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Posts posted by jsnho

  1. Whoever help or join in the protest must be a idiot who have nothing better to do and in need or power and riot and act as if a peaceful protestor that shut down Bangkok with deadly weapon or their so called empty handed, shit u suthep for causing so many people in pain and for losing job & income just for the sake of power in ur name

    • Like 2
  2. Let's imagine a Thailand without Suthep and his demonstration:

    1) Dr T is back and cleared of all wrongdoings>> Not. Senate (50% appointed) rejected the Amnesty bill.

    2) His confiscated money is returned to him with %

    >> Not: The top appeals court ruled to seize 2/3rds of his frozen assets.

    3) 2.2 trillion loan is ready and waiting for further instruction to which private account to transfer it.

    >> Not: Constitutional court is reviewing it first.

    4) senators are wifes and family members of lower house MPs which means that whatever party get's the majority of votes have no one to be accountable to.

    >> Not: Unless a charter amendment passes (Constitutional court blocks it), Senat is still 50% appointed.

    >> Government is still accountable to: Constitutional court, NACC, Supreme Administrative Court, HM the King, and of course the general public, as per the next election.

    5) Dr T can run for PM, or maybe since the constitution can be amended any way the goverment wants, for even more lucrative position.

    >> Not: Again, amnesty bill as above.

    None of what you say is true. (Additions in red mine)

    The 2007 constitution implemented several institutions, outside of the control of the elected government, to limit the power of a single-party majority. And so far, they have done exactly that, maybe even a little too well.

    Suthep's antics have achieved exactly nothing.

    BS if you can't see what was happening then your either totally brainwashed or simply totally naive Suphet has put a brake on Taksins plan to totally take 100% control of Thailand and make it into his own 1 party police state.

    we will see if Taksin still gets his way and then if he does you will see in a few years how totally blind you are

    All it needs to put Thailand n a decent track is for the megalomaniac and his clan to step down for good and then like magic Suphet will be irrelevant. Since that wont happen Suphet or his replacement are needed to stop one of most evil people in this world namely the coward hiding away in Dubai or wherever.

    Until Taksin gives up Thailand is set on a course for civil war or an army coup

    The trouble with Taksin supporters such as yourself is you simply cannot understand that a large number of people even if a very large minority hate and loathe Taksin much more than paid and brainwashed hate and loathe the so called hoses in BKK

    Seriously, you are another anti taksin poster, if the majority of the thai people selected them and you are consider the minority opposition, you guy don't even respect the law or the HM. Listen to that crazy suthep that doesn't even respect HM or the law, telling lie that if there's not enough supporter he will surrender himself yet till now he still talk like he's the king of Thailand and act like one "clean" person, he's way worst than AV and Dr.T

    Why Interpol and other countries not stepping in to help Thailand because of the coup that created by the elitist, royalist & people that paid the chief of army.

    I have been in Thailand since the 2006 coup

    Remember dr.t is self exile not kick out by the unelected govt

    The people council Secretary General is suthep himself that also mean he control everything himself

    How can that be fair in selection where all the elitist or scholar come in again to bully the poor

    Come on, in this world, nothing is fair, but respect the majority people in the country

    If you can't even do that, don't call yourself a god trying to reform the govt. you are not even fit to post here to talk abt reform

    Seriously, you are just another Shin-rouge Thaksin supporter, supporting a tried, convicted, sentenced fugitive from Thai law. THAT's why he's in "self-imposed exile", which is a euphemism for "on the lamb". And THIS is the hero you're lecturing your fellow TV members about - lol. And you DO know that PTP received 48% of the popular vote in 2011, right? Not 51%, not 50%+1, not 50%, 48% (well, 48.4% if memory serves...).

    Most of all, DON'T try to dictate who is and who is not "fit" to post here. Mind your manners.

    Ask both of them go to prison together and stop talking abt power

    Taksin is tried by a coup which is not legal in anywhere only in Thailand

    This is one of the worst part that other country leader don't accept Thailand

    Don't stay in Thailand and read the news

    Go out and know more

  3. very reactive actions to cover up the real problem. The conditions these guys live and work under are nothing short of exploitation and slavery. Having lived in Singapore for 7 years and seeing how these guys, who by the way actually built Singapore, are being treated in inhumane. Maybe that had finally just had enough of the treatment.

