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Posts posted by thaifoolishness

  1. 29 minutes ago, Lemsta69 said:

    I know how the Thais say it and he's not even close. he should stay home at his boozer where nobody has to wear masks or anyfink.

    He is closer than most, ok perhaps with a bit of a cockney accent, but most people here get it totally wrong calling it 'Pa-thai-ya' - which is much worse than his effort.

  2. Does anybody know if the Champions League final is being shown on Thai TV ch 36, PPTV? 
    This channel usually has football in dual language English/Thai and according to their schedule  at https://www.pptvhd36.com/schedule there is a program called 'Home of Football Weekend' which seems to be on from 0200 to 0400 (actually 0430 - or that is when the following program is listed as starting).
    That is the right time I think, but I wonder why there is no publicity for it?

  3. Just now, Airalee said:

    Looking online, there is only one store in all of Thailand (at the Crystal Design Center in BKK) that sells Simmons mattresses.  Maybe someone is selling knockoffs somewhere else that are made in Thailand?  

    I do have to say that I was disappointed that what I paid $2,200 for back in the US (Beautyrest Black Series) would have been 3-6 times the price here.  And the US made models aren’t even available here...only the Japanese.

    Don't know about where they were or are sold but most definitely not fake - official and licensed

    • Thanks 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, Airalee said:

    The Simmons are imported from Japan.  At least the one I bought was.  I tested some of the other international brands here and wasn’t impressed...perhaps because they are made in Thailand?

    I have actually seen Simmons mattresses being produced here in Thailand at non-Simmons factories with my own eyes - but, as you say, some like yours may be imported. Not many though I would suggest, as usually protection against imported competition is part of the franchise agreement.

    • Like 1
  5. On 12/9/2020 at 9:32 PM, Airalee said:

    Depending on budget...Simmons.  I’ve had Serta, Sealy, Stearns & Foster, Lotus.  Nothing has bettered my Simmons.  Make sure you hit their sales because full retail isn’t cheap.


    You spend 1/3 of your life in bed.  Don’t skimp on a mattress.  Your back will thank you for it.

    Many people aren't aware of this - but it is true. Simmons is another example:
    "It may be of interest to know that mattress brands such as Sealy & Slumberland are operated as franchises, just like McDonalds. The parent companies license the name to local mattress manufacturers to use on product sold within that country and usually protects them from imports using the same name. Although they have to adhere to certain material and quality guidelines, they are allowed a lot of leeway to conform to different local needs.
    Basically, customers here pay a huge premium for the name but don't expect a particular model of one of these brands sold in Thailand to match the same model/brand as one sold in the US or Europe."

    • Thanks 2
  6. Why does the Thai navy own an airport?

    Is that a serious question?

    U-Tapao is a military airport.

    Yes sorry, it is a serious question. I'm not ex-military.

    As a layman however, I would have thought that the air-force would be the ones operating any military airports.

    It is actually quite common for a countries Navy to have airbases, both the US Navy and UK Royal Navy have them. I'm sure many other countries do too.

  7. I'm just back from applying for a single entry B visa, before applying for a work permit, in Kuala Lumpur and have to say the whole attitude there has changed.

    When I have been before (for the same thing) there has been a cursory inspection of the documents before most are returned as unwanted and they then take your money and come back the next day to collect it.

    This time they take ALL the documents and told me to wait, they were all duly inspected and as I didn't have the Ministry of Labour approval letter I was rejected. This is for a new company and when I last did the same thing 3 years ago, this was not needed. I wasn't singled out, absolutely everybody was having their applications inspected thoroughly before they were accepted and having to wait. I saw one other guy have the same issue as me and he asked when the rules had changed as a colleague of his at the same company had only recently got his visa, no problem without the approval letter. They told him it was 'with the new government'. That was after a bit of discussion and laughter from the staff (don't know what about...).

    Does anybody out there know if there is anywhere in the region where they are still issuing Non B single entry visa without this letter?

    It is something we can get, but it's just a pain to do as there are a lot more hoops to jump through - some of which seem to need the inevitable 'greasing' even when you have everything right. Thanks for your help!

  8. I'm just back from applying for a single entry B visa, before applying for a work permit, in Kuala Lumpur and have to say the whole attitude there has changed.

    When I have been before (for the same thing) there has been a cursory inspection of the documents before most are returned as unwanted and they then take your money (220 RM incidentally not 200 RM as mentioned in a post above) and come back the next day to collect it.

