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Posts posted by travelboyuk

  1. Morning All,

    I live in Pattavikorn 2 village off Ram Intra KM7 and Nuan Chan Road Soi 56. Nuan Chan is now flooded to about 20-30 cm at the temple end. The lowest lying sois on my village now have about 10-20cm of standing water. I woke up this morning to see the drains in front of my gate full and we can no longer flush the toilet, so have decided it's time to get out. We've been really lucky in that the water has been rising so very slowly here (it's taken 4 days to cover the sois completely) when compared to so many other unfortunate people who have been flooded overnight. Ram Intra itself is still mostly clear of water from KM5 to KM8.

    Good luck to all affected by the floods.

  2. Last night i saw messages posted from the few people around Watcharaphol. I live in that area near the 5 way junction, but abandoned ship already one week ago as luckily I hve a condo downtown.

    Any updates from the Watcharopholians would be greatly appreciated. Has the water arrived yet?

    Good luck to all of you and especially my fellow Watcharapolians.

    I rode out that way last night (Weds 26 Oct) at about 19.30). The main roads are clear but travelling on Sukhaphiban 5 road toward Sai Mai, not far from the entrance to the Chalong Rat expressway there is standing water in the fields to both sides and a couple small sois were flooded. It was too dark to see more than that.

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