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Posts posted by ambros5

  1. There will be strong earthquake within this year which can create large tsunami. Three countries vast land will be wipe out with water.

    and your source of this information nostradamus ?

    Maybe someone at the TAT smoked all his stach in front of a police road check before making this announcement?

    Just a Troll trying to get attention

    I am a Malaysian and I don't need any attention. Among the three countries one is my ancestors country known as Sri Lanka. Once happened within this year then pray for the disasters of mother nature.

  2. I forgot ---can any one remember??? ....Did the army or police disperse the protesters that shut down the airport, or the government offices (two years ago) Or was that settled by a change in government?
    if you were been an officer at the time, would you dare again to try to disperse protesters after one of them get a funeral with special very guest attending as never happened before?

    me don't...

    How about for a change, have a look what facts CNN presents on this document. The Red Shirt leaders always say: how can the Thai Army shoot at people who are unarmed? This will once and for all open your eyes about the Red Shirts.

    opened my eyes wide ...

    they've been SO SILLY to show to media the weapons the seized from army (or left by) in the past 2 months

    they've been SO SO SO Silly to give them back...

    such a fool move!

    Only good people return to the owner unless they are terrorist?

  3. Abhisit did not give this order...his paymasters did. These families have been ordering the army to massacre many people over the last few decades including students. The problem these arrogant gits have is that they think they can keep doing it. ...These are ruthless people who will do anything to keep hold of their ill gained wealth. They are the reason this country is poorly educated and underdeveloped. Abhisit and the army are just pawns in their game..dont blame them. Some of my history is slighty rusty so I stand corrected

    i fear that something like this may explain the "third force" behind 10 april and the sae daeng assasination. yes, its just speculation.

    There is no such thing called third force. It was setup by intelligence special force. They work and take orders from government head. Usually this kind of situation they will put the blame to the third force and make themselves very clean. This is just to fool the public and push the blame to the opponents.

    Read the book about Chavalit and Taharn Prahn and then come back and talk to us

    I am a Malaysian. Usually I never read books. I had visited many trouble countries around the world and learn the truth from there.

  4. Abhisit did not give this order...his paymasters did. These families have been ordering the army to massacre many people over the last few decades including students. The problem these arrogant gits have is that they think they can keep doing it. ...These are ruthless people who will do anything to keep hold of their ill gained wealth. They are the reason this country is poorly educated and underdeveloped. Abhisit and the army are just pawns in their game..dont blame them. Some of my history is slighty rusty so I stand corrected

    i fear that something like this may explain the "third force" behind 10 april and the sae daeng assasination. yes, its just speculation.

    There is no such thing called third force. It was setup by intelligence special force. They work and take orders from government head. Usually this kind of situation they will put the blame to the third force and make themselves very clean. This is just to fool the public and push the blame to the opponents.

  5. I felt sorry to all Thais. My opinion --- Abishit is creating a guerilla unit (militants) among red by giving them free starve training. Even they cracked and clear the roads, sure there will be a guerialla warfare in the heart of Bangkok. Remember! the majority Thais are with Reds because they had captured twice legal electrol role and not absconding power through military. Only 40% are with Abishit.

    I think, the best solution was to dissolve the parliment and pave the way for election. Some of here were happy that Abishit going to crack the Reds but never realised what is going to happen in future. It will be a worst nightmare in Bangkok like Pakistan and Iraq. Anytime around the corner car bombs can explode and many Thai lives will be lost. After the crack the Reds can do this because they were named as terrorist by Abishit. It is better to do terrorist act rather than to be called as terrorist. If a innocent was called thief then he has right to steal. There is no point one arguing that he was innocent.

    It is very hard for the army to win this war because all are same Thais. It is not like in Sri Lanka were my Tamil people were once fight against the majority sinhalese. So the Sinhalese Army easily won by Chinese and Pakistan supplied arms. But in Thailand it is impossible to control by army because of same people with different ideology. It is going to be Thais going to kill Thais. Possible North and North east can turn into republic of Thailand without king influence.

    Hey! do not take my writing very serious. It's only my opinion.

    Best regards.... from Malaysian.

  6. Right, so Suthep will surrender tomorrow and then what? More demands?

    They are not going to leave tomorrow.


    Suthep will surrender and walk on bail after 30 minutes, with a trial never happening. Just like the yellow shirts surrendered and walked on bail after 30 minutes and 2 years later, a trial is still not visible on the horizon.

    However, when the red shirts surrender, they will not be able to walk on bail after 30 minutes. The strictly enforced double standards in Thailand prohibit that. :)

    This is a political game. What the red are demanding seemed fair. If the VIP get 30 minutes bail then the red leaders too must get bail in thirty minutes. Or put everyone in the same cell of jail and watch the fun. The government words are not stronger to believe. They can tell one thing today and do another thing tomorrow. Who will guarantee that the parliment will be dissoloved in September? By the time army coup will take over and everyone had to wait another two year for democratic election.

    Best regards to all Thais from Malaysia.

