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Posts posted by crystal8

  1. Just thought someone might be interested in it...

    • Left Thailand in beginning of June > Passport still more than 6 month valid > no problems (not a suprise for me as I knew my 'old'/1st passport was not cancelled)
    • Entered Cambodia without any problems
    • Left Cambodia without any problems
    • Entered Thailand (Don Mueang) at the end of June > Passport less than 6 months valid > No Problems at the immigration.

    So I saved almost 4 passport pages smile.png

    Thanks shafty. I am looking for this sort of information as I am in the same situation. I am leaving Thailand on 22 Nov (with 4+ month validity passport as it will be expired in March '14) and come back in the first week of Dec when my passport has only 3+ month validity. I will do re-entry as I have a non-immi visa till the end of Dec '13. Do you think I can enter without any problems like you? The only thing is my passport will have only 3months when you had 5 months when you came back in. Thanks in advance.

  2. The first day, we ate at Lek Hotel for our breakfast. It was very very basic, not many choices, cold food with a fly resting on a piece of pancake. 150 Baht per person.

    The second day, we were going to try at Apex or Diana Inn after reading a few posts on Thai visa. We got off near Pattaya 12 when we saw the sign to "Lek Hotel"

    There is Hotel LK Empress right at the entrance of Pattya soi 12. It looks really really nice both from the outside and a glace at the selction different food. 190 baht per person, well worth it in my opinion.

    Highlight for me - grilled duck slices in sauce, crab curry, roasted beef in gravy, museli with yogurt and fruits (kiwi, dried cranberries, raisins), different kinds of cornflakes (whole wheat, choco etc), tea/coffee from coffee machine ( espresso, cappucino, black coffee, mocha, chocolate drink etc), pastry spot (croissant, danish, cakes and cookies), fruits and salad bar.

    I really enjoyed my time there.

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  3. 1) Her father was the seat of the problems since he helped bring the Japanese into Burma in 1942

    2) Her only real job was working for the UN committee on reviewing budget committees

    3) Ethnic groups in general don't like her as they see her as just another Burman.

    1) Her father was the seat of the problems since he helped bring the Japanese into Burma in 1942 <=== Her father might have been the seat of the problems back then but that was 70 years ago. Now the real problem is that the current government who has been mismanaging the country for almost 30 years.

    2) Yes, but the current uneducated guys are not doing anything good by any means.

    3) Ethnic groups in general don't like her as they see her as just another Burman. <===== A proof please?

    If you're interested in Burma study the history and get to know the people - don't just follow what you see on the BBC

    Oh tell me again!! I need to learn the history of Burma. I am Burmese, raised in Burma until we migrated. Maybe it's time for you to review Burma's history. I don't listen to BBC but I have been there, learnt and seen everything. And I don't know if ethic groups don't like her but a lot of people I know refer her as "mother"

  4. 1) Her father was the seat of the problems since he helped bring the Japanese into Burma in 1942

    2) Her only real job was working for the UN committee on reviewing budget committees

    3) Ethnic groups in general don't like her as they see her as just another Burman.

    1) Her father was the seat of the problems since he helped bring the Japanese into Burma in 1942 <=== Her father might have been the seat of the problems back then but that was 70 years ago. Now the real problem is that the current government who has been mismanaging the country for almost 30 years. Sure they could have turned it around many many years ago, but any intention of doing so -- NO!

    2) Yes, but the current uneducated guys are not doing anything good by any means. Burmese will be gladly have her anytime over the military regime. If you said so, Yingluck didn't even come from political background.

    3) Ethnic groups in general don't like her as they see her as just another Burman. <===== A proof please?

  5. Hello, everyone I have extended 30 days for my current tourist visa, and have 1 week left before this expires while I am waiting for ED visa which will be ready in 2 weeks.

    I am wondering if it is possible to get my visa extended for another 2 weeks. They used to give 2 more weeks on top of 30days extension for 1900 baht back in the days. But now I

    don't know if they still give. They change constantly. Note: I am a Myanmar nationality. Thanks for your helpful replies.

  6. Hi, I am about to sign up to a new school in Pattaya and my visa is expiring in 3 weeks. The school's named Excel Language School. I have been studying Thai Language in Bangkok for the last 2 years and I've been very happy with my school. However, we plan to move to Pattaya in next 3 - 4 months when our contract with our apartment is finished. My school said I can just sign up now with my Bangkok's address but I do not know much about this. As far as I know, you have to study in the province where you live in to get the visa?. Has anyone been in similar situation as mine? I am just curious. Also if anyone knows much about that language school in Pattaya? Do I have to get out of the country, and reapply for new ED visa or should I just go extend at pattaya immigration when the document is ready?

