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Posts posted by rammis35

  1. I use Western Union's new phone app. I sent 20,000 baht and it cost $15 USD using my debit card and it is there within minutes. If I connect the app with my bank account then the transfer fee would only be $5 USD but it would take 3 days. Of course there is the exchange rate but I'm not sure what the difference is compared to a bank transfer.

    What was the charge to your bank account/credit or debit card to fund that Bt20k?

    I know that WU had an exchange rate of 1 USD = 31.4607 Baht that day, but I don't know what the exchange rates are at the banks to compare it to.

    So minus the transfer fee the bank was charged $635.71 for the Bt20k and a total of $650.71.

    Billing Summary:

    Transfer Amount:

    635.71 USD

    Transfer Fees:

    + 15.00 USD

    Promotion Discount:

    - 0.00 USD


    650.71 USD

    Transfer Summary:

    Exchange Rate:

    1 USD = 31.4607 THB

    Transfer Amount:

    19999.89 THB

    Total to Receiver:

    19999.89 THB

  2. I use Western Union's new phone app. I sent 20,000 baht and it cost $15 USD using my debit card and it is there within minutes. If I connect the app with my bank account then the transfer fee would only be $5 USD but it would take 3 days. Of course there is the exchange rate but I'm not sure what the difference is compared to a bank transfer.

  3. (I remember my old folks bringing one back to Europe and I tried it last summer. The difference is that in Europe the water pressure is about 2 bar so I found myself coughing up my an-us.)


    You know you can adjust the pressure with the faucet you should have instaled to hook up your bum gun.  You don't have to have the faucet on full blast.

  4. They are not unwilling to prevent gun violence. They are unwilling to violate the 2nd amendment and confiscate all the millions of guns that are already on the street. Nothing else would prevent gun violence and it is not going to happen in USA.

    If they are unwilling to do what it takes to prevent gun violence then they are unwilling...period. The fact that they are still unwilling, even after the massacre at an elementary school is mind boggling. Quoting some old piece of paper doesn't quite explain why they are willing to sacrifice even their children.

    That Piece of shit paper as you call it, is the constitution of the USA which is the foundation of the laws of the United States, so that is what gives citizens the right to own a gun. Same as the constitution provides the Freedom of speech and religion. Even if all guns were confiscated it would not stop shootings. Drugs are illegal and people still get them. If someone really wants a gun they will get it. The UK has cracked down on guns but now who has guns, the police and the criminals. How many bombings have you had in the UK? I believe bombs are illegal. What is the answer, I dont know, I dont think anyone knows. The guy in China killed 4 and injured 11 just a few months ago. Somebody wants to kill people they will do it, does not matter if it's with a gun, a bomb or a knife.

    Firstly and fore mostly nobody should be denigrating the American constitution but equally if there is a modification required there is a process.

    If the American people cannot reconcile themselves to a long process of removing the majority of guns from their society to minimise these tragedies, then be it upon their heads. Australia has set an example of what can be achieved and how it can be done.

    Is there a cost? Yes, a large cost as in money to buy back the guns and put in place the systems for checking licensing and securing guns.

    There is a cost to the citizens in the loss of family heirlooms and the destruction of historical and sentimental objects, the financial burden of certified secure storage if you do own a gun and all the burden of complying with the regulations that monitor who has guns and why they own guns.

    Our sporting shooters have difficulty because of the layers of bureaucracy and regulation of gun clubs and the clubs have the burden of providing secure storage at their facilities. There is also a small loss of freedom associated with these policies which came about by a deranged gunman killing many of my fellow Australians. The fact that this has not happened AGAIN make me grateful and proud of the politicians who had the balls to carry out this process despite the hysterical screaming a small segment of our population.

    Is it worth it? What value do you put on human life?? Even if it has only saved one life, I believe it is worth it.

    The longer America leaves it, the longer it will take. I do believe that for that country to even attempt it, is a bridge too far, the horse has well and truly bolted.

    Do you know there are more people killed in drunk driving accidents then murdered with firearms. In 2010, which is the last year I was able to find statistics on both firearm and drunk driving deaths in the US, 8,775 were murdered with firearms and 10,228 were killed by drunk drivers. So shouldn't the logic be that all alcohol and automobiles be banned before guns. And I'm sure that since you have banned firearms in Australia already then the drunk driving deaths should be much higher than firearm deaths there. So tomorrow you should get out there and start your campaign to ban all alcohol products and vehicles because the longer Australia leaves it, the longer it will take to ban those two deadly products from your country. Because the sooner you get started the sooner you will save that one live you believe is worth everyone loosing there rights for. Or doesn't that one life count when you need to give up something that you like and use.



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  5. Awesome.

    Bradley Manning, the Army private sentenced to military prison for leaking classified documents, revealed he intends to live out the remainder of his life as a woman.


