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Posts posted by TigerWan

  1. I shall always refer to Thailand as Lieland, as it seems that the entire code of conduct revolves around lying. OK for you guys and your sexual obsessions but for foreign women..... ??

    After 6 years, the only nice thing I can say is I enjoy the weather where I live.

    Really, way too many Thai Liars - can we just sort of take it over ? They don't deserve such a gorgeous country

  2. OK

    I have jumped through thte hoops -I have the company, I have the one year WP d as of yesterday , I have the revenue Dept registration number and 5 full time , 500- 700 baht a day employees for my WP

    my 90 day issued Non B expires this Friday ( I know , a holiday ) Do I really have to leave Thailand and obtain a brand new visa? (I used to get my investor visa extended at Immigration every year. )

    I cannot believe they expect new business owners to leave every 90 days , I simply cannot go.. My business has horses and I can not trust any worker to care for them for the three days it will take .

    I'm very close to just closing down ( though I haven't even opened yet ) and writing it off as a very very bad decision to even try to do business here, the worker situation is impossible,too.

    one worker tried to extort money when I informed him to make sure to bring his ID as the revenue Dept was due to pay a vist " YOu pay me more to show up that day.."

    Really not interested, anymore in supporting this attitude so prevalent in the country- that foreigners are aliens tobe used and abused..

    If you're thinking about it.. don't do it is my advice-

    So to Malaysia ? Or can it be done at immigration?

    Thanks in advance

  3. The Nation(alist) did an expose some years ago that found about half the school drinking fountains used lead lined containers.

    explains a lot about the infantile "me, me, me " mentality and utter lack of foresight pervasive within the culture. ( IMO )


    It was initially found some 7,681 schools provided drinking water via water coolers, and 3,605 of them used lead-lined tanks, she said. Obec would quickly survey every other school in the country.

    Well yours might not but I do know that Larry Cunningham does...and if being called out at 3/4 am in the morning to identify, then notify relevant authorities in Bangkok that their son/daughter is not coming home alive is not caring...then you are a bigger tosspot than I thought!!What a stupid ignorant statement by someone who hasn't got a clue!!

    Larry Cunningham has been unusually outspoken for a consulate representative (based on recent history). He has issued warnings reported widely in the Australian media about the seedier side of Phuket and has also spoken up more than once to Thai officials. It might be beating his head against the wall but at least he is saying something. I'm sure it doesn't help his standing in Phuket amongst certain self interested groups.

    Not sure it is about caring or not. I think there are some very well intentioned honorary consuls, and ambassadors here. But, what are they up against? A system that has zero interest or intention to change. Neither the central government, the state govt., the local govt. in Phuket, Samui, or Pattaya ( the scam capitals of thailand), the TAT, or the AOT have any interest in changing anything. The police are totally incompetent. They are bought and paid for whores. There are in my estimate less than 100 real police in the kingdom, who care about justice, and are unwilling to be bought and paid for. Where are those guys? Why doesn't anyone in power care, or why won't anyone put their ass on the line to improve their country? This is just another example of the paradox that exists with the proudest country I have ever been in, that has absolutely zero pride in doing a good job, providing a good product, or service, or making sure that tourists go home happy, content, and wanting to return to the LOS. If any rocket scientist amongst us can figure this one out, please let us know.

  4. Nice if them but I can no longer entertain the fantasy Thai authorities give a crap as they are obviously profiting from payola.

    As long as selling sex is Thailands a major draw, tourists will always.. er .. come, no matter the hassles and rip offs

    If we really wanted to change things we could always arm ourselves and simply take the island over. [ sarcastically serious smiley]

  5. It is beyond ridiculous the office, or any govt office is closed for lunch. Working people may only have that hour to get the errand done.

    And " Dress Polite" directives,

    All about imposing restrictions on "whitey" so as to feel superior.

  6. I suspect they will stamp in on that B visa entry if return to border and advise what happened (person was concerned with vehicle procedures and forgot?).

    More like confusing a second window at Customs for that of Immigration, along with a smiling waving - one- on officer and a sudden entry into a town street with a poorly labeled detour that seemed to be another unmanned area, er, person should just drive through, following traffic, avoiding dogs.

    Used the local's eastern Hitram gate apparently , not the usual tourists haunt Pedang border.

    Cluster Fckd

  7. ^ It is April, but Ihinking they will assign the prior obvious entry to that visa. and tell, er, person to go out and come back in.

    Better that than have a tourist stamp If there is have an interuption in the B visa, may well lose the status needed for the car import .

