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Status Updates posted by vallapawilliam

  1. I agreed with the idea of female college students wearing longer skirt while attending college, or important functions related to education. I, myself, have observed young ladies in very short skirts trying to get on and off the bus to and from their campus, and having difficult time doing so. Those young ladies may wear any thing and at any length they want to , but not while during attending college or school functions.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. filingaccount


      And the next step we should restrict females showing their legs at work, then they can not wear short sleeve blouses. hel_l, why don't we just make them all wear burkas and black full covering dresses, just like the Iranians, Saudis etc? That would take care of "the woman problem" all together. Yes, DO IT!

      vallapawilliam, don't be ridiculous. Restriction of anyones person and personal tastes, to put it mildly, is crazy at best.

    3. mrtoad


      nonsense, puritanical BS. Students attending University should be allowed to wear what they want.

    4. vallapawilliam


      It's OK if you don't agree with my opinion of expressing inappropriateness for the Thai young ladies in very short skirt. We already have too many young ladies here in Thailand who want to show off their body to get attention from others, and it's about time to have appropriate uniform rules for young college students, at least to keep young men on campus to concentrate on their education, not in thinking about sex.

  2. Thank you all who shared your responses to my thoughts about what should/could happen to Jeff Savage. They all were very interesting comments. Have a good day!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Somtamnication


      Yes, he is a jerk and needs a bloody nose. But in the UK, you can do and say anything and you WILL NOT be put in front of the media. Here, they used him and the other idiot to help forget the other 30k Thais who destroyed BKK. He is a scapegoat. Look up hypocrisy. Thailand is full of it.

    3. TBWG


      vallapawilliam I think you would be extremely shocked if you visited the UK and experienced the derision our royal family has to live with

    4. noel2499rk


      The Queen of England is a waste of money and should be sold to the Americans.

  3. As a Thai, I found Jeff Savage's behavior and language he used to be very repulsive indeed. Thailand does not need a visitor like him to be around here. Can you imagine what could happen to a Thai if he/she should speak out against the British government in such an offensive language while visiting England! Would you think that the government there would tolerate such action and speech? We need to kick him out of Thailand.te

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mrtoad


      I think most of us Brits here, have little good to say about Jeff Savage - however, I don't think you have any clue as to how the British authorities would react to such an action, if that is what you believe.

    3. Pitbullman1


      I agree with what you have to say OP. He should never be allowed to enter this Kingdom again. In the UK we do have the right to voice our opinions about the Goverment etc. But this moron took it a bit too far for my liking.

    4. seaneee


      You are right that Mr Savage lives up to his name perfectly however, the UK is full of muslims who preach nothing but hate about our country and our government and i can assure you that the authorities do little or nothing about it. However if a British person dares say something about it then he/she will most likely be charged with racism!

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