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Posts posted by pritch84

  1. 5 minutes ago, Scottjouro said:

    Simple, to invoice as a business the payment needs to go into a business account, which is a legal entity, not a personal account, strictly speaking you are stealing money from the business and committing fraud if your using a company invoice and detouring the money to a personal account..


    Because they are sending money to a personal account, you are treated as an individual  not a company and they will be obligated by law to invoke withholding tax from you, as they dont know where you are resident or paying tax...currently the transaction is company to indivudual...


    To not pay tax in france, you need to invoice from the company, money is paid into the company account, you draw a "salary" from your company and pay income tax on that in Thailand...then this transaction is company to company (legal entity to legal entity)


    Thank you very much mate! Great answer ???? Not what I wanted to hear but at least I know what to do about it now! lol









  2. Thanks for your information. It's a French company but they're not paying my company account, I use my personal thai account for business in my name as my lawyer just always told me mai dai for setting up a business account for whatever reason! So taxes I sort yearly or whenever my accountant asks for all my statements. So yes either way that has nothing to do with the French company I believe... So they listed TTC and deducted from what they owe me. I just don't see how they can deduct a french tax for me when I'm operating and giving them services here in Thailand and when I submit the invoice and receipts I'll likely get taxed here also. 

  3. Conclusion of the Ranong Andaman Club Visa Run


    I'm on a Non Immigrant B Multiple entry visa with work permit. I was not asked to show any funds. A bus load of toursts from Koh Tao also never got asked to show any money or pay bribes unlike the other port in Ranong. It was a much more pleasurable experience and only costs a few hundred baht more which you will likely get extorted at the other port anyway!

  4. It just seems retarded, re-iterating what lkv said, if you are fully employed you obviously are in a career with a certain salary with a Thai company sponsoring you (on paper although most the time we are just paying for a bunch of shit we don't need) which should be enough. Ive got millions of baht worth of investment sitting here in Thailand including the car i'll drive myself there with but sometimes actual cash can get low between buying and getting paid when you're constantly investing your money. Anyway, i've decided it's not worth the stress so to just get it but i will try without and report back! 

  5. Someone elsewhere seems to think you can get a 30 day extension with a multiple entry non B 1 year visa

    Anyone an expert on this or tried recently? :S 

    Exact Quote:  "  if u have a 1 year non B visa u should get a 30 day
    If u have a 1 year EXTENSION and u lose ur wp u will ONLY get 7 days to leave 
    Meaning is everything.
    If u have a 1 year Non B visa ( issued outside thialand) 
    If you do a border run just before the Visa expires you will get another 90 days.
    Giving a total of 15 months."

  6. So to say what happened. I'm on a Non B multiple entry visa, have to do a run every 3 months. I'm a work permit holder also. I had 39 days overstay. 


    So they ask me why I have such long overstay, I explained my reason and apologised. Then they tell me I have to goto the airport and cant do it here for long overstay. (same shit they gave me last time when I had 1 day overstay because of an error bangkok airport made)


    So feeling tired and not wanting to prolong my agony I ask them can I pay a little bit extra. He sits me down, trusty rip off calculator comes out and they ask me to pay an extra 2000 baht tea money.


    On the way back I slipped 500 in my passport in case they decided to give me another going over coming back in and wouldnt accept my bank book as proof. They returned my passport with my 90 day extension and 500 baht still inside...


    So corrupt as ever but the 500 baht back was maybe cause I took it quite well and was quite friendly with them during the ordeal cause I was just relieved to not have bigge problems and it was my fault.


    Ps Burma border is so friendly these days. The same guys that have been there for at least 8 years, kids grown up. They don't hassle you like they used to they just politely give information and there is a TIP box if you want to and the Immigration officials there are quite friendly and nothing like the Ranong side of things.

  7. Ah Damm, yes I've been flying out for over a year on jobs so forgot about it completely! Last time I was there they were very unfriendly to the point of intimidation/extortion as I was travelling alone and not with a tour with 1 day unknown overstay. He was hinting for me to give him the 10 usd I had for Burma, made me wait and wait, threatened to close and saying I'd have to fly instead as I was late. I'm gonna leave my phone recording in my pocket on this one

  8. I think I'm a director but possibly not, it was setup in typical fashion for me to get a work permit and work legally, went away for quite a long time, came back heard nothing... head in sand... now judgement day is coming! I don't want to leave any trouble for the shareholders who helped me out so looks like I gotta just go pay for the old one. Just dont trust my accountant to give me the best deal even if it is my fault I'm in this situation!

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