    Also now, no time to get the perm docs from BKK for import so that car will need to leave - again in three weeks - another horrid drive.

    Just as soon take it out, get another B - than lose the status and get a fresh 30 day car temp import - and also argue that ridicolus value assigned at the temp import - three times the Malay value, and about 7 times the US value..

    One would pay 2 million if the car is not exported in time - JHFC !!

    Thanks for the responses

  8. A call to Airport Immigration advised going to the provincial bureau. They advised road travel back to the border and seemed rather uninterested in harassing or arresting, er, the person. The head was much amused and called around so does not seem to be dire emergency.

    So, big question is, will the person lose that single entry B?

    I f so SOL to have to wait until Wed to be able to go to Penang. (CNY holiday Mon and Tues.)

    Lawyer concurs travel can wait so as to not have to wait in MY for 5 days if new B is needed.

    Does Langkawi have a Thai consulate?

  9. OK hypothetically if one drove in through the Malaysia border, having just gotten a fresh single entry B visa and went through customs OK, even declaring a vehicle on a 30 day temp import, but somehow managed to not go through immigration procedure, hence no entry stamp...

    The question is; what would the fine be per day ?

    And would they consider the B visa used and would one need to get fresh visa ?

    Thanks in advance for any response.

  10. Apparenty the law is different as not only is the " VIP" not searched, but his assualt goes wholly unpunished and he is allowed to go on his way apparently with apologies trailing him.

    Looks like this is in Japan , all the bowing. Thais don't bow, they wai.

    oh well ,nothing new as we would see normally here with people in power or with money in front of "little" people . This area is the biz class check control for TG ,many time I saw "so called "VIPs" thinking how different they are from the rest of the common people.

    When they will learn that law is the same for everybody .... but I guess they intend to forget easily .. Money talks again !!! how sad .... I wonder if me or another foreigner would have done the same what would have been the consequences . probably jail or big problem ...

  11. The simple answer is that its not worth the risk of investing in property in Thailand.

    As the old saying goes...only invest in Thailand what you are prepared to walk away from

    Ouch.. is it really that bad? lol

    is it just the visa issue?

    Or are there other issues?

    This property woiuldnt be in my name, it would be in my thai ladyfriends name, she lives out there.

    If that clarifies anything.

    Yes it is that bad, and putting anything in a Thai's name is just compounding the odds of getting screwed out of it.

    Used to be you could buy a condo for over 3 million, or buy a govt CD and get an investor visa which got one year extensions, now it's 10 million and btw, if the value of the property goes under 10 mil , you lose that visa eligibility.

    Thailand knows it's rep as where to go to get sex has it behaving like it does. Sex pats and tourists will do absolutely anything to reside here and the visa and residency rules reflect that.

    49 % Minority share in your own business , who on earth puts up with that? The sexually desparate is who.

    Can own a house , but not the land, condos are ok investment IF the ownership is structured properly but forget land , those 30 year leases are not investments but liability as any lease is- worthless to sell on

    Rent and rent cheap.

  12. The foreign fake lawyers will kill you on pricing and I've gotten it for 300 baht a page from a Thai notary ( with a lot of pages, though. ) Only Thai lawyers can register as notaries and real ones have numbers and seals.

    If it is for local purposes, go to your local Or BOr Tor, ( government ) Take someone who speaks Thai and you might want to call ahead just to make sure they are in for the day. Can get it done for much cheaper," less than 200 at Or Bor Tor " the notary who last notarised my docs told me .

    Be aware many times for international visa/ immigration purposes , only your embassy can cerifiy as authentic.

  13. I just have one question for the OP, aka Tigerwan. Do you wake up every single morning mad-at-the-world, or do you occasionally take a break?

    Just a topic on a forum about bad neighbors, kinda fun, share the utter idiocy, enlighten.

    No need to make personal, aggressive assumptions.


    Firstly, I thought I was being rather pleasant. But seriously, if it's all in fun, good-on-you. From the tone of many of your posts (and it's not just you, believe me), you seem to hate every Thai and pretty much everything about Thailand. Which would have led me to ask what-on-God's-Green-Earth are you doing in Thailand? But alas, no need to ask. It's all in fun....

    Hate is too strong a term, though my neighbors are certainly odious enough to warrant it. Disppointed is a better description of my view of the Thai culture.

    Why I'm here and reasons for staying are not subject to discussion on a public forum. I reserve the right to my observations for benefit of public knowledge and getting some venting relief.

    May I suggest if readers are offended, confused, angry or otherwise emotional by the tone of another'sa particular user's posts, instead of attempts of belittlement, they simply no longer read them.

