom and not a colony of the so called democratic west (actually a form of corporatism). Thailand should turn East not West.... To China especially....


    Here is a direct quote from one of your posts.

    "Marx wrote an essay about the power of money in capitalist society, and thaksin is a prime example to prove Marx's words... Prime Minister Abhisit is far more a progressive than and even to the left of socially than former prime minister

    and fugitive Thaksin."

    So you like Red China?

    That is where Thailand should go for leadership?

    I think most Thais would strongly disagree with you.

    For sure, the ruling class would dislike your view.

    So are you against the reds but for red China?

    You say Thailand should lean to China but you hate socialism and communism?

    Strange fews

    I said I hate socialism? Where...? I have admired China since I was a teen in the 60s. And yes I like China. And most Thai I talk to see the West as declining in power and China gaining the ascendancy as the superpower of the 21st century, while the West rests on the laurels of the first half of the 20th century.... Indeed Thailand is gradually moving closer to China economically and strategically. The sun is setting on the West and rising in the East...

    Against the reds and for China - there is co correlation between the redshirts and China other than that some are former maoists (such as Dr. Weng) who have now sold their souls to Thaksin. There is no significant communist or left movement in Thailand, and the reds are in no way socialist, no more than Hitler's SA who usurped socialist rhetoric for a fascist and racist agenda. Though whether China is socialist any longer or not is a subject that is open to debate...

    You might find yourself surprised by how much admiration there is for China amongst Thais, unless of course your associations are primarily bargirls... Everyone I speak too see China as the center in this century.

    If the redshirts were genuine socialists instead of a billionaire's private army their complaints of social injustice might resound with me, though I find I like the Thai way of things. But I like the Thai monarchy and have embraced the concept of Dhammic Socialism espoused by Buddhadasa. As it is however, their slogans are no more than empty rhetoric aimed at the return of a genuine reactionary to a position of power in Thailand.

    As it is in Thailand I see no need for faux revolutionaries cloaking themselves in left rhetoric.

    And I support the monarchy here, perhaps the only place in the world where I can say that,

    So please before you ascribe things to me, get your facts straight dear Mr. Bradley. You can read right? I just wonder because you ascribe sentiments to me that I never expressed or seem to assume that I should support the reds... Mr. Bradley am I correct that you mistakenly consider the reds socialist? And that you therefore blindly support them because of that mistaken assumption? Or is it beyond your cognitive abilities to recognize the incongruence between their rhetoric and their support for a billionaire along with their violent actions against anyone who disagrees with them?

    Mr Bradley China will eclipse all the Western countries to rise in the 21st century to be the economic, technological, scientific, and military power of the 21st century. And China is where countries in the East, including Thailand, will shift their alliances. But this is Thailand Mr. Bradley and the redshirts are the topic. Where has China indicated any support for the reds? And where has China criticized Thailand in the slightest. Unlike the failed democracies of the West that tell Thailand to placate these terrorists while using drones to take out Al Qaeda leaders and dang anyone who is near them in the process....

    If I had belief in the West I would still be there, instead of in a kingdom that I love and would die for, and which I don't want to see destroyed by redshirt tyranny. And the tyrants in Thailand are indeed in the red camp. The Prime Minister is probably the most intelligent and articulate figure in Thai politics today though I have come to appreciate and respect Newin Chidchob.

    Gimme a break Mr. Bradley please... Read before you write... Hopefully you are not teacher here...

    You are NOT Thai.

    Why do you dislike your place of birth.


    The poor of Thailand support the Reds.

    You say you are a leftist.

    You are confused in backing the current government.

    It is a puppet of the ruling families who have done over 17 coups.

    You like Red China? The ruling 20 families hate the communists.

    You love Thailand and China?

    Oh well. Keep up the good work.

  15. And the so-called democracies should mind their own business and clean their own houses first. Thailand is a sovereign kingdom and not a colony of the so called democratic west (actually a form of corporatism). Thailand should turn East not West.... To China especially....


    Here is a direct quote from one of your posts.

    "Marx wrote an essay about the power of money in capitalist society, and thaksin is a prime example to prove Marx's words... Prime Minister Abhisit is far more a progressive than and even to the left of socially than former prime minister

    and fugitive Thaksin."

    So you like Red China?

    That is where Thailand should go for leadership?

    I think most Thais would strongly disagree with you.

    For sure, the ruling class would dislike your view.

    So are you against the reds but for red China?

    You say Thailand should lean to China but you hate socialism and communism?