    My school asked me to bring a proof letter of my current address, copy of the contract (is it ok if it is not in my name because it is under my other half's name?). Is it a new rule? Because I didn't need to do that before. If so, what do I have to include in a proof letter of my address (such as, building owner's sign, passport #, etc, etc)? Both of us don't work at all.

    It would be greatly appreciated, if anyone can shed some light over this. TIA

    P.S If possible I would like to get a tourist visa for this time and not enrolling to any school right away. But I was told that I cannot change from ED visa to TV. Is it true?

    I totally understand that I should inquire all my concerns t my school and I am going there on thursdays but I have this feeling in me to know like right now =D It's ok if every question of mine is not answered. I really appreciate whatever you have to share with me here!!

  7. I went to Walen to inquire about the ED visa two years ago. I met a front office stuff and my visa was only 1 week left. I also didnt know how the process was done.. I asked if she could do the visa process before it's expired, the b*tch looked so annoyed and her reply was like yelling. It's ok by me if I couldn't get the visa on time. The thing is there will always be customers who come at the last seconds for whichever reasons but she still has to treat them nicely, which is the job of the front office girl. I really didn't like her attitude. Although I cannot comment on their teaching method, I basically didn't have very good experience with Walen. Oh well, I guess I shall now wait for Mac Walen's response?

    For OLA, I called them when I saw that skype lessons with a very lovely fee, their office was somewhere in Phahonyotin. I got two phone numbers. One being a landline and one was a mobile number, stated that "Please call this # for English" I first tried the mobile number, no one picked up so I called the landline. Talked to an old man (sounded like one), spoke English ok, demanded me to enroll in 3 days to get the promotion price of 12500 baht, I felt something wasn't right so I just said I would call again. I mean why would a legitimate school do that? There are other decent ways for promotion, but not the pay-in-the-next-3-seconds-or- you-lose it method. After I hung up, the mobile number I first called got back to me. It was a woman, as soon as she heard me (a woman's voice), she yelled at me through the phone, saying that "Why did you call Mr.A (let's call him Mr. A here). I explained I called regarding the language school, only then she was calm down. =D

    Not very impressed with them myself. I don't know who else goes to that school.

  8. I went to TLS in Silom.

    Took 1 month of private lessons.

    Organization wise : It was a bit of a mess, they introduced to my teacher when I paid.

    Got a first lesson and she was OK

    Then the second day I turn out, she's not available - although she is in the school, she has another student, that came and just dumped me !

    and they just give me someone else. the new one seemed to be clueless, regarding teaching methodology the type that "tell you" what things mean once and move one and of course, expect you to just remember them.

    No interaction, just her speaking, no drills, no vocab sheets

    Then the next day yet another teacher and this one made me regret the second, she was just terrible.

    I requested my first teacher and I had her for the rest of my hours

    I guess she was ok: I mean she knew that I had to actually speak Thai in order to be able to learn anything. she did make me talk / asking me questions, and I did make some progress, but one only vocab sheet out of 20 lessons, hardly no drills, she did not seem to enjoy what she was doing, she took quite long breaks as soon as she got the opportunity. She was very pretty and attractive and I guess she might have preferred a male student to seduce.

    We just went through the book, i would read the vocab, then the dialogue, then she would write some questions on the board to practice and asked me to answer them. Then on to the next chapter.

    So 1 teacher ok out of 3 ...

    Please could you tell me why you want to avoid Wallen ?

    A bit to clarify here. OP is talking about Tewi Language school here (TLS). The one from Silom is called "Thai Language School" which in short also called "TLS" Language school. For OP, regarding TLS (Tew Lang: School)Tewi Bangkok office is in Ramakhanghang Soi 60/3 (the one I studied for 2 years), Northtern buri and pattaya office. My personal expereince with them is very smooth, and visa process done by them is lightening fast as always, very helpful as well. I paid for 22000 baht as an old student. You can ask and may be allowed to pay 3 times in the first 3 months (at least that's how I paid both times). I think I studied good with them but I have always been a fast learner. I liked my teacher there but now I am moving to a different school in Pattaya because of my own problem and nothing to do with the school. If possible I would stick with them.

  9. Yes, I will put them in the luggage because my home country always has issue with new things from oversea and the custom there is worse than a thief. There is a chance like 5% of getting stolen, but there is a greater chance of bribing to custom. I am putting em in the luggage and hoping that I will not be asked to show at my home country airport.. Oh I am packing expert to prevent!! Thanks guys!!

  10. Hi,<br><br>I am taking 5 new iphones back to my country. Can I get into trouble at the airport? They will be placed in my luggage with my clothes and not a single item will be hand carried. In my previous experience, I have never been asked to open to check the luggage but I want to make sure this time. Thanks for your advice guys.. Thanks!<br><br>Kind regards<br>Crystal<br>

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