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Everything posted by Svadhistana

  1. I think that my today experience will be useful for everybody. I went to Chaeng Watthana this morning ( August 8 ) and around 13.45 I showed my TM47 request. I showed also the email of the immigration office which I received yesterday (August 7) around 17.45, inviting me to go to the Immigration Office asap because my online application was rejected. The officer did not mention anything about the delay, she performed her duty and just informed me that the rejection was due to the fact that it was my first 90 days report after changing passport. Therefore 7 "real days" beyond the expiration are ok ( from 1st to 8th ). Thank you and bye bye. Case closed.
  2. On July 24 I wrote the TM47 form online which was accepted. Today August 7 it is still pending. The previous report expired on August 1. Tomorrow should be the deadline (correct?). Can I have to wait until the online system send me the new updated report even if it arrive beyond tomorrow or I must go to Chaeng Watthana not later than tomorrow? Thank you
  3. Thank you all for your answers. About appointment on-line in Chaeng Wattana..... I have found the link to it inside the website of the immigration. I was directed to a page where I could set the date and the time of the appointment. I received an email from an outside service which demand a payment for this service (!). It seems that the appointment is just for people who provide previously all documentation on line and then go to the appointment to get the extension on the booked date. But it seems that this is not available for extension of stay non-o child support (my case). So it is not possible to take any appointment in this case. Is it like this or I didn't understand anything?
  4. I have a simple question for which I could not find the answer here. How many days in advance prior to the expiration of a non-o extension of stay is it possible to request the extension in Chaeng Wattana immigration office? Thank you
  5. For an extension of stay based upon the parent of a Thai. The point is that my daughter means to terminate attending any school this or maybe next year. What if she doesn't want to continue the study further? There must be a limit of time beyond which this is not a requirement anymore for applying the extension. Or they demand that she has to go to school all her life long? I guess that this could be related to the compulsory school period in Thailand , but I am not sure and anyway I don't know what it is. I guess that I am not the only foreigner staying in Thailand with this kind of permit. Somebody should have a precise information about this. Thanks for any help.
  6. I am a single dad of a Thai citizen 15 years old . Until now when applying for the yearly extension of stay (as a single parent of a minor Thai citizen), I have been requested to provide a certificate of enrollment in a school released by the school itself. My question is: when this requirement will be stopped to be fulfilled? I guess that there is a limit of age or curriculum, beyond which I shouldn't be obliged to provide such proof. My daughter will turn 16 in November and is going to finish Year 10 (British curriculum) at the end of this week. Our area is Pattaya. Thank you
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