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About renaissanc

  • Birthday 06/07/1956

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    West Thailand

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    West Thailand

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  1. @ Butts: No need! As I've pointed out about, the programme Hone Krasae on Channel 33 will solve their problem. The Thais won't dare to pursue the court case when they know that they'll have to face the nation on this programme. The local Police will stop the court case because they will get into trouble with the Central Police Department if the matter escalates to Hone Krasae. The big shots in the Police watch this programme every day and they will tell the local Police to deal with the attackers before the matter escalates into Des and Mary returning to the programme to say that the local Police were unhelpful. Besides this, the attackers' lawyer will back out when he knows he'll have to go on Hone Krasae because defending such injustice will be bad for his business in such a small town. It'll be business suicide for him.
  2. I wouldn't bother to contact the British Embassy. Their reputation is "Basement Level Useless, Unwilling to Lift a Finger to Help Anyone, Too Busy with Cocktail Parties, Don't Disturb Us, & Still Digging to Even Deeper Levels of Uselessness & Can't Be Bothered". See my other comment. It will solve your problem.
  3. Des and Mary ... you're doing this all wrong. Hire a lawyer and ask him to contact Khun Noom on Channel 33. https://www.youtube.com/@honekrasaeofficial Have the lawyer write to the accusers to say that he will be contacting the programme. If this doesn't scare them off, then have the lawyer write to Noom. Noom will invite the three of you to the programme (12:35 p.m.) together with the attackers. The whole country will hear about the attack. I don't believe the attackers will dare to pursue the court case when they know what is going to happen. They may say: "I have connections!" No "connections" will dare to get involved in the case because they know about Hone Krasae. This is the solution to your problem. How do I know? I've watched the programme over many years.
  4. Matthias, stop walking the dogs on the beach; or have your annual visa revoked. Then you will have 7 days to sell everything you have before you leave the country. What will you do with the dogs when you are kicked out of the country? The choice is simple. Stubbornness combined with "Don't you know who I am?" is a poor option to choose.
  5. I watched the midday TV News about the problem. It has become such a problem for the people who own the condos in the blocks. The swimming pool area and gym become very noisy and crowded.
  6. "But I must go! Don't you know that I'm the de facto Prime Minister?"
  7. Pattaya bar owners must have a business-death-wish. "Any trouble from tourists, beat them up! .... Derr ... ma bwain herts."
  8. CCP Officials: "The coast is clear. The Thais have gone home. Now arrest the Uyghurs and take them to the concentration camps for organ harvesting to send a message to other Uyghurs who are thinking of fleeing. If the Thais return to check up, we'll show them other Uyghurs. The Thais won't remember their faces."
  9. "We want to go back to Xinjiang to have our organs llive-harvested." ... I doubt it.
  10. I'm 68 now. It's a full hour to drive to the IO. I don't live in a city. I'm hoping that by the time I'm 85 onwards, Immigration will have discovered how to use the internet to enable annual visa extensions to be done online. Or, and this is even less likely to happen, I'm hoping that Immigration will decide to extend the marriage visa for more than one year at a time. I like to dream of impossible things.
  11. I realise that the government needs tax money to develop the coun try. But ... it is a common belief that there is a 35% Rule. The rule states that 35% of the National Budget disappears in corruption. That equals over one trillion Baht per year. If political corruption could be reduced by even only 35%, there would be more than enough money in the national coffers.
  12. "In the wake of the debate, lawyer Kerdphol Kaewkerd confirmed that Srichala's tattoo is legally permissible in Thailand, clarifying that she broke no laws despite the backlash." So, leave her be. It's her choice.
  13. Just my opinion since my wife and I treat and prevent ailments with natural foods. I realise that you might reject the premise that foods prevent and cure medical problems, but Google search "how to treat varicose vein problems with food". It's a shame to spend so much money when the cause of the problem might be what you eat and your lifestyle.
  14. I'm happy to buy cheap items from Lazada, but not a laptop. It will probably come from China, and I don't want one from there.
  15. She will die in a Thai prison. 4 kgs? Maybe she'll get the death sentence even.
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