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Posts posted by HaPyro721

  1. Can someone please tell me whats going on in Siam square, I have family members that owns a business in Siam square. If it gets destroyed I can never forgive the red shirts.

    Cinema is collapsed. Looting. Several buildings destroyed.

    What is the business?

    It would appear that my Aunt restaurant was indeed effected by the fire. this is from my Cousin Twitter.

    So bad to see u store kept burning via the security cam

    Baanying's burned at the end

    Anyway new Baanying's coming in a few weeks, hope they won't burn the new building tonight!

  2. Can someone please tell me whats going on in Siam square, I have family members that owns a business in Siam square. If it gets destroyed I can never forgive the red shirts.

    We know there was a fire there and the Siam Theatre was destroyed. We know that red shirts were in a gunfight there and many shops were looted. I'm not sure the extent of the fire damage to the shops. I hope your family will be OK.

    My Aunt own Ying Kitchen right on the other side of the Theater I hope its still there.

  3. Can someone tell me how much the 55 pages of discussion here have contributed to an actual solution?

    None of course. What a silly question. The solution now is in the hands of the brave Thai soldiers fighting the red shirt insurgency.

    In the scene where the guy gets shot. Where the soldiers towards the left. It appeared that way since it seemed like they were trying to build a wall. But it seemed the guy might of been shot from behind from they way his leg moved.

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