  7. I am a Malaysian. Can anyone elaborate? Yellow Shirts are anti red shirts. How can they (Yellow Shirts) protested in 40 armed bases? Are they part of the military personals disguised in yellow? Does the yellow do not like peace? When they conquered the airport previously no one called them terrorist!!! Now they named their opponents "terrorist". Why? They can protest but others can't. Are the yellow shirts protesters holy? The recent shooting made me suspect that Yellow Shirts army intelligence have a part. The reason before they claim had confisticated about 60 over M79 grenade launcher from red shirt protesters motor bike. Is it confisticated red handed or planted later. I believe it was planted because they need to impilcate the red shirts are "terrorist". If one carry a weapon he won't left idle without using it. But the child story goes that Red Shirts left their M79 idle in their motor bike when the police attacked with rubber and real bullets. As a human being 'think'. I think Yellow Shirts have a part in this recent shooting.

    You seem to be sadly mis-informed on this matter. The person apprehended was a police sergeant - not the usual person to frame. The weapons he was carrying are M-79 grenade projectiles, which require a launcher - he didn't have one so using them as a weapon was not possible. As an ill-informed human being, you think wrong!

    Thanks for your info. I was once trained by Malaysian Army. Besides I had visited many protested place around the world. First one must study the gestapo rules of Hitler regime. How he start the world war? Whoever makes noise louder are more safer person. Whoever pretend to be more holy and silence were dangerous. I consider here reds a noisier and yellows are silent.

  8. I am a Malaysian. Can anyone elaborate? Yellow Shirts are anti red shirts. How can they (Yellow Shirts) protested in 40 armed bases? Are they part of the military personals disguised in yellow? Does the yellow do not like peace? When they conquered the airport previously no one called them terrorist!!! Now they named their opponents "terrorist". Why? They can protest but others can't. Are the yellow shirts protesters holy? The recent shooting made me suspect that Yellow Shirts army intelligence have a part. The reason before they claim had confisticated about 60 over M79 grenade launcher from red shirt protesters motor bike. Is it confisticated red handed or planted later. I believe it was planted because they need to impilcate the red shirts are "terrorist". If one carry a weapon he won't left idle without using it. But the child story goes that Red Shirts left their M79 idle in their motor bike when the police attacked with rubber and real bullets. As a human being 'think'. I think Yellow Shirts have a part in this recent shooting.

    ok lets be clear once and for all.

    the yellow shirts didnt " conquer" or invade the airport , they went there to " welcome" somchai who was returning from a trip , but there was so many that the director of AOT closed the airport by HIMSELF ... they rallied in the arrival lane OUTSIDE the airport at first and NEVER ASKED THE THE AIRPORT BE CLOSED ... ONCE the airport was closed BY AOT then they just sat there .....

    very easy to give the key of your house to a burglar and then accuse him to ransack your house ....

    ohhhh and NO I'M NOT PRO YELLOW , I think that the situation as it is today would not have happened if Abhisit had the balls to put Sondhi and Chamlong in Jail without parole for 5 years as soon as he became prime minister.

    Sorry! couple of hours I am not in the forum. Now as a Malaysian truly understand the Yellow shirts never invaded the International airport. They had waited the arrival of someone. You are correct. How about the red shirts waited for arrival of armed soldiers in Hospital. Why the doctors had to remove all the patients and gave the key to red shirts.

  9. I am a Malaysian. Can anyone elaborate? Yellow Shirts are anti red shirts. How can they (Yellow Shirts) protested in 40 armed bases? Are they part of the military personals disguised in yellow? Does the yellow do not like peace? When they conquered the airport previously no one called them terrorist!!! Now they named their opponents "terrorist". Why? They can protest but others can't. Are the yellow shirts protesters holy? The recent shooting made me suspect that Yellow Shirts army intelligence have a part. The reason before they claim had confisticated about 60 over M79 grenade launcher from red shirt protesters motor bike. Is it confisticated red handed or planted later. I believe it was planted because they need to impilcate the red shirts are "terrorist". If one carry a weapon he won't left idle without using it. But the child story goes that Red Shirts left their M79 idle in their motor bike when the police attacked with rubber and real bullets. As a human being 'think'. I think Yellow Shirts have a part in this recent shooting.

    This power struggle is not about "red shirts" vs. "yellow shirts". It is about the power brokers behind the scenes who are pulling the strings. Think "chess game" not "class struggle".

    These people had created division among Thais. This part is very dangerous in future. Country can split into three. South by Muslim. Bangkok by Yellow shirts and army. North and northeast by red shirts. My believe, if police or army crack the red shirts the danger lies beyond. Maybe the ruling elite success in clearing the street. But they had created an army of militants to fight independant state in North and North East. They can conduct urban guerilla wars. These militants can be easily trained in full combat by their neighbour countries where yellow shirts claiming the Anggor Wat.
  10. I am a Malaysian. Can anyone elaborate? Yellow Shirts are anti red shirts. How can they (Yellow Shirts) protested in 40 armed bases? Are they part of the military personals disguised in yellow? Does the yellow do not like peace? When they conquered the airport previously no one called them terrorist!!! Now they named their opponents "terrorist". Why? They can protest but others can't. Are the yellow shirts protesters holy? The recent shooting made me suspect that Yellow Shirts army intelligence have a part. The reason before they claim had confisticated about 60 over M79 grenade launcher from red shirt protesters motor bike. Is it confisticated red handed or planted later. I believe it was planted because they need to impilcate the red shirts are "terrorist". If one carry a weapon he won't left idle without using it. But the child story goes that Red Shirts left their M79 idle in their motor bike when the police attacked with rubber and real bullets. As a human being 'think'. I think Yellow Shirts have a part in this recent shooting.

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