It appears that some Thais haven't got the message yet. In this era, votes for pro-democracy platforms and politicians go directly into the bin. The reasons for this cannot even be discussed openly, because they'll be censored.
The only change now in the works is that the powers-that-be understand that the military minions can't make the economy run well enough to keep discontent at bay. That opens the door for one Tony Woodhouse to return to revive the country's economic engine as long as he drops all democratic pretense and allows junta parties a share of the power (such as interior ministry) to continue to suppress the population (freedom of speech, access to foreign media, and so on).
Unfortunately for Thailand, ultra-conservative politics and Thaksin-omics (sponsored by...) may very well prove to be a stable configuration, with majority support. It all comes down to how pragmatic the remaining PT voters, who have not yet been siphoned off by MF, are.