    This time they take ALL the documents and told me to wait, they were all duly inspected and as I didn't have the Ministry of Labour approval letter I was rejected. This is for a new company and when I last did the same thing 3 years ago, this was not needed. I wasn't singled out, absolutely everybody was having their applications inspected thoroughly before they were accepted and having to wait. I saw one other guy have the same issue as me and he asked when the rules had changed as a colleague of his at the same company had only recently got his visa, no problem without the approval letter. They told him it was 'with the new government'. That was after a bit of discussion and laughter from the staff (don't know what about...).

    Does anybody out there know if there is anywhere in the region where they are still issuing Non B single entry visa without this letter?

    It is something we can get, but it's just a pain to do as there are a lot more hoops to jump through - some of which seem to need the inevitable 'greasing' even when you have everything right. Thanks for your help!

  9. head reports on what he can from the ground in bangkok. might get the odd fact wrong here and there but then that depends on what information he's got to work with - which over here can often be muddled.

    those who think that jonathan head is somehow pro-shinawatra in his reporting - to what end? what's in it for him and what the hell is in it for the bbc to pick sides in thailand? it's mental thought process this.

    What's in it for him is access. If he is critical they won't meet him. Simple.

  10. What was stopping the payments in October. After parliament was dissolved the constitution prevented payments. How is any of that any one else fault but the PTP?

    Yeah.The rice scheme ran into some minor difficulties that could have been quickly and easily remedied had the Democrats not acted as they did. Instead of being a constructive parliamentary force the Democrats instead chose to do all they could to sabotage the scheme and actively worked to prevent payments being made to farmers for the selfish purpose of trying to destroy the elected government so that they could again try to steal power.

    If the Democrats were so eager to help the farmers could they not have delayed their mass quitting of parliament and taking to the streets until the farmers had been paid? Yes they could of but they didn't because they wanted to exploit the farmers misery for their own selfish ends. The more the farmers suffered the better they thought it was for them - unfortunately it didn't work out that way and they have lost big time on this issue. If you'll notice the amount of press on the rice scheme has dwindled and the focus is now on the northern secession threats - why? - because the rice scheme debate has been won by the good guys and the Yellows need another red herring issue to try and justify their illegal activities.

    Sorry for interrupting you all.

    I thought a lot of money have been scammed off from the rice scheme BEFORE the protest started?

    Who got those cash? If there are no corruption cases involved, no scamming, all the hard cash are in the original place,

    the farmers should have receive their rice payment isn't it? All the current problems will not even exist.

    Or do i miss something?

    The rice scheme ran into some minor difficulties that could have been quickly and easily remedied。

    Ran into some minor difficulties? Billions of baht are lost out of nowhere is considered minor difficulties?

    Could have been quickly and easily remedied? By taking money from the intended 2.2trillion baht loan to cover it?

    Huge cash keep missing and using more huge money to cover it?

    hmm…. seems like a great idea.

    Repeat.... ZERO CONVICTIONS.

    You thought (read hoped) a lot of money had been scammed before the protests started. As yet no evidence presented and no convictions obtained.

    What you guys continue to spout in nothing more than unfounded propaganda that the majority of the Thai electorate has rejected, that's why your movement is currently fading away into nothingness. I'd give it a week, maybe two, until it's all over

    Blah, Blah, Blah.

    When there are convictions you will either be long gone or claiming Judicial Coup.

    Keeping repeated the same old line doesn't make it true.

    We'll see what happens shall we?

    Oh and BTW there is ONE conviction we shouldn't forget (or didn't they tell you about it?) - Thaksin. He decided to go to the Olympics instead.

    If they did tell you about it (& before you start spouting the same old lines about it) please be aware that where were & are many other, & more serious, charges pending.

    Giveusajob, it would be much more believable if somebody who'd been on here a while was doing all this on Thaksin's behalf. Maybe we can make a deal? Thank you 3 times...

  11. I thought I was meant to be Pipkins?

    It doesn't matter who you 'should' be.

    It's just so strange that new members like you keep popping up on TV and that they always seem to be here to support Thaksin...

    I'm a supporter of the rule of law and of abiding by election results (even if the party I support loses) - not Thaksin (although I do think Yingluck is rather attractive).

    Perhaps the growing number of "Reds" here is reflective of the growing support of the way one side has behaved compared to how the other side has misbehaved in recent times.

    What is it you desire TV to be - a little bubble of Yellow sycophancy immune from the outside world and the thoughts and opinions of anyone who dares to hold a different view or opinion and worse actually presents facts that support their opposing views??