    I beleive it is the forum intention to not foster personal conflicts which you seem to be forgetting in last responses.

    Maybe you can tell us how you enjoyed having a neighbor's fireworks exploding on your property at one time or another? Or how fun it was to have your animals scared?

    Just please remember, I don't see it that way, I see my neighbor's action past and present it as outlandishly rude behavior that borders on hostliity.

  14. ^ Vegetables don't vibrate.

    I consider it a deeply misogynist law, because as modern women all know, "rabbits" rule!


    This law in a land of insitutionalized prostitution is as sexist as it gets.

    Yeah , best keep vibrators away from the women, they might decide to forgo the men and save a lot of housework !!!

  15. Wondered how long it would take before the first sarcastic comment. The guy's just posting an observation <deleted>.

    There is a strong contigent on forums that seems to be unable to allow others their opinions and seek to discredit the opinions on a personal level with use of innuendo and slurs.

    I agree , Thais are not particularly considerate, look at how they drive. I would also add the famous politeness is just more of the facade, I've seen it drop into what is actually a nasty demeanor very quickly. It seems to be all about making it easy for themslelves rather than a genuine desire to be polite.

    Two- faced is the word I apply most frequently to their conduct.. One can argue we should not apply our moral standards to another culture and I can agree with that so I try not to.

    But the incessant lying gets a little hard to take- I firmly believe it really is an Asian more that is perfectly acceptable and if I could only warn potential expats of one thing, that would be it.

  16. As regards Malyasia, Penang will not issue you with a Non B multiple unless you can show them 8 million capitalisation

    Is this a mistake? it is only a 2 million registered capital company. (My God , did the rules just change? )

    I got the first B, 90 day, one entry from Penang on freelance WP with only 2 months validity left.

    Seems I can get at least that with a registered company... ?? No ??

  17. Had noisy neighbours in a condo once, what you need is a ghost.

    I glued up their door locks when they were IN, this means when they go out they cant lock their door, then every so often Id open their door and leave it open when they were away, Then get the girlfriend to say she heard crying in the room all night and let the maid see the open door. Wife suggests ghost to maid, maid tells whole building, tenant leaves.

    Someone else suggested if you have a small child get it to say why is the girl crying in the upstairs window every night or similar crap

    Good idea , I buried a horse a few years ago, maybe he should be resurrected- maybe wiht a headless rider?? This morning the kids were doing it again, and so I started watering them with a hose, Yep they hate water, like they are going to melt or something. "Whoops- sorry, did I soak your fireworks? ." Brats !!

    you ask what do thais hate most?? they hate it when you complain about something that you have nothing to do about it, but they really hate it when you move back to your country, so they dont have to listen to your complaints,

    Maybe thats what you should do, that will show them,

    Actually setting off fireworks aimed at my property certainly concerns me, in every way and I don't adhere to any Nationality's notions of common rudeness as a desirable trait and way of life. You really defend people with no respect for private property? Or safety? Or common courtesy? I'm not that much of an ass- kisser, thankfully.

    Besides, asshol_e neighbors exist everywhere, just in Thailand is it acceptable to shoot dangerous flaming objects at another person and her 30,000 baht baht worth of highly flammable hay-if she is a " whitey," that is.

    I think a real good old fashioned Celtic style curse is needed- on the entire Nation. Need to go bleed a chicken.wai.gif Wait ..., never mind it already is cursed- with its people !!.

    Sorry, I have no respect whatsoever for the culture as a whole and only for a very, very few individuals.

    I think I need to finish that book started 6 months after I moved here, Lie-Land I will call it because it certainly is just that-subtitled, The Real Thailand; When Cheap Sex is not a Consideration.

    you have obviously built up a good head of venom.

    one might ask why you persist if you hate the place an people so.

    certainly if you were my neighbor i would make little effort to placate you and your precious hay.

    i fiind it very difficult to believe your neighbors would throw firecrackers at your horses. I think you are just embellishing for effect the long the thread goes on.

    by the way is your signature intended to be ironic?

    My neighbors had many guests with children and they were pointing flying fire works in my property direction and some were landing inside of the property near to where animals are homed.

    My request to not do so were ignored, until one responsible guest noticed and stopped the kids. (Then the adult ddi the dripping lantern and fired guns )

    Certainly seems rather uncivilized and rude behavior to me. I submit you are simply attaching a personal dislike to your contribution to this thread . " head of venom. " Thus we really discuss my point of bad neighbors if you refuse to believe their actions and instead, wish a personl clash.

    Why even comment n the thread? I'm sure others will agree, and still others will think twice about where they live.

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