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Posts posted by somchai2518

  1. With all this crap going on in BKK i've give anything to have a cab driver try to rip me off, or have street hawkers in my face selling me crap i don't need telling them NO for the 100th time.

    I don't know where you've been living, dude. Taxis have meters and hawkers don't bother you unless you peek at their wares.



  2. A sad day for Thailand and its people.

    I hope this unrest is sorted throughout this evening and the army can take back control of Bangkok before its too late.

    Too late for what, hoss? For this place to continue being exactly as you like it?

    How many people are going to be out of work tomorrow as a result of their place of business being burnt down?

    How many farang business's are going to pack up and leave in the near future?

    How long will the tourist stay away from Thailand bringing their economy to a complete standstill?

    As to your first question: 12 full-timers and 3 part-timers.

    As to the 2nd: let's hope a lot.

    As to the 3rd: on average, 3 weeks and 4 days.

    Who will pay for the damage?

    Wow... that's the best question of all!! Why didn't I think of that earlier? Well let's see... I can chip in a thousand I suppose. You?

    This is a disaster...

    Is it now?



  3. What a load of BS. All these people are, are terrorists. That word is over used these days, but anyone who would kill, bomb, burn the residents and businesses of a city are clearly a threat.

    After its all said and done it seems that the reds will lose the respect they had earned, and the bargaining chips they had are gone.

    They don't want any respect from you or any farang,because it's not your business.Mind your own business,half of the world is a mash.

    Right on, hjvdhoef.



  4. Covards. Proves they are terrorist.

    Yeah that's really helpful, son. Let's call vandalism 'terrorism'. Let's call rioting 'terrorism'. Let's call protests and militancy and civil disobedience 'terrorism'. Heck, let's just call anything we don't like 'terrorism'.

    Used to symphatize with the red movements but all that is now gone.

    Wow... your support will be missed.

    I sincerely hope that all foreigners and thais take all this in consideration and do NOT vote for the reds in next election.

    Hm yeah, those foreigners should really consider it next time they go to the ballot box... Oh wait... they don't get to vote!

    That would be a clear signal.

    Ya think?

    Still, great post, Zapper. You really contributed today.



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