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Posts posted by AoChalong

  1. Does my Thai wife need to go to immigration with me for the first 60 day extension?


    I've never asked for an extension of stay in the 18 years we have been married since my work has always had me traveling in and out of Thailand with only an occasional 90 day border run needed. My last 5 ME visas were issued in Savannahket.


    I live in BKK for employment reasons and she lives in Phuket to care for her elderly mother. Which immigration office should we go to?


    I did make an approx. B60,000 deposit last week to my personal Thai bank account opened in 2013 which is slightly more than my monthly SSA deposit (have other income) and plan to follow up with same every month.


    My last 1 yr me marriage visa expired last week on 8 July.


    I'm frankly at a loss here as to what to do, so any suggestions would be appreciated.


    Thanks in advance




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  2. Hi,  I have a Thai wife and have been renewing my non-O marriage visa every year for the past 15 years at the Thai Consulate in Portland Oregon since we got married. This time when I went back for the holidays I found they could no longer issue the multi-entry visa, and I would have to go to Los Angles to do it. I had no time to do that.


    Ubonjoe, you seem to know the Savannakhet visa run the best, can you please help me?


    I have a current certified copy of our wedding certificate from the county in Oregon where we were married, and current Thai notarized copies of my  wife's id and passport which was always enough for the consulate in Oregon. Is that enough documentation for Savannakhet?


    I live in Bangkok. How much time should I plan on to make the trek to Savannakhet? Any suggestions on the quickest way to get there? I've been to Vientiane before and done the Lao visa on arrival there, is it the same at border near Savannakhet?


    Sorry for all the questions, I know most have been answered somewhere here on the forum but I'm not that good at searching out the previous answers to these questions or the most up to date info.


    Thanks for any info you can provide!

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  3. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are in a bar. Donald leans over, and With A smile on his face, says, "The media is really tearing you apart for That Scandal."
    ...Hillary: "You mean my lying about Benghazi?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "You mean the massive voter fraud?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "You mean the military not getting their votes counted?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "Using my secret private server with classified material to Hide my Activities?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "The NSA monitoring our phone calls, emails and everything Else?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "Using the Clinton Foundation as a cover for tax evasion, Hiring Cronies, And taking bribes from foreign countries?
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "You mean the drones being operated in our own country without The Benefit of the law?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "Giving 123 Technologies $300 Million, and right afterward it Declared Bankruptcy and was sold to the Chinese?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "You mean arming the Muslim Brotherhood and hiring them in the White House?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "Whitewater, Watergate committee, Vince Foster, commodity Deals?"
    Trump: "No the other one:"
    Hillary: "The funding of neoNazis in the Ukraine that led to the toppling of the democratically elected president and to the biggest crisis that country has had since WWII ?"
    Trump: "No the other one:"
    Hillary: "Turning Libya into chaos?"
    Trump: "No the other one:"
    Hillary: "Being the mastermind of the so-called “Arab Spring” that only brought chaos, death and destruction to the Middle East and North Africa ?
    Trump: "No the other one:"
    Hillary: "Leaving four Americans to die in Benghazi and go to sleep?
    Trump: "No the other one:"
    Hillary: "Trashing Mubarak, one of our few Muslim friends?"
    Trump: "No the other one:"
    Hillary: "Encouraging and supporting the murders of Palestinians and the destruction of their homes, towns and villages by Israel ?"
    Trump: "No the other one:"
    Hillary: "The funding and arming of terrorists in Syria, the destruction and destabilization of that nation, giving the order to our lapdogs in Turkey and Saudi Arabia to give sarin gas to the "moderate" terrorists in Syria that they eventually used on civilians, and framed Assad, and had it not been for the Russians and Putin, we would have used that as a pretext to invade Syria, put a puppet in power, steal their natural resources, and leave that country in total chaos, just like we did with Libya?
    Trump: "No the other one:"
    Hillary: "The creation of the biggest refugees crisis since WWII
    Trump: "No the other one:"
    Hillary: "Leaving Iraq in chaos? "
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "The DOJ spying on the press?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "You mean HHS Secretary Sibelius shaking down health insurance Executives?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "Giving our cronies in SOLYNDRA $500 MILLION DOLLARS and 3 Months Later they declared bankruptcy and then the Chinese bought it?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "The NSA monitoring citizens' ?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "The State Department interfering with an Inspector General Investigation on departmental sexual misconduct?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "Me, The IRS, Clapper and Holder all lying to Congress?"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "Threats to all of Bill's former mistresses to keep them quiet"
    Trump: "No, the other one."
    Hillary: "I give up! ... Oh wait, I think I've got it! When I stole the White House furniture, silverware, when Bill left Office?"
    Trump: "THAT'S IT! I almost forgot about that one".


    heh heh heh ;)

  4. 3 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

    ^^ Hilarious….two kids on a chat show talking nonsense to bump their ratings….nothing new…lets move on.


    Typical shady ploy by crooked hillarys supporters to paint mr trump with …...allegations.

    The Hillary supporters are just following Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals", the end justifies the means.... any means including lying....  and liars gotta lie.

  5. 1 minute ago, Thailand said:

    Or perhaps the man that gave the Democrats the biggest landslide victory in US election history?

     Kind of hard for the Democrats to have a landslide when Hillery has a 1 point lead that is shrinking every day... both the latest polls from the LA Times and Rasmussen have it at a 1-2 point difference both within the margin of error and impossible to call at this time.


    You need to keep up snowflake, things aren't what they appear to be on CNN... 



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