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Everything posted by salavan

  1. Does anyone know of a hotel or guest house in the Silom area for around 600 to 800 baht a night
  2. Can you still get an non immigrant extension using only the 800,000 in a Thai bank, or do you now have to have the 800,000 AND 65k monthly income. AND /OR
  3. salavan


    Hi has anyone here had dentures fitted that are comfortable if so can you recommend the dentist. Price and comfort.
  4. Good place to hide it in your passport I mean who would think of looking there when you go through customs. But there again he is British a suicidal race of people
  5. I'm sorry for taking the piss out of you greta
  6. If Thailand had a Reciprocol Agreement regarding UK pensions it would mean that uk retirees living in Thailand would have more money to spend in Thailand thus benefiting the Thai economy, good for Thailand. help us and help Thailand as well.
  7. Never bothered about it as long as I have a fan I'm ok
  8. Just a few days now and then just a change of scenery, short getaway
  9. Can anyone recommend a hotel or guest house around 400 to 500 baht a night, any district. (No need for air conditioning) I looked on the internet but they seem to be controlled/advertised by the large tour companies.
  10. Swiss always were a very selfish nationalistic race
  11. I'm already making plans to return to my original country of birth should this go through.
  12. He's got the empire attitude
  13. They can't publish their name for fear of deformation law suit against them
  14. I'm wondering if it's taxed when it's brought into Thailand is it considered "brought into Thailand" If it's kept it a FCD account as a foreign currency or when it's changed into Thai baht?
  15. You mean bring it in before the end of 2023 because that's when it starts
  16. I wish I could share your optimism. Everyone said covid will be used to reset the economy seem they were right.
  17. So it seems like it's definite then!! So how about some details then. Am I taxed on the money I recive in my own country by Thailand or am I only taxed on the money I bring into Thailand? I have an FCD account is it taxed before I change it up into baht? or only after I change it up into baht? Let's have some details Mr tax man or are you going to keep it a secret until the last minute.
  18. Can you log in with the sms
  19. So how will we revive this pass number?
  20. I don't know the technical side but you put your card in, type in your pin number and the card reader shows a code
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