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  1. Agreed. Maybe he dropped something in there? We will probably never know the reason (unless his phone drops off mid-text or something). Just a shame by any account and, why couldn't they have used a metal grate on top instead poles the way round? I guess it's just Thailand like many other underdeveloped countries. Hopefully he had a good night out.
  2. Loved the reference to "consumer rights", but then again, it is just a business.
  3. I've been happily marrired to a beautiful Thai lady for 15+ years (dated for three). We travel to the States 2-3 times a year and more often than not one the stewardesses (can we use that term anymore?) will try and ebgage her in Tagalog which makes her mad. Their is an Asian hierarchy apparently and I will say no more.
  4. I would say their "tampo" periods of anger and silence to be abount the same, IMOO.
  5. I would say their "tampo" periods of anger and silence to be abount the same, IMOO.
  6. Never had them before but, do fancy the name and, the name, in and of itself, sounds like something that would be hot and spicy. Maybe not enough sugar in this batch? Whenever my wife makes some som tam (which seems like every day!) it's a coughing/choking/runny nose affair but, that's how she likes it (sometimes too hot for her reles). Seems like a good opportunity to use that Thai line; the doctor says she tasted her friends Dragon Balls (the food from the restaurant) the other day and they weren't as hot to which the waiter gets to reply "Same same but different". Trial should be a banger; Dr. Walia how often do eat Dragon's Balls? In your previous experience, what was your favorite part of the Dragon's Balls? Could you please describe for the court the size and shape of said Dragon's Balls? Have you ever have to treat a patient with Dragon's Balls?
  7. From the BJ component of the thread, obviously got misplaced. And no, not a lifesaver over 3 years ago after eating food, it's for the present before she has husband's manhood for dessert.
  8. Should try a peppermint lifesaver! Oh, yeah.....
  9. It's probably the fact that they make them drive on opposite sides that messed with his head (double vision has been known to do that.)
  10. I reckon a nice hard wod walking stick would do the job. A tad more covert and with it's smaller diameter would wreak havoc on the extremeties, esescially the lower. And being a hardwood, I reckon a good blow to to noggin would get the message across as you "limp" away with your walking stick perfectly suited for walking street. Cheers.
  11. I do appreciate the chosen name for the "scheme"; iCon, almost as if they were straight up up in the name, presentation etc.. iCon, weCon, we just take all your money ching ching.
  12. Wai, wai, wai can't I go home, i pray Buddha and have $50,000 baht. And BTW, if that's the real photos, nice do for a cop, IMO.
  13. Aren't they supposed to be referred to as "gambling dens"? And, thank goodness that no one in the villages does any kind of gambling where they go into debt and end up owing the loan sharks thousands. Fortunately for me, no one in my extended ever got caught up in the sin.
  14. Ah, the old prison wallet. That would be a tough check so to speak.
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