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Posts posted by farangtopper1

  1. Today I arrived at bangkom airport. They lady asked me you know you do not have visa anymore because it is expired? I said yes and she stamped for 30 days visa. I think the immigration was right with the norwegian. he was not  refused or visa taken away. I not read that. If a thai person comes to Europe we aske they same questions. Thai person comes to work in Europe they need work permit. Thai people want visa for europe need to show income or money they can live of. What is the differnence exept we still get 30 days any way. Thai people not get when want to go to europe!


    Now immigration start being more like immigration officers. I see on other forums complaining how the "Bad" foreigners come in etc or kick those not wanted foreigners out etc.


    If you follow the rules nothing changed! as before only it is more time consuming to get a visa for Thailand.


    I see no problems for getting visa for Thailand now or in the future.


    Our money is still welcome same like as in Spain or Greece or any where else.

    • Like 1
  2. Why ask this question? You already made up your mind what you are going to do.

    waste of forum space. If you ask a question read the replies and then reply with respect.

    You only want to we take your opinion.

    Public school has this morning ritual live with it. Or take your child late to school and see later what is the result. maybe good or bad only time will tell.

    Do not want ot take the change take your child to international school spend some extra money.

  3. What has the American Embassy to do with Thailand's affairs? Yes mafia is here in Thailand already for a long time. Now that is becoming Russia maffa or not is not their business. i think there are more murders in L.A. or New York a day then here. I never read for example that Monaco is worried about the increasing crime rate in New York.

    Thailand did take care about drug criminals before and then tehe United Nations complain that there where to may dead people.

    Crime will be every where in the world and mafia will be there also for ever. The business in Pattaya is the business what mafia likes. I live in pattaya already for a long time but do I notice there is mafia No. When I go shopping or drinking beer I never see people wearing a sign with I am mafia.

    I like Thailand for not have to much rules life is more relaxed.

    It is a good country to be.

    I am only worried about the youth gangs copied like the ones in America!

    Greetings from peaceful pattaya

  4. He shpould not be going to court in the USA! He did nothing wrong in the USA. He should be going to a UN court.

    If he will be killed by some body it could be done by many countries because he knows a lot about everything also the USA.

    Why is teh USA so into it to get viktor bout to go to court!

    Viktor Bout should be in jail if he really did what he did.

    But I think also all arms dealers should be going to court te be punished also countries.

  5. He must have been making a shit load of money if he has defrauded the Thai government of 400M baht. I thought farangs working overseas were required to pay tax in both countries so I guess he was defrauding the swedish government also.

    WHAT????? Why should a guy working overseas pay tax to Sweden???? that is never heard of.


    This is only Australia

    This Ruling deals only with the question of residency for the purposes of Australia's income tax laws. However, the fact that a person is a resident of Australia for Australian income tax purposes does not mean that the person may not also be a resident of another country for the purposes of that country's taxation laws. A number of double taxation agreements to which Australia is a party recognise the possibility of a person being a resident of two countries, in other words, a person may have dual residency. Those agreements provide rules for determining the country of which the person is deemed to be a sole resident. Therefore, if a person is considered to be a resident of Australia as well as a resident of another country, regard must be had to the terms of the particular double taxation agreement in determining the person's residency status. A dual resident, who is treated as solely resident of another country for the purposes of the relevant double taxation agreement, remains a resident of Australia for the purposes of the Income Tax Assessment Act (compare paragraph 5 of Taxation Ruling IT 2607).

    Pretty sure as an Australian citizen, if you are not residing in Australia, nor drawing an income from Australia, you have no tax to pay on your income being made from the country you are currently residing in.

    Very good explaination. People should find out first what the rules are before moving to a other country. The rules are not difficult

  6. How many animals died today just to supply you with food?

    Well I doubt any of them were on the endangered species list.

    Yes, but it is actually not the woman fault that the tiger is on such a list.

    What makes the life of the unborn chicken i had for breakfast less worthy than that of a tiger who wouldn't think twice to have another animal from the endangered species list for his own breakfast? nor would a tiger think twice about if any cruelty is involved when he hunts down his food.

    As the natural habitat of the tiger is mostly destroyed by humans, we humans would put him lifelong in a jail anyway.

    You see in your the seed of a rooster! If you buy eggs not on the market you wille never find seed of the rooster in there so there not will be chicken born out of it anyway.

    You proberly also think the milk comes from the factory! I am sad to hear of the tiger it is not ok!

    But to start in this topic about food and animals is not correct. I grew up on a farm. And yes we killed animals to eat but the animals where better aken care of then teh most people treat there dog!

  7. Piles more pressure on the GBP and USD.

    The THB was already down below 50 on the GBP before this announcement after its brief summer rally. More THB strength to come I fear.

    Considering the rise in the Baht the past week or so, I would think this move was anticipated.

