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Posts posted by roberkla

  1. Why don't you get a free android app for your smartphone. Normally it is placed on the dash and has a nice view on the road. Search for Daily Road Voyager , works fine with me.

  2. Hi,

    You can give it a try in Holland.....

    There is a kind of official translator mentioned on the website of the consulate in Amsterdam: www. suwannaphoom.nl

    BTW My name is Robert and I stayed on ChangKlanRoad, but I am not "the one" :D

  3. Hi

    I did this trip two years ago and arrived after 6 pm. The border closes at 6 pm and you have to make a river crossing before that. So you have to stay the night! As mentioned before it is a two day trip when you take the slow boat. But there are also the speebboats and they arive between 4 and 5 pm as far as i know.

    Perhaps somebody can inform you about that.


  4. Will teach you conversational street words a nice thai lady won't!

    I did attend a lot of lessons from Lah and she taught me some pretty thai street/bar words aswell :rolleyes:

    Her methods of teaching are a bit straight forward sometimes and there should be a good "click".



  5. I started to learn the thai language about a year ago. For me as a native dutch it is the fourth foreign language after german, french and english (as for most of the older dutch).

    Because my teacher is fluent in english there is no problem in the communication during the teachinghours. On the other hand I made the mistake in trying to translate everything first into dutch. This will take a two step translation every time you try to speak/understand thai. Because this takes to much time and CPU-usage (of your brain :-)), i did stop doing this after a few weeks.

    From that moment on it is the combination of english and thai. Because the knowledgebase of enlish words is many times bigger then that of the thai words there is no problem. The real problem is the learning by heart of all those new words! Even after repeating them many times you are always searching for the right word to use.

    Because I had only two months to learn just a bit of the language I only wanted to learn to communicate, so only the speaking/understanding part. The reading/writing is for the future when/if I decide to stay here for a longer time. It is a choice you have to make and I realise it is better way to chose for the reading/writing from the beginning.

    I don't agree with Kriswillems that the phonetic script is a disadvantage, because you switch "completely to english" when studying thai.

  6. HI,

    I had the same problem and decided to search for a private tutor. You can plan your own scheme and choose between just communicating in Thai or combine it with reading/writing. It will take 1,5 hour each lesson and will cost you about 250 baht a time. Do expect to do this for at least a year.....or two...

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