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Posts posted by dixter

  1. this is no real surprise to me at all. i teach, i see, i cry

    (Oooh, nice new board format!)

    84% failure rate in mathematics! That's, like, almost half!

    Thank you for injecting some humour into this rather depressing thread.

    It will, unfortunately, take at least a generation to change anything. When students are encouraged to ask questions then there will be changes but not until then. Once those children have gone though the education system and finally become teachers themselves then maybe it will be different. IMHO

    I once worked with a Primary school teacher who taught the students that LIONS were male and TIGERS were female. Oh well! Back to your colouring then!

  2. hopefully the red shirt "protesters" will tell their stories and quite possibly the truth will come out. The people don't have a clue as to what really happened, they don't seem to remember the soldiers just pushing back and using unbelievable restraint. The army did not just attack the people, and the people found shot in the temple were probably dragged there to safety. I find it very hard to believe that any soldier would shoot into a temple. Drag someone into a temple for safety sounds more feasible. Let the truth be told, flood the tv stations with the truth, start with education, and start with the truth. I've been reading the tweets @taksinlive, and they are not very supportive of him at all. Most are calling him a white shark and for his death. And the beat goes on...

    As if the tv stations tell the truth. Surely this is why they were targeted.

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