    Strange fews

    I said I hate socialism? Where...? I have admired China since I was a teen in the 60s. And yes I like China. And most Thai I talk to see the West as declining in power and China gaining the ascendancy as the superpower of the 21st century, while the West rests on the laurels of the first half of the 20th century.... Indeed Thailand is gradually moving closer to China economically and strategically. The sun is setting on the West and rising in the East...

    Against the reds and for China - there is co correlation between the redshirts and China other than that some are former maoists (such as Dr. Weng) who have now sold their souls to Thaksin. There is no significant communist or left movement in Thailand, and the reds are in no way socialist, no more than Hitler's SA who usurped socialist rhetoric for a fascist and racist agenda.

    If the redshirts were genuine socialists instead of a billionaire's private army their complaints of social injustice might resound with me, though I find I like the Thai way of things. But I like the Thai monarchy and have embraced the concept of Dhammic Socialism espoused by Buddhadasa. As it is however, their slogans are no more than empty rhetoric aimed at the return of a genuine reactionary to a position of power in Thailand. As it is in Thailand His Majesty the King and the royal family have been a force for the positive.

    You might find yourself surprised by how much admiration there is for China amongst Thais, unless of course your associations are primarily bargirls...

    So please before you ascribe things to me, get your facts straight dear Mr. Bradley. You can read right? I just wonder because you ascribe sentiments to me that I never expressed or seem to assume that I should support the reds... Mr. Bradley am I correct that you mistakenly consider the reds socialist? And that you therefore blindly support them because of that mistaken assumption? Or is it beyond your cognitive abilities to recognize the incongruence between their rhetoric and their support for a billionaire along with their violent actions against anyone who disagrees with them?

    Mr Bradley China will eclipse all the Western countries to rise in the 21st century to be the economic, technological, scientific, and military power of the 21st century. And China is where countries in the East, including Thailand, will shift their alliances. But this is Thailand Mr. Bradley and the redshirts are the topic. Where has China indicated any support for the reds? And where has China criticized Thailand in the slightest. Unlike the failed democracies of the West that tell Thailand to placate these terrorists while using drones to take out Al Qaeda leaders and dang anyone who is near them in the process....

    If I had belief in the West I would still be there, instead of in a kingdom that I love and would die for, and which I don't want to see destroyed by redshirt tyranny. And the tyrants in Thailand are indeed in the red camp. The Prime Minister is probably the most intelligent and articulate figure in Thai politics today though I have come to appreciate and respect Newin Chidchob.

    Gimme a break Mr. Bradley please... Read before you write... Hopefully you are not teacher here...

  16. Simple list of problems for Thailand's ruling 20 families.

    1) Thailand faces pressure from World democratic nations to hold real and fair elections.

    2) Possible trade sanctions if Thailand fails to hold real elections.

    3) Elections will almost surely give the Reds power.

    4) Thai poor are in a slow but sure up-rising

    5) Older members of the Thai 20 family group, do not want real democracy in any way.

    6) Thai army is split. Most lower end troops including lower end officers, are for the reds. Most generals, but not all, are for the current ruling group.

    And the so-called democracies should mind their own business and clean their own houses first. Thailand is a sovereign kingdom and not a colony of the so called democratic west (actually a form of corporatism). Thailand should turn East not West.... To China especially....


    Here is a direct quote from one of your posts.

    "Marx wrote an essay about the power of money in capitalist society, and thaksin is a prime example to prove Marx's words... Prime Minister Abhisit is far more a progressive than and even to the left of socially than former prime minister

    and fugitive Thaksin."

    So you like Red China?

    That is where Thailand should go for leadership?

    I think most Thais would strongly disagree with you.

    For sure, the ruling class would dislike your view.

    So are you against the reds but for red China?

    You say Thailand should lean to China but you hate socialism and communism?

    Strange fews

  17. Simple list of problems for Thailand's ruling 20 families.

    1) Thailand faces pressure from World democratic nations to hold real and fair elections.

    2) Possible trade sanctions if Thailand fails to hold real elections.

    3) Elections will almost surely give the Reds power.

    4) Thai poor are in a slow but sure up-rising

    5) Older members of the Thai 20 family group, do not want real democracy in any way.

    6) Thai army is split. Most lower end troops including lower end officers, are for the reds. Most generals, but not all, are for the current ruling group.

  18. Same old same old here.

    All the reds get blocked and deleted here.

    The anti-Reds are free to trash the reds with names and attacks.

    Fair and honest just like Fox News in America.


    Thanks a lot Australia for giving that Nazi, Rupert, a passport so that he could move to America and feed the right-wing nuts, a strong but vocal minority, in the states.

    Might I suggest that fairness be used more on the filtering of posts.

