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  1. Probably but even the Chinese will see the poor return on the land bridge concept and rather just load/offload in yangoon and use the railway to China
  2. List (by population size) Tais – c. 53–56.5 million. Central Thai (Siamese) – c. ... Chinese (primarily Teochew ) – c. 6–9 million. assimilated Sino-Thai (Luk Chin) – > 4.5 million. ... Malays – 2–4 million. Khmer – > 1.2 million. Karen – c. 1 million. Phu Thai – 470,000. Thai Indians (multiple ancestries) – 450,000. Mon – 414,500.
  3. Please someone make a comparison between fatality from alcohol related events and weed related events and then decide which should be illegal, especially considering (domestic) violence..
  4. Have a look at this https://www.facebook.com/groups/241972238961152/
  5. Big credits to the electric tuktuk company MUVMI in Bangkok! maybe they can extend service to changmai
  6. Sounds like really bad timing.. He could actually have got away with covid extensions for the first 2 years of the stay..
  7. Sorry forgot to mention mine was trio III mini 56 USD total (not 1500 baht) only last month.. Guess I was lucky
  8. I let aliexpress bring it in.. The unit cost 1500 baht delivered in 2 weeks
  9. Very sad, but I find coming here from a right side driving country it's easy to look left instead of right for oncoming traffic when turning left...
  10. OK. Let me help you.. Muvi have seat belt. They max out at 50kph which is plenty on sukhumvit. Since everything is done on app there's no haggling or cash, you can monitor location and know what vehicle or driver was used should you forget something.. You feedback on your individual ride which makes the driver behave Pretty gamechanging compared to any other ride..
  11. Try reading the article?
  12. Exactly the same here but it's not "direct from excempt to extension" it's actually " change of visa to non-o 90 day and then yearly extension as explained in timeline above. Absolutely the easiest visa procedure I had in over 20 years
  13. Your loss. They are awesome to ride in and the combination of using the app to order and pay is unbeatable for short city trips.. No more haggling with cabs or risking your life on a bike taxi
  14. 555 chill... Much more interesting than reading how to obtain drivers license.. Visa, Bike registration or other cops and custom dealings..
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