    You must be one of the joker that lived in singapore that didn't know anything

    If they are untreated fairly, will you this foreigner staying there peacefully?

    Come on man

    Singapore is known for fairness, that opposition joker can't even win a seat or even a minimum voting share in election. By the way he's a Indian too.

    Singaporean are not that racist, consider them one of the safest country in the world (not just Asia)

    The policeman didn't even fire a single shot at the rioters, consider them very lucky for the police man to have strict restraint on that riot protocol.

    You must remember Indian like to drink alcohol and their country is consider lawless where they can anyhow rape girls and kill them because they feel that Indian girl are cheap. (Please read more international news about India. Worst and most rapist are from India)

    • Like 2
  4. Let's imagine a Thailand without Suthep and his demonstration:

    1) Dr T is back and cleared of all wrongdoings>> Not. Senate (50% appointed) rejected the Amnesty bill.

    2) His confiscated money is returned to him with %

    >> Not: The top appeals court ruled to seize 2/3rds of his frozen assets.

    3) 2.2 trillion loan is ready and waiting for further instruction to which private account to transfer it.

    >> Not: Constitutional court is reviewing it first.

    4) senators are wifes and family members of lower house MPs which means that whatever party get's the majority of votes have no one to be accountable to.

    >> Not: Unless a charter amendment passes (Constitutional court blocks it), Senat is still 50% appointed.

    >> Government is still accountable to: Constitutional court, NACC, Supreme Administrative Court, HM the King, and of course the general public, as per the next election.

    5) Dr T can run for PM, or maybe since the constitution can be amended any way the goverment wants, for even more lucrative position.

    >> Not: Again, amnesty bill as above.

    None of what you say is true. (Additions in red mine)

    The 2007 constitution implemented several institutions, outside of the control of the elected government, to limit the power of a single-party majority. And so far, they have done exactly that, maybe even a little too well.

    Suthep's antics have achieved exactly nothing.

    BS if you can't see what was happening then your either totally brainwashed or simply totally naive Suphet has put a brake on Taksins plan to totally take 100% control of Thailand and make it into his own 1 party police state.

    we will see if Taksin still gets his way and then if he does you will see in a few years how totally blind you are

    All it needs to put Thailand n a decent track is for the megalomaniac and his clan to step down for good and then like magic Suphet will be irrelevant. Since that wont happen Suphet or his replacement are needed to stop one of most evil people in this world namely the coward hiding away in Dubai or wherever.

    Until Taksin gives up Thailand is set on a course for civil war or an army coup

    The trouble with Taksin supporters such as yourself is you simply cannot understand that a large number of people even if a very large minority hate and loathe Taksin much more than paid and brainwashed hate and loathe the so called hoses in BKK

    Seriously, you are another anti taksin poster, if the majority of the thai people selected them and you are consider the minority opposition, you guy don't even respect the law or the HM. Listen to that crazy suthep that doesn't even respect HM or the law, telling lie that if there's not enough supporter he will surrender himself yet till now he still talk like he's the king of Thailand and act like one "clean" person, he's way worst than AV and Dr.T

    Why Interpol and other countries not stepping in to help Thailand because of the coup that created by the elitist, royalist & people that paid the chief of army.

    I have been in Thailand since the 2006 coup

    Remember dr.t is self exile not kick out by the unelected govt

    The people council Secretary General is suthep himself that also mean he control everything himself

    How can that be fair in selection where all the elitist or scholar come in again to bully the poor

    Come on, in this world, nothing is fair, but respect the majority people in the country

    If you can't even do that, don't call yourself a god trying to reform the govt. you are not even fit to post here to talk abt reform

    • Like 1
  5. Bladdy hel_l, after reading your post, I have suddenly become quite cheesed off with my life, have begun suffering anxiety attacks and feeling like a complete loser.

    4 grand on a meal! Wow. Was the food served served on real gold plates or were they just plated?

    You say you are not rich like Thaksin, but are you sure you`re not related to him in some way?

    I can't afford the luxury of women these days. I've named my right hand, Linda and we sweet talk every night.

    Anyway, I`m going to finish my egg sandwich and small can of 25 bahts worth of flat beer Leo, switch out all the lights, than off to bed in a hope of saving a few baht on the electric bill.