    There have been a number of positive comments about the economy, SE Asia's generally and Thailand's specifically, including those recently by Dr. Mark Mobius from Templeton Funds, so the inflow of funds for investment continues.

    These things tend to be cyclical in any event. Tourism and export dependent economies lose their competitive advantage if their curriencies become too expensive. China and Japan may turn increasingly to domestic consumption, but Thailand is limited in that regard.

    So It sounds you know your business. Respect. But in normal words you expect the dollar, euro and others gettings less worth this year or not?

    I think 45 baht for a euro is reasonable for expats here. otherwise life is not as cheap anymore here..

  8. they probably want him out of the business, cuts down on the u.s. arms business sales

    Yes i agree America is hypocryt. They are 1 of the biggest arms dealers of the world. They are fighting is the most recent wars against there own arms.

    Who in the world says who can deal in arms and who not. I not agree with arms dealing but all major countries do it. America , Russia, China, France, England etc.

    Maybe he was not the best person in the world but there are more private arms dealers. Why do they pick on him.

    America already tried the al capone trick also that Viktor Bout did not pay tax.

    I hope he will be free. I also hope he will stay in Russia for the rest of his live.

    • Like 1
  9. Everybody is right about how much you can take out per time. My dutch atm card 500 euro per day. My credit card how much your credit is but atm only 25000 per time but with passport in bank how much your credit is per day.

    The only thing i see on the photo that the man who stole the card doesn't look thai. He looks like a middle east man.

    I am sorry for the man but I think he gets tehe money back if he called his bank at once.

    The story is not well writen i have to agree

  10. when i buy my car I get first a set off red plates. When i told them i needed to go to Airport bangkok they changed red plates with a book.

    Now i learned that you have to fill in book and can not drive a night with redplates. Luckely i got my white plates within 1 month. They asked if I wanted a special number but cost more and take longer. I told them no offcourse because I think it is strange to ask for special number and pay a lot for it. But some people like.

    Thanks for the info

  11. it is a nice put togheter movie. Very entertaining. I like to comments on this video the most.

    Of course it happens with men and yes it is stupid. They do it themselves STOP giving them advice they will not listen. Most of the time they divorced there farang wife and loose already half their money. They should know better.

    O yes I live in Pattaya with a thailady whom worked bar before. We are already 8 years together and have now 2 children. Maybe it is not always happy together but same if you have a farang wife.

  12. I really hope that tourisme will pick up. I do not believe it to quickly as the thai goverment believes er hopes. There is a lot of competition between Asia countries.

    Thailand has to improve there quality and service. Thailand is now a days nothing special not same as 10 - 15 years ago. People where saying So you went to Thailand!!!!

    I live in Pattaya and I already know which busnisses will survive and which one's will not. Has nothing to do with the origin of the owner of the business but how it is run.

    It is now only busy in the weekend with Thai tourist. There are some farang bars and restaurants who still run well because of the expats who visit them frequently.

    Yes the best advertisement is by everybody speaks how good it is over there.

    But for sure the thai people have to change there business feeling really start seeing every customer as a good person and treat them that way. Otherwise it is going more downhill

  13. I see here on this forum a lot good comments and a lot of bad ones. I have my ideas here about the politics here in thailand but will not share them. What other people think or speak it (up to you) I left my country for the tax I had to pay there. What i get back for it is shamefull and the where to many rules there. I am from Europe. Working but not Thailand. I work all over the world and pay tax in every country I work.

    All the people in the world don't like other people from other countries intervere with there politics.

    Corruption and politic's do not influence tourisme a lot. A normal tourist who visits Thailand will not see this.

    About the tourisme is going down is mostly about the economy crisis in the world. People have less to spend and want to save more money. They are looking for a overall (including travel and lodging costs) less expensive holiday. For sure the political problems didn't help. The companies and businesses go bankrupt is normal that it is more this year is a problem the whole world have. Going on holiday is still a luxery. It is the first thing people stop spending money on.

    I agree that the friendlyniss off the thai people is also less the wai's and the smile's.

    I also agree Thailand have to provide something new or different for tourisme but that is difficult. If Thailand will give the same high service as 5 years ago it will become better in a few years. Thailand needs to improve the standards by the year like other countries do. But it all the depends on how much tourist can spend.

    It is true that only 6% upto 10% of thai economy is depending on tourisme. I am only worried about how much people are working in the branche plus farming is also not so good this year so it hits Thailand hard on the workingforce I think.

  14. Shame to hear from your problems. I see you get good advice already. I would try a good lawyer.

    Maybe can make deal with your wife because divorce 50% sounds good.

    It is possible to get finance on your car in your name. Same car dealers. I have finance on my car in my name. My girlfriend guarantee for me (with my money)

    I only could get 50% finance a thai person up to 70% this is what the toyota dealer said to me.

    The finance is true Tisco bank. There are a lot of things for us farnags possible. We need to exchange information better.

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