    I understand that the current government is not red but take into account Thai visa, that the future could be different.

  19. It´s about time now to arrest these criminals!
    And who would they be? The present government who stole power and were never elected or the poor farmers and working class who want a democratically elected government. While I don't condone the violence it is never clear who is committing it. As a guest in thailand I suggest that you respect the will of the people for a demoncratic government. I am sure you would not settle for less in your country.

    Well said

  20. Has anyone ever tried to buy a legit copy of MicroSoft Windows in BKK?

    More hassle than it is worth.

    HAHAH! CSF.... you are right! And half the time, even the authentic versions are actually copies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    A disgrace!

    It is a disgrace. You are right on.

    I got my disc and made sure it was real by simply registering on line right at the store.

    Several times in the last 5 years I have been able to repair and reload my PC using the disc.

    Also, think about all of the updates you will not get if you do not have the real operating system.

    Several times in the past 5 years I have used the disc. Imagine the cost and trouble of going to Plantip 3 times or more to repair. Imagine your trouble getting your PC up and operating the way you like it. Imagine losing information. Not getting the real OS costs a person money.

    Just the make sure you get the real disc.

    Register it.


    I did and it has saved me money and trouble.

  21. Has anyone ever tried to buy a legit copy of Microsoft Windows in BKK?

    More hassle than it is worth.


    I did buy one and you are correct, it was not easy to do.

    The Company where I bought my HP PC was loading ALL INTO THE COMPUTER, I bought.

    When it was all loaded, I asked for the Microsoft Disc. I already had the HP disc. he told my wife in Thai, that they did not give out the discs. I then proceeded to tell the man calmly in English, that I would simply call Microsoft on the Phone write now. he then suddenly changed his mind and we were handed the Microsoft windows disc.

    By the way--you really do need it.

    If you want to do a repair, the disc can do it.

    If you need to clear you computer and reload the operating system, you need it.

    All the updates and so on are worth the money.

    I have done all of it and am still using the real OS for XP.

    Just demand the real one and in the end, you will save money and trouble.

    This has been my life experience.

  22. i buy 20 bottles of Budweiser(the very best beer in the world) in tesco for £10.00 thats 25 baht per bottle so cheaper to buy drink here in uk that p8s water in los, clothes? i buy good quality t-shirts and jeans for half the price for what i would pay in thailand the material on the t-shirts in thailand is rubbish , i buy shoes at half the price also,

    don't be fooled thailand is not cheap !!!!! for hotels maybe and the company of girls thats about it !!! oh and Thai food i forgot to mention is reasonable but saying that i can get a good subway samwhich here in uk for 100 baht, i can buy a steak in tesco for £2.00 100 baht ok its a good sized stewing steak but good quality beef all the same marinated in sauce over night and served with greens then it woulkd beat any meal ive had in los for 100 baht !!!

    I agree.

    I like drinking the Bud and it is a good beer.

    Your points pretty much hit it all on the head.

    The days of Thailand being a cheap place to live are a decade behind us all now.

    Back in 1997, a beer in a bar was 50 baht.

    The baht was a wreck and so the nation was cheap to visit with foreign currency.

    Now the baht is getting stronger and stronger.

    BUT--this too shall end. I find it hard to believe that the baht will be able to stay so strong much longer. The strong baht really hurts the Thai exports. It of course hurts the Thai tourism industry. The political wreck should be wrecking the baht as well.

    I am no expert but it seems very likely that the strong baht is based on Big money holding it up here in Thailand for political reasons. When it does get weaker, and it will, it will crash.

    BUT, if things get violent here, people will not come no matter how weak the baht gets.

    Home sweet Home.

  23. i buy 20 bottles of budweiser(the very best beer in the world) in tesco for £10.00 thats 25 baht per bottle so cheaper to buy drink here in uk that p8s water in los, clothes? i buy good quality t-shirts and jeans for half the price for what i would pay in thailand the material on the t-shirts in thailand is rubbish , i buy shoes at half the price also,

    dont be fooled thailand is not cheap !!!!! for hotels maybe andthe company of girls thats about it !!! oh and thai food i forgot to mention is resonable but saying that i can get a good subway samwhich here in uk for 100 baht, i can buy a steak in tesco for £2.00 100 baht ok its a good sized stewing steak but good quality beef all the same marinated in sauce over night and served with greens then it woulkd beat any meal ive had in los for 100 baht !!!

    I agree.

    I like drinking the Bud and it is a good beer.

    Your points pretty much hit it all on the head.

    The days of Thailand being a cheap place to live are a decade behind us all now.

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