    4k a meal is wow? i think you should see how many grand those customer are spending a night at those gentlemen club. today i eat my dinner at kuang seafood (beside diamond ratchada), it cost me 2k and if you tell me it's expensive, i think the table beside me 3 of them spend more than me. (it's a open air restaurant, nothing special, lousy food. will not go back again.)

  6. after seeing so many expert reply which is so true, i have been here for 4yr, i'm young, affordable over here and owns company and a foreigner over thailand, been travel to a few different country n most of the time in thailand, hear so many stories which is so dam_n true, did experience some of it but not too much. because i study alot on them. lots of liar around and cheater, corrupted personnel(not to direct but everyone knows) as long you remember this, 20k staying with her + household food n rental and kid, i think it's ok, even 25k. but not too much, since you are staying with her and she need to give her kid study and her mum, rental and bill to pay. and food which is around 3k to 5k per month. (estimated for long term) it's around there.

    but never buy house & car under her name, register a company and places it under your name. you can do whatever you like and not worrying about no house to stay when you are broke.

    motorcycle e.g mio/fino is too cheap so dont bother to put under your name but of coz if you are riding big harley den place it under your name too. can cost 300k haha.

    for me 25000 is just a few day. because i'm a foreigner. i spend more on food that i want to eat (seriously not sure why but once i start to shop in 7-11 i can spend 600baht-1k over a day. eating with friends, travel around in taxi, some drinking in rca will cost about 15k baht per day. but i do think that i spend too much becoz i pity alot of thai are earning just 10k o 30k per month and i'm spending their monthly salary just like 1 or 2 day, tourism really bring alot of income to them and they are losing income daily due to stupid curfew.

    and i'm opening a cafe in bkk, i'm gng to employ pretty waitress and aunty cooks and some dish washer and cleaner. they do a job well, i will reward them well. some of them deserve it. others don't

    Isn't it strange how there are some posters you take an instant dislike to ?

    Irrational really.

    haha I had the same reaction but mostly due to the fact that buddy is spending 25,000 in just a few days on food because "he's a foreigner"?? some aunty cooks :) and pretty waitresses eh?

    please read clearly what i wrote, i'm willing to give more than 20k is ok even 25k a month include their total household expenses.

    i'm spending so much because i'm affordable and i have my own company that can support my spending, not all farang are rich and affordable. well i'm not rich like thaksin but i'm affordable to spend on what i like and afford to have it.

    Food doesn't really cost that cheap for your info, eating at a restaurant can easily cost you 2k to 4k per dinner. drinking at any popular location like RCA or scratch dog (e.g 2 bottle of gold label, 30 bottles, 6bucket of ice and some tip will cost you $8k (normally we dont just go 1 club, after RCA close at 2am we will head down to scratch dog, another 1 bottle and all the drink will cost you $4k? as i say i club almost everyday. you will do your own calculation.) this is just a example, dont take it to heart. i'm not trying to act like a rich ass but there's alot of people spending this amount just like me

    i did not take a instant dislike on thai girl or thai people but i must remind all of you, there's alot of liar and corrupted personnel here. we need to warn them before they step into the shit. i'm not sure whether both of you had been through this but i know it, partially because of my job. those girl tell me personnel how they deal with farang and their so-called bf.

    not everyone are bad. but there's alot of bad example around in thailand and we must understand about this

    and YES i'm going to setup a cafe in town and employ some pretty waitress and some good cooks which can be aunty. and reward them if they do their job well. <---what's wrong with that.

  7. after seeing so many expert reply which is so true, i have been here for 4yr, i'm young, affordable over here and owns company and a foreigner over thailand, been travel to a few different country n most of the time in thailand, hear so many stories which is so dam_n true, did experience some of it but not too much. because i study alot on them. lots of liar around and cheater, corrupted personnel(not to direct but everyone knows) as long you remember this, 20k staying with her + household food n rental and kid, i think it's ok, even 25k. but not too much, since you are staying with her and she need to give her kid study and her mum, rental and bill to pay. and food which is around 3k to 5k per month. (estimated for long term) it's around there.

    but never buy house & car under her name, register a company and places it under your name. you can do whatever you like and not worrying about no house to stay when you are broke.

