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Posts posted by mrdjt

  1. 2 hours ago, dotpoom said:

    In a previous life I was a Taxi driver back home for 28 yrs. It was a very rigorous system to get into the Taxi business. First off, one had to have an almost exemplary police record (a bag snatcher or molester would not be the most suitable person for the job).

    Secondly, you had to have a thorough knowledge of the area you were seeking the licence for (city).

    You had to have a car that was not over a certain age and was checked yearly, along with your meter (for not being tampered with for overcharging purposes, etc).

    You had to dress respectably and have no "smells etc., in the car (body odour).  I could go on...

    Then the "Hackney cabs started to appear. While they were regulated by the Government...they by no means had to go through the rigours. Many "real" Taxi men resented them greatly because they had mortgaged their homes or borrowed from the banks to set up a secure job that would earn them enough money to rear their children, send them to college and support their families. Then, all of a sudden one had this competition by people who had laid out very little money and had less expenses than the "real" Taxi man. Would a normal guy not get a bit "miffed" at this.

       I would imagine that the likes of Grab and Uber would be cause for resentment for many Taxi drivers who have invested everything in the job only to see people with little or no "qualifications" being able to get behind the wheel of their car and start working at the same level...without many checks in any department...criminal past or abilities.

    Nothing to do with whether there are enough customers to go around...or not.

    Couldn't agree more. In my days in London the cabbies exam was notoriously tough ! Here in Melbourne I always use Silver Top because I know I'll get a professional driver who know where he's going. I'd like to say you get what you pay for, but it's not that easy since another fleet seems to employ drivers who just yesterday got off the plane ! They sure didn't take an exam ! I'm not a fan of regulation but it is necessary.  I don't use Uber or even Grab as a matter of principle, and nearly every Thai cabbie I've used over the last 15 years has been excellent. The best are really proud of their cars. So long as you avoid the Sharks hanging around the Hotels etc ????

    I don't know the licensing situation in Thailand, but clearly some form of test and qualification that can be clearly displayed would at least inform Tourists that they're not getting an amatuer !

    • Haha 1
  2. I must have made 50 trips to Thailand over the last 15 years. Business in Bangkok, Holiday Hua Hin. In my experience Airbnb is way more relaxing and quiet than those nice hotels I used to go to. No maids interrupting, no noisy kids in the pool.

    In all those years, I've seen so many threads like this of reported legal changes or rulings that are bad for visitors. I've yet to be inconvenienced by one.

    Mai pen rai. Thailand does it's own thing.



  3. On 10/1/2017 at 1:15 PM, craigt3365 said:

    It's a bit better there, but not much.  The water is very cloudy.

    Well yes it is a bit cloudy but at least doesn't have things floating in it ! and the sand is clean. Overall I'm happier in Hua Hin although being older now priorities have changed and my holidays are a lot quieter :-)

    Koh Larn, just off Jomtien has crystal clear water though.

  4. On 9/26/2017 at 1:31 PM, richard_smith237 said:

    We popped down to Pattaya at the weekend, while there my son wanted to go to the Beach - I refused for this very reason that the beach and sea there is filthy. 

    IMO: the beach there is actually dangerous, sharp objects, broken glass etc.


    We will soon head else where to Koh Samet for 'beach time'... I wonder how many other people avoid these areas and travel a little further because the beaches are so dirty.


    I imagine Places like Jomtiem and definitely Bang Saray incurr significant tourist losses as a direct result of its pollution. 

    You've got that right. I used to be a regular visitor to Jomtien, but after my last dirty beach and sea experience 5 years ago, I've shifted to Hua Hin.

  5. Guys most of you seem to be living in Thailand and are more reactive than me. I visit twice a year for gem show & holiday. In those visits I do feel an underlying frustration amongst ordinary people. Seems to me General Prayut has to understand that all actions are now completely open to the international media. Nowhere to hide, amigo, so put all your efforts to making this lovely Kingdom of Thailand the happy place it's supposed to be !

  6. Whatever Patpong was 20 years ago, since the Market it's become more and more geared towards ripping off the stupid tourist.

    I went there a lot up to ten years ago simply because my work means I stay in Silom. At that time Safari was the only bar that got my custom, it still retaind the friendly "Family" feeling whilst the rest were and remain a pool of piranhas and one visit to an upstairs bar enough for a lifetime.

    My biggest gripe with Patpong is the Spruikers who are so fired up they wave sexy pics under your nose and shout "U want boom boom see <deleted> show"

    EVEN WHEN YOU'RE WALKING ALONG WITH WIFE AND KIDS ! ( not my own in this case, but I've seen it happen way too often )

    There's not the faintest chance you'll be interested, this is a naked insult from guys that hate you.

    All the problems in Patpong lie in the fact that they get so many new tourist who don't know the ropes so they have no respect.

    If you speak a bit if Thai though, make them aware you're no greenhorn, it's OK.

    Same with the markets. i want to buy some jeans. They ask 2000. I say they they cheaper in Pratunam and hey presto get them for 700.

    So I followed the advice of Stickman and went to cowboy. Wow, the difference was amazing. Though now i think the pendulum has swung back to Nana.

