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About renaissanc

  • Birthday 06/07/1956

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  • Location
    West Thailand

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    West Thailand

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  1. The criminal obviously won't return to Thailand, but he might go to other S.E. Asian countries, not knowing that there may be extradition agreements around the region that will bring him back to Thailand. One way or another, karma will catch up with him either in this world or the next. Good luck, criminal!
  2. If you can't speak Thai here, it's easy to have problems. If this happened to me, I'd tell the Police and the others that they'll be appear on Channel 3 midday news with Num f they don't sort this out fairly znd quickly.
  3. I wouldn't have told the Police in case they arrested me for drug possession. I'd have disposed of the drugs. I don't trust the Police to understand.
  4. I find American women to be scary. Horror films don't need zombies, just American Karen's. Even zombies would flee when faced with a Karen. LOL!
  5. It's cold there now. I hope you like the cold. Just try to enjoy every minute. The Chinese people are friendly and there's a lot of beautiful scenery. Hopefully, the trip will include that more than shopping malls. Show the people compassion as life is hard for them. I wouldn't risk going to China as I've been too critical of the CCP online, and they've threatened to arrest people like me. I've backpacked around China before. It was tiring, but certainly worthwhile.
  6. In Thailand, you must get collateral in advance or a downpayment. The woman didn't know this.
  7. As usual here, posters reflexively attack the victim. Empathy is a foreign virtue to so many people. We all know what the Thai Police are like, especially when they have been bribed. Thais complain about this regularly on Thai News programmes. ... I see that the British Embassy in Bangkok did its best to maintain its decades-long reputation of being useless when a British citizen has a problem. The people there need to develop compassion. I suppose they were reluctant to leave their cocktail parties to help her.
  8. The plans will still go ahead because Thaksin & his cronies will earn a fortune from the agreed-upon kickbacks. He has many years of missed kickbacks to make up for. Household debt and family unhappiness will increase as will crime, but kickbacks are more important to them.
  9. Westerners really should do some research about what it's like in a Thai prison before they break the Law. Thai prisons, including the infamous airport Immigration Detention Centre, are hellish places to spend even a day in. Probably even cockroaches avoid them. I expect this man will spend the rest of his life in one.
  10. Before Trump's election victory there were loads of woke foreigners on this Forum. They seem to have gone into hiding. Mankind is now back to two genders again, just male and female. The misguided woke folks created dozens of genders somehow. Google is still woke, I see: "There is no fixed number of genders, and gender identity is a spectrum. Gender is about how a person identifies, not their anatomy.
  11. I'm glad to see, for a change, that nobody has replied arrogantly as happens so often: "If you had prepared for your retirement, this amount should be no problem." 800 Baht equals 4 months of lickable kanoms for my 25 cats.
  12. I see that implants cost about 50,000 Baht to 75,000 Baht on average. I have false teeth for the upper teeth. Dentists usually charge about 1,200 Baht per teeth. Though the dentists in Bangkok that serve expats might charge expats a fortune for false teeth. Are false teeth uncomfortable to wear? Not at all. Do I have any regrets about having them? Not at all. I love having them! Why spend 50,000+ Baht per tooth when you can achieve the same goal for about one-fortieth+ instead.
  13. He should have apologized. Silly man! Now he'll go to prison and be fined. You just can't help some people.
  14. I believe it's one million baht per person, even if you have 100 accounts at the bank. I asked at a bank about this once. It was then I decided gold was better than having money in banks.
  15. I'm guessing, but I expect the doctors will tell you that you have inflammation in the knee, and they'll prescribe bags of anti-inflammatory pills for (X,000) or (XX,000) Baht. There are numerous natural foods (incl. fruits and berries) that reduce inflammation effectively. If you eat western-style foods, they will probably be one of the causes of the inflammation, if that is what you have. The doctors will probably also give you many other pills, such as antibiotics, which will destroy your body's main immune system, the gut microbiome. Antibiotics are good at doing this. Lastly, are you overweight or an active runner? I wish you a speedy recovery.

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