    motorcycle e.g mio/fino is too cheap so dont bother to put under your name but of coz if you are riding big harley den place it under your name too. can cost 300k haha.

    for me 25000 is just a few day. because i'm a foreigner. i spend more on food that i want to eat (seriously not sure why but once i start to shop in 7-11 i can spend 600baht-1k over a day. eating with friends, travel around in taxi, some drinking in rca will cost about 15k baht per day. but i do think that i spend too much becoz i pity alot of thai are earning just 10k o 30k per month and i'm spending their monthly salary just like 1 or 2 day, tourism really bring alot of income to them and they are losing income daily due to stupid curfew.

    and i'm opening a cafe in bkk, i'm gng to employ pretty waitress and aunty cooks and some dish washer and cleaner. they do a job well, i will reward them well. some of them deserve it. others don't

  8. anyway news are not always truth, but when international news make around the whole, you have to make your decision whether homeland restricted news is true or international news is true.

    further more there's so many reporter side red shirt nowaday, even The Nation report, what you see and what you taken (photo) show the army shooting the innocent without weapons, so who is right and who is wrong? the CRES say a very nice word, we can easily ask them (army) not to shoot at them, that's like What the .... that mean they got no respect for human rights.

    life is unfair...we all know.

    we will need to wait and see. it's dangerous in bangkok.

  9. most of the intel processor are made in malaysia and some other western country, (i can't remember it well.)

    as i mention in the earlier post, 9500GT up (just suit your casing) 512mb is gd (i'm using it to run mw2)

    550w is enough for sure.

    core2duo and i5 is recommmend same as i mention and i'm sure the casing can take in i5.

    it's a mATX casing, so not a problem of adding additional USB expansion slot. althought nowaday the slot come with about 6 x usb 2.0 (back) and 2 x usb2.0 (front)

    might be enough.

    soundcard, i will get creative X-Fi (any model is gd). still the best. created in my homeland Singapore.

  10. Did anyone see Thaksin running around Bangkok with a gallon of gas and a box of matches?

    Have you ever seen Bin Laden actually commiting an act of terrorism with his own hands? No? Guess that means he's not a terrorist either.

    bin laden challange the country and will do act of terrorism to the country which make him a terrorist. you also another one never read news.

  11. for the HP, it's only MW which is milliwatt. not 2watt which is crazy) unless you are talking about walkie talkie or 20yr old handphone which might be producing 2watt of radiation. example of a samsung omnia 2 which SAR value 0.168W/kg .

    "In the USA, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has set a SAR limit of 1.6 W/kg, averaged over a volume of 1 gram of tissue, for the head. In Europe, the limit is 2 W/kg"

    Complete SARS list of phones in the EU which has a legal allowance of up to 2W/kG.

    Also it is mW for milliwatt not MW which is Mega Watt.

    i'm a certify computer expert. just for those who which to argue with me.

    Not a good idea to make announcements like that after posting incorrect information. :D

    mW ok correct, but if you talking about 1.6w/KG over a vol of 1 gram of tissue? that's not right, it should be over a kg of tissue.

    It is defined as the power absorbed per mass of tissue and has units of watts per kilogram. from wikipedia

    so posting a incorrect information is not gd too~ :)

    well, anyone using a 2W phone can tell me, so we can cook the egg with the phone like microwave. :D

  12. If Interpol act then it will show them to be supporting and condoning an illegitimate government.

    Therefore, it would be in Interpol's best interest to ignore the request of the Thai government(?).

    Where is the proof of Thaksin's terrorist activities? Giving a few non committal sermons to the folks back home cannot be seen as a blatant terrorist activity.

    What about all those religious people, both in the US and the UK who shout and scream for the downfall of the wicked leaders in the west, they are left alone.

    Paper trails would be evidence of Thaksin giving money to the reds, but there are no paper trails, therefore no evidence.

    Look at Thaksin's sermons to the faithful, they are fiery but he draws back from actually saying anything of a terroristic nature. Has anyone seen him standing in front the camera with a gun in one hand and a grenade in the other calling on people to kill the Democrat pigs?

    Without solid proof, its all hearsay and smoke, cooked up by politicians in Bangkok. Yes, we all know what he's up to and was doing, but you got to have solid proof, without evidence there's nothing but hot air and stupid, endless debates.

