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Posts posted by Jangot

  1. Yes, must be the way my mind works, but when I saw the last 2 words in your title, I assumed you were talking about female appendages - so thought you were on about either the windows in that street in Amsterdam - or the betel nut seller girls in Taiwan.

  2. Started to watch the utube...thought "Oh! another universal soldier player"

    But it was a hasty judjement.

    Diefinately warmed to him as the vid progressed.

    Wish I was back in Chiang Mai and not working away, I would like to see the performance.

    His Wikpedia profile is also very interesting.

  3. Paddy ? cowboy.gif

    Do you have a stand up routine to give?

    transam, I like your posts, especially your rubuttals of warped's tyre pressure garbage....but you have to admit that samran got you with the best one line comeback on TV so far this year

    • Like 1
  4. Way back in my youth, there was a move afoot to make Esperanto the common language for all.

    As this was a 'manufactured' language, it would have avoided all this nationalistic clap-trap.

    With the added advantage of it being simplified grammar and spelling - so avoiding all the weird oddities of English.

    But then, American, by its dominant culture, I guess, just became universal, and Esperanto disappeared.

    Any linguists out there know the full history and reason for the slide to oblivion of Esperanto?

  5. This thread reminds me of throwing a bone to a pack of wild and hungry dogs.

    First, the dogs savaged and tore at each other to get to the bone..

    And then they just savaged and tore at each other, forgetting about the bone.

    • Like 1
  6. Actualy my wife and i speak to each other properly ,not in pidgeon english

    Well, aren't you just the smarty pants, big congratulations.

    As far as I am aware, pidgeons make a sort of coo..coo noise, they do not converse in any form of English.

    Pidgin English, however, is a useful medium for people to use when they are not conversant with each other's language.

  7. I can't believe we have come 7 pages without someone mentioning the crime of saying "Don't invest in Thailand more than you can afford to walk away from" as if they had just coined the most profound statement in the universe.

    Or maybe someone has, and I slept through it.

    And then there is "You can take the girl out of the bar ....etc etc"


    Punishment for both/either is to donate everything to the bar girl and be forced to walk away - pre nookie.

  8. This is all just crazy, why do some folk get so wound up about this?

    Since humas gained speech, they have been using slang terms for other groups, races, nationalities, some neutral - like an abbreviation of the real description, some cute, some derogatory. It is human nature, it happens.

    In my 30+ years travelling around, I have been called (pardon the spellings, not all are spell checkable!) farang, ang moh, gueillo, gaijin, mat sellah, masselei, pom, pommie ..(with expletive), whitey, brit, and probably more I don't recall, or were out of earshot!!

    And, frankly, I don't give a dam_n.

    • Like 2
  9. is this a joke or for real? I seriously cannot tell........ if the story were to end at -- I need a guys name removed from my wife's ass.... I would believe this is legit..... but come on......replaced with "several men were here"

    Grief, of course it is for real - when did you ever know theblether to come on here with a tall story. Several dozen ladyboys will bear witness to his veracity. They got under his kilt, but never in his sporren, well, not the front sporren anyway.

    • Like 1
  10. I wouldn't worry about having the tat removed or modified...

    Just get one of those moving LED displays like you see in the back of taxis now, and glue it over the tat.

    That way you can reprogramme the message as the score goes up.

    Lend her one of yer kilts for when you don't want the message on disply.

    Well, just a suggestion wai.gif .

  11. I curse the educational system I grew up with in Australia... do you know what language besides English that was available to us in the 1960s?


    At least when I went to Spain and Italy I could work out some of the road signs. sad.png

    You did a pretty good job with the english scead, I can almost understand you. How's that latin working out for you now?

    Cogitat ergo est. (translate... He thinks he'll have another beer)

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