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Posts posted by blanes2007

  1. Road traffic in Cambodia is much more chaotic then in Thailand but slower because of road condition and total mess. No one is neglected on the road except big Lexus SUVs belonging to big shots.  Don't try to ride motorbike by yourself, and bicycle as well. Even been in Siem Reap, you'll certainly put off by the idea of walking - no country for pedestrians.


    All that is left is to hire tuk tuk driver for about 20-30 per usd day. You can find lots of proposals in Siem Reap Facebook groups. Such a driver will meet you at the airport and then take you to Angkor Wat the next days.




    But you can simply choose the driver from the dozens of annoying idiots waiting for customers in and outside airport parking.

  2. We recently started a small business (massage shop). Despite the fact that our customers are satisfied with the service, they are very reluctant to leave reviews on Google Maps and TripAdvisor - which in turn affects our rankings on those sites and eventually visitor traffic. At the same time, some of our "competitors" were closed permanently during the pandemic, but their obviously dead accounts are still above us in "spa" rankings just because they have many reviews collected in previous years. Paid advertising on TripAdvisor starts from 16,000 baht, and such costs will definitely not pay off.


    I don't want to mess with dodgy Internet services that cheat reviews using bots and fake accounts with Indian and African IP addresses. Both Google Maps and TripAdvisor now easily spot them and could ban my business profiles. All I need is only 1-2 new reviews a day from a real аccounts with normal online history and binding to Thailand.


    An Indian tailor's shop next to us has several thousand positive customer reviews on Google Maps and TripAdvisor, and even gained some sort of "TripAdvisor's customers choice" status. What is his secret? There are many small Indian businesses in our neighborhood, their owners know each other and act as a mutual promotion network...


    Any thoughts?

  3. I can recommend you newly opened Kunlarat massage near Shangri La Hotel

    Google maps 18.77823107479257, 99.00324968703656


    they provide really professional massage, brand new rooms and furniture after renovation, and air conditioning. I recommend it as i already tried a lot of different massage shops in CM but this one is by far the best.





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    At the entrance to the Airport office you will be given an application form in duplicate (so take 2 photos) and several other documents that have to be signed.  Friendly assistant at the entrance will check your documents and if everything is OK send you inside the building to the ticket counter, there nice ladies check the documents again... and ask for a Letter from the Embassy! If an applicant can't provide it, they give  an Affidavit with a few checkboxes kinda "the Embassy of my country does not issue such a letters." Filled it but the package is still incomplete - they also asked for a printout an email from the Embassy or at least the announcement page from the Embassy's website.


    I guess this is a formal requirement. In my case they agreed to accept the even Embassy's Facebook page. Having printed the page at home the next day I came back to the same nice ladies. They checked the documents again and were completely satisfied with the beautiful color printout from Facebook in Russian. Gave me a ticket, 15 minutes of waiting, call, 1900 baht, taking photo,10 minutes of waiting - Mister Blanes2007! Take your passapot! - Got stumped until 20 of January! Bingo

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