    I am sure there is proof.

    Else Thai court will not approve DSI request.

    Thai court have to be fair too, not just DSI, CRES & Mark.

    You maybe sure but I think that all tracks have been cleverly covered especially after the share case.

    Thai courts get their orders from higher up in the food chain, so the government will just simply lean on the judge to cooperate.

    Thai court fair, well yes, when you pay the price.

    How can Thai court be not fair.

    They don't just read out a simple guilty/innocent verdict.

    When they read out a verdict, they also spend out 8 to 10 hours reading out the reason behind, and all the evident that lead to a verdict.

    LIVE on free TV.

    So if they are not fair, the Thai people would have already point it out.

    Either that, or you are saying that NO Thai people is smart enought to understand the reason behind, and all the evident that lead to a verdict?

    When i try to read your reply, i wanted to ask you, are you a thai>? innocent one? I don't think you understand Thai Law, as mention to me by a few thai and senior officer include DSI and commando specialist. Thai Law is nothing known as fair, they will put you in jail 1st before they charge you. even you are innocent. Do you understand?

    it's worst if you are not rich, but if you are rich, they can talk about $ and release of you. hehe that's thai law. you got money, we talk 1st. you got no money, we can't save you.

  13. yes, it's not easy to get a PR whether you are male or female, unless you have connection or well your soon to be hubby is rich enough to get you one.

    most probably you will need to get a marriage visa follow by work permit to work here. marriage visa can be extend but work permit will depend on your employer.

    but if your hubby own a company in thailand with a gd record, it will be easy for u to get a work permit.

  14. as long as a pm is toppled by millitary without going through legal basis action. the world will consider this as political motivated. and since it's political motivated meaning they will try all way to charge u even u have the best lawyer in the world because they already want u to die. and if he come back to thailand to face charge, they will force him to sit in jail for 2year. that's so f up.

    saying him supporting the UDD (which is not a terrorist organisation) if they are so. so does PAD and multicolour, double standard for the govt. so what if they found gun, not everyone is holding gun and black shirt is. they are red shirt.

    for those who have less knowledge about the govt, because u r low pay, because u dont know it well and only see thru your own country restricted news.

    in thailand, u pay to get out of trouble if u r rich enough. for those who are earning 200k baht monthly think again, how many of u. and do you really read international news daily like me?

    do you know how black the political scene is? i dont think you know it well.

    there's alot of secret hidden not just because they want to toppled the govt. more complicated actually.

    for those who get killed in the war zone, all of them are killed without weapon. you think only black shirt? but did you see the video of the army shooting live round against the so call unarmed terrorist? even reporter, innocent resident and old people?

    last wed when they start to burn down those bank and building. i'm at dindaeng area with my camera. they shouted at me not to take picture even they have weapon in their hand, they dont take the life of a innocent photographer. they dont scare of death because they know the govt is trying to blacklist them.

    even a protestor is know as terrorist because some black shirt guy have weapons, something is not right, the govt is just trying to put blame on the so called terrorist innocent protestor. that is a stupid charges.

    the protest suppose to be peaceful, but after the crackdown on the innocent protestor that kill so many of them include the reporter and hitting their own officer by their own weapons because they have a great chance in promoting. (for those who never read the news, those officer that got injures or killed are the one that are close to Chief of Army and waiting for promotion.) and how will the black shirt know who to kill, unless those already planned assault.

    there's many questions that are unanswered and also many double standard from the current govt.

    there's too many hidden secret among themselve including corruption which is well known in thailand. and for all the thai, PM is borned in other country, he's not a real thai. if so many people can support thaksin, not just only $ can do, but there must be some serious reason for them to risk their life against so little $.

    oh forget to mention, don't oppose the govt if you are rich, because they can help you alot when you are in trouble, $ really do alot thing in thailand especially if you are rich and know alot of people. i tried it before and i know it well. just make sure you are rich and you should able to fulfill your dream haha

  15. update for martin (siamect), PATA was running at 150mb up 350mb and 480mb, ranging 5200rpm, 5600rpm and 7200rpm. but that was rather to their own detail and might not be true. since sata was out it's going at 1.5gb per sec and sata 2 was going full speed at 3gb p/s transfer rate. but i don't see much different because it's still running at 7200rpm. compare to scsi 10000rpm. which mean transfer rate is even higher and faster

    so i can say it's more than 1.75time. maybe 10x? and yes processor are increase 100x time more than hdd, reason? they need more multitasking and ram rather than storage performance which is only about 10% of total performance.

    update: please buy lifetime warranty ram. which most brands is. especially Kingston, Corsair and Patriot. worldwide recommended.