    How do you expect to learn and grow and test your thoughts if you only hear one side of an issue?

    There are Red supporters on here already. Your very vocal (& very recent) Pro Government posts just ring alarm bells for me and lead me to wonder why you have suddenly become such a strident and frequent poster. If you are genuine, then I apologise, but I think I have every right to draw attention to these facts so that anybody reading can decide how much notice to take of your, apparent, views.

    • Like 1
  12. What was stopping the payments in October. After parliament was dissolved the constitution prevented payments. How is any of that any one else fault but the PTP?

    Yeah.The rice scheme ran into some minor difficulties that could have been quickly and easily remedied had the Democrats not acted as they did. Instead of being a constructive parliamentary force the Democrats instead chose to do all they could to sabotage the scheme and actively worked to prevent payments being made to farmers for the selfish purpose of trying to destroy the elected government so that they could again try to steal power.

    If the Democrats were so eager to help the farmers could they not have delayed their mass quitting of parliament and taking to the streets until the farmers had been paid? Yes they could of but they didn't because they wanted to exploit the farmers misery for their own selfish ends. The more the farmers suffered the better they thought it was for them - unfortunately it didn't work out that way and they have lost big time on this issue. If you'll notice the amount of press on the rice scheme has dwindled and the focus is now on the northern secession threats - why? - because the rice scheme debate has been won by the good guys and the Yellows need another red herring issue to try and justify their illegal activities.

    'ManofReason' member since 27 Feb 2014. Latest Thaksin apologist from the lawyer in Amsterdam? 'Nuff said

    I thought I was meant to be Pipkins?

    It doesn't matter who you 'should' be.

    It's just so strange that new members like you keep popping up on TV and that they always seem to be here to support Thaksin...

  13. There were late payments before Suthep's antics started but the reason it has now gone on for so long is because the government is unable to borrow money to pay the farmers. I hear a lot of ranting about corruption in the scheme but still no evidence.


    Ex-Democrat MP Warong Dejkitwikrom told the probe panel of the National Anti-Corruption Commission today that he believed caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra was fully aware of the fake government-to-government rice deal between Thailand and China but did nothing about it.

    Dr Warong, the “whistle-blower” who exposed the suspected massive corruption in the government’s rice pledging scheme, including the fake G-to-G deals with China, told the probe panel that Ms Yingluck, in her capacity as the chair of the National Rice Policy Committee, knew every step about the deals but chose not to do anything or to suspend the deals

    The words of an ex-Democrat MP is not evidence. Is that really the best you can come up with?

    If there's no corruption, where's the money gone? Certainly not to the farmers...

    Also the NACC has charged many ministers with corruption, so clearly believe they have enough evidence of it.

    Having said that they are innocent until proven guilty, so let's wait and see shall we? Certainly nobody on TV is going to come up with enough evidence to satisfy anybody tonight.

    • Like 1
  14. I sell mattresses online, brand used by 5 star hotels. I am not allowed to say who we are and won't!

    Anyway what I would suggest is a pocket spring mattress with pillow tops. It is important that the pillow tops are on both sides as then you can turn the mattress as you need to to ensure a long life. You can combine this with a box spring base to get the most comfortable mattress, it isn't just about the mattress it is the base too. Most bases are not sprung these days and just aren't as good. If you buy good quality base and mattress they should last you at least 15 years.

    A short term alternative is memory foam, though in my opinion this is nowhere near as good as some people say. It IS very comfortable, but within a couple of years it will develop body impressions and will sag. This is the case with even the most expensive models, as witnessed by the fact that their guarantee specifically excludes body impressions of less than 1 inch.

    I hope this helps and good luck to you.

    • Like 1
  15. I just got a reply to my email that they are selling,

    Rubber system mattress King size (183 cm x 198 cm x 23 cm )

    Weight : 46 kg

    Price : 6412,8 THB

    7 years warranty

    I am not sure why they don't call it a latex mattress, but at that price, it is worth dropping by for a look-see. I'll find out what exactly is a rubber system mattress.

    Please do let us know what you find out as I am in the market for a new mattress myself. Thanks.

    Mam often meets people in CM that are interested in latex mattress to show them samples and answer any questions. Feel free to email her to arrange an appointment if you wish...

    One of my friends just bought a mattress from Hugs Thailand online, they are based in Phuket but deliver free all over Thailand.

    May be worth a look

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