    Yeah, he wants to be called Chelsea Manning now. And now he wants the government to pay for his hormone therapy and eventual sex change while he is in prison. cheesy.gif Maybe that is why he did it, not to be a hero (as some call him) but for a free chassis change....cheesy.gif

  6. "Smiling eyes with tears in Dubai." This is a song I am currently composing. Release date not yet determined!

    The Donays beat you to it, that is if you are indeed writing a song about a certain fugitive crim in Dubai.

    It's called "He's got the Devil in his Heart"...................

    Better the movie with Steve Mcqueen-The Great Escape

    He is thinking more like MC Hammer's (Can't touch this).

  7. So sad,she is gone,but leaves relatives and friends to carry on with pain and mourning, suicide is a very selfish thing, i hope it was worth it..RIP.

    Interesting comment.

    In this poor woman's case she stated that she had been living with chronic pain for several years and had finally had enough. I believe it is every person's right to decide when things are no longer bearable.

    Is it more selfish to force someone to live in constant pain rather than accept the decision to gain a final release?

    Every case must surely be judged by itself. There are certainly very tragic cases of suicide, where maybe with the help of relatives and friends a short term emotional problem could have been overcome.

    But with chronic pain, progressive debilitating diseases, severe disabilities and similar problems the will of the poor sufferer must surely take precedence over what others (selfishly) want?

    What a blow to her husband, this will scar him for the rest of his life. That was selfish.

    According to the note her husband new of her plans, maybe that is why he recently went home and left her in Thailand alone.

  8. Sounds like nothing more than another money grab to me.

    Here's a better idea.

    "the country's state hospitals, which are required to provide foreigners with free medical service"

    How about simply legislating that state hospitals NOT provide foreigners with free medical service. Why do they anyway?

    Wouldn't that be a lot easier than setting up a whole new bureaucratic arm?

    Well how would they make money that way? I'm sure if you have your own private insurance it will no longer qualify for the Thai program requiring you to by the Thai insurance instead.

  9. .

    At 17 she had already been married for 5 years and then divorced before she started showing signs of mental illness. So she was married by 11 ort 12 years old, if I'm reading this right. That could have a strain on the mental health.

    Errr...no, you are NOT reading it right. Not even close.

    The article clearly states she got married at 17 and split with her husband 5 months later.

    Oh ok, I should have woke up fully before reading the story.. wait I just woke up and re-read it.

    It said she was married for 5 month not 5 years. Coffee make a lot of difference. ha ha

  10. Riding around Bkk will be ok, but why do you want to bring your click with you. It would be cheaper to buy a new one here then to pay the tariff on yours. The last time I checked (of coarse it was a few years ago) it was close to 300% to bring in a bike. I decided to sell my bike back home and buy another once I arrived in Thailand.

  11. cost of the jet-skis alone was about four million baht.

    A jet ski costs 800,000 Baht? blink.png

    5 jets skis x 800,000 = 4 million. Must be an insurance claim here ... whistling.gif

    Maybe it's the police who owns them wink.png

    The government wanted the scamming looked into and shut down and they clam no police were involved in the scamming, so the jet ski scam may not be as profitable as before and it would be better to burn the them and take the 4 million baht insurance money before getting kicked out of their house.

  12. Yaba is a metaamphetamine,

    Ice is a cocaine derivate (aka "Crystal Meth", look up the web for more horror stories)

    "Boyfriend" was from Colombia. These black studs must have something, as so many Thai girls are smuggling drugs for them, hooking for them and now even killing for them.

    They weren't fighting over a Colombian guy it was a French guy they were fighting over.

  13. Is the old guy from the USA? If so when the baby is born you should go to the American Embassy and register him/her as a US citizen born abroad and apply for a SS number and passport. This could be quite benificial for him/her later on in life. I think you should do this no matter what country the guy is from.

    Once proven a U.S. citizen you might even be able to colect government support from the U. S. Never know it is worth a try.

  14. It is poetic (& very timely) justice that the forces that installed Abhisit & the Democrats to power are playing the most crucial role in their spectacular downfall. It's only the ThaksinVengeance.com red bashers that are refusing to admit the truth at this stage. Never elected, never respected.

    Wrong again. The invisible hand is the Global movement that people deny exist in world politics. There is no doubt that Thaksin, Amsterdam et al are connected to events in the Arab Spring, and Thailand is just another country standing in the way of world domination for some of the world's wealthier people. There was an interesting programme on TV the other night about how the banks manipulated and controlled economies but fell at the hands of politicians as their scams were revealed (sorry a short hand way of describing these events). One academic had been commissioned to write a favourable report on Iceland two months before its collapse, a month later his CV revealed that he had changed the title of the report to mean the opposite. Those who are writing reports for Freedom House about Thailand are also being paid large amounts to distort the facts. I suggest everyone should read the LandDestroyer reports before commenting here.

    You forgot to mention that the world is in fact being controlled by a race of giant lizards.

    I thought it was white mice.

    No it is aliens and they are being controlled by Elvis. Everyone knows that, I seen it on a TV show so it has to be true....

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