    SSD is expensive and althought it's useful but will not be recommended unless for high end, 5000baht onward for 30gb is like...i dont think he will want to waste such money. because i can get a 1TB onward hdd.

  16. i see some funny comment which i think i should explain to the less knowledge people around.

    If a person need to reduce the wireless activity in the house/room, he will need to disable the wifi and using wired ethernet cable. it will disable the wifi in your wireless router (simply mean no radiation will be transmitted.) and you need to have the password to your router. (example you are using true move TOT wireless router, ip address is 198.168.1. and login is admin and password is password.) you can find it under the router.

    for the HP, it's only MW which is milliwatt. not 2watt which is crazy) unless you are talking about walkie talkie or 20yr old handphone which might be producing 2watt of radiation. example of a samsung omnia 2 which SAR value 0.168W/kg .

    not all area are filled with wireless. althought most places do have

    i'm a certify computer expert. just for those who which to argue with me.

  17. from the way you want to build a pc is abit confusing. maybe as you said, you have not build a pc for 10yr.

    just to give u some ideas and correction for u.

    if you are rebuilding those pc. i will not recommmend you to do so as the psu might not support the current mobo. secondly the mobo now a day come in atx, (matx, uATX or micro-atx) but not mini atx (which is one of the smallest, expensive and might be hard to find in thailand area and normally only big manufacturer e.g hp, acer, msi, asus, mass produces for their own brand set not diy.

    blu-ray is not a dvd format, althought blu-ray player can read dvd format. to get a blu-ray burner for a pc is very expensive. cost about 8000baht onward. i dont think you will even bother to install one. (it's still consider as high end and low production device which make it more costly) well, price will drop in a few year time. when manufacturer earn enough, (pioneer created a blu-ray that can support up to 500gb on 20x layer) currently outside selling only 25gb or 50gb dual layer

    dvd burner is enough for your normal pc. (recommend cheap and gd samsung 22x write master dvd burner dual layer) consider fastest currently on market

    Intel is recommended for your processor and running on either 775 socket (dual core/c2d/quadcore) or 1156 socket (i3,i5,i7) but for you. dual core/c2d/i3/i5 will be sufficient (try not to get dual core/core dual or i3 as they are consider the low end for now, so it's best to get c2d and i5 if $ permit)

    mobo you can choose G33 onward for dc/c2d and H55 or P55 for (i3/i5) or any cheap recommendation from your selected dealer. (as you will using Asus, there's a limitation, you might want to choose MSI. also one of the top brand in DIY PC / Gaming industries. remember mobo doesn't really make a very big different if you are not using for high end spec, so any normal spec will do)

    hdd will be sata 2(standard for now), 500gb to 1tb. anyway you can always upgrade it later on when the price drop or get a external hdd. try not to store too much unwanted stuff in your main hdd, try to partition it. (please ask for warranty status, range from min of 3yr(samsung/hitachi) to 5yr(seagate/wd)

    graphic will be min of 256mb nvidia 9500GT up. (more long lasting than ati) 9500GT/9600GT 512mb/1GB is recommended to prevent laggy.

    2gb is basic and 4gb is normal. DDR 2 / DDR 3 (depending on board you are using)

    for wifi build in (pci is possible with external antenna but you can also use wifi USB doogle for cheaper solution)

    for bluetooth build in(i will recommend you to get a BT doogle if not you will need additional USB expansion slot with build in USB (F) port so you can plug in your usb bluetooth doogle inside) which cost much and might not be able to do so because you are using mini atx. or there might also be restriction if you are install graphic card which is not low profile type. (as i have not seen your casing size)

    i'm a certify PC builder / SI with my owned company in Singapore, althought now i'm in bangkok for new business setup.

    hope you enjoy building it. if you need help you can give me a pm.

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