    Especially the shows at Angelwitch. The new owner is excelling himself there.

  7. Condolences to the family, a sad shock it must have been.

    I've been spending 3-4 months a year in Thailand since 2000. Eat on the roadside every day. Had one bout of gastro years ago, but early this year had two bouts in the same month.

    that really surprised me, so then I got to thinking of the flooding last year and am wondering whether the water supply has been degraded. Not that I drink tap water of course, but that's what the food is washed and cooked in.

  8. YES! Great article. the Neville Chamberlain solution to all Thailand's problems. Worked with the Japs, didn't it - drop your tweeds, bend over, it won't hurt much.

    <br>But where do we stop? There are substantial Muslim populations in all the southern provinces at least as far north as Ranong and Chumpon, quite a few mosques in BKK. When muslims in those areas demand madrassas instead of public schools, give it to them, let them turn out unemployable brain-washed idiots who feel discriminated against because they can't get a decent job. A generation or 2 later, whoops, there goes another 3 or 4 provinces to the Greater Islamic Nation. You might also ask who is funding these modern day Robin Hoods?<br><br

    >It is the stated aim of Muslim expansionists that Thailand, PI and AUSTRALIA will become muslim countries - not just Pattani, or Mindanoa, or Bankstown. It may take centuries, but persistence wins unless it is stopped by their arch enemy EDUCATION. Why do you think so many teachers have been targeted in the south? The harsh light of informed critical thought kills blind faith stony dead. <b

    r>Any 6 year-old not fed on religious crap will look at the myth of Adam and Eve and ask who did their sons marry. Any 7 year-old who grasps that matter is neither created or destroyed will ask Noah where did all that water come from and go to. And when just one story in the infallible word of god is exposed as a lie, the whole stinking turd gets flushed away.<br

    ><br>So you want a solution, Close all private schools, or at least impose a strictly supervised curriculum with a minimum of religious education, and an emphasis on Maths, Reading & Writing, , and transportable job skills. You could even try a little Sex Education and Critical Thinking 101, but teaching those would be a high-risk occupation. the Jesuits say "Give us the boy and we will give you the man," keep them away from malleable young minds and the youth will tell them to stick their stupid ideas.<br>

    <br>Do you know what one of the loudest complaints by the locals against the RTA? Too many muslim girls are attracted to the smooth-talking big-city slick-Harry soldiers, having relationships with them (punishment ranges from whipping to stoning to death if they got past hand-holding), and worst of all, even marrying a heathen and moving to the god-forsaken north. That is theft of a valuable chattel!  <br>

    Nice one Mick.

  9. I read where OZ unions were protesting about QANTAS farming out maintenance to Indonesia.

    Anybody know if that is still the case?

    Funny, I avoid Qantas, but still use Jetstar.

    Yes, Pete, the Worlds Safest Airline is now just one of the rest.

    Last tine I flew Quaintarse my seatmate was a total drunk and all the stewards did was give him more liquor BEFORE HE ASKED !

    Then they lost my luggage in Shangahai.

    iId rather fly Thai !

  10. I'm only going to say one thing..

    this is Asia do as the Asians do !

    All my years travelling I've learned one thing.

    You can trust EVERYBODY . . . . to be themselves !!!!

    So when someone tries to scam me,

    with a smile, I let them know that I know but that's OK,

    I don't judge, get angry,

    compain that it's not like that back home.

    if we can't make a reasonable compromise I move on.

    Never had a problem.

    Without overlooking the problems that do exist in the LOS,

    I have to say,

    look to your own house before you criticise others !

  11. It's good to see the government making an example of poor people who steal. It won't be tolerated.

    The sooner people realise that only politicians and police are allowed to steal the better.

    RKIDLAD That is an utter gem.

    However it's not only Thailand. I remember being shocked that the great train robbers in UK ( ok I'm OLD)

    got longer sentences than murderers.

  12. Hi Guys my first post here. I seem to remember that Thaksin made 65 billion baht out of the sale of Shin Corp. Tax free of course, after misusing his position to change the law to enable the sale. Oh, sorry, he didn't own Shincorp . . . . . his Family did !

    So I would say to Mr T, if you knock off the 25 bill. tax and the cost of the demonstrations, why don't you just call it quits and ask instead what is best for Thailand ?

    Oh well I always was a dreamer . . . . . . .

  13. A truly wonderful piece of writing, but more of a prayer. Won't make any impact on the terrorist mindset, nor on those on either side who are soncerned solely with personal power whatever the cost.

    I do believe though that it expresses the heart of the majority of decent Thai people and maybe it can serve to give them a voice.

    As a Farang, the only thing I've learned about Thai politics recently is how little I know ! But I do know a bit about N.Ireland back in the early 60s you had a catholic majority denied power by a rigged electoral system. They demonstrated, they got shot by the British Army, this spawned decades of IRA terrorism (apologies for simplistic analysis)

    Terrorism is an animal that feeds itself. It only delays the achievement of the goals it purportedly fights for.

    Whatever Abhisit does to address the grievances, it must be done quickly lest the cycle starts again.

    If he can achieve that miracle he'll be a hero.

    Articles like these deserve maximum exposure in the media.

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