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Posts posted by Wallaby

  1. Once I have my house completed I intend on ensuring my wife and I have adequate protection.

    This starts out with decent perimeter security, i.e. decent walls, sensors etc, and continues with decent windows, secure roofing, locks etc…

    And as a last resort - A shot gun, I would prefer to have some form of non lethal projectile, i.e. rocksalt shots loaded, I would also like a hand gun, locked in a conveniently located safe - It is my understanding we can obtain legal ownership in BKK.

    I would also like a ‘safe-room’ as per the movie. Designing our own house gives us this luxury.

    Ultimately, I’ll stop caring about the law if someone has the intention of doing my family harm.

    I believe that an individual situation can be judged on its own merits. If I am ever forced to become the person I don’t wish to be and take justifiable action I will not take issue with the repercussions, protecting my family takes priority. That said, I believe that given a situation where I feel lethal force on my part is required I believe the law may favor my side.

    I hope the TV anti-gun lobby don’t roll in and destroy this thread as they did another recently.

    Yes I think when it comes to family I'll do what I have to do and worry about the consequences later. If I did time then so be it,.

    • Like 1
  2. Many of the same insurgents who are taking shots at westerners are also fighting the Pakistani establishment. Pakistan, as with most Middle Eastern countries, is heading towards inevitable rule by Islamist hot heads. It's a downward spiral that's near impossible to counter, because of needing a strong resolve to eradicate the hot heads. It's like trying to get cockroaches out of an old house they've been in for decades. Probably what Europeans and N.Americans should do, is let them stew in their own juices. Unfortunately, the hot heads are not content with merely messing up their own houses, they feel compelled to spill their venom over to western countries. Hence, things like 9-11, the Madrid bombings, New Delhi, etc. happen. Damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

    911 happened because they had the same beliefs. Don't like them, don't agree with them, they're dangerous, just go in and kill them..

    We've become them.

  3. You've just won the oddest post of the year.

    You don't believe reports he stabbed someone because you know him and know he wouldn't do it, but won't ask him because you know the answer.

    I'm afraid very few will just take your word for it, if you'd ask him then relayed what happened then maybe people would take notice but it seems to me like you'd prefer to just put your head in the sand for fear of hearing the truth.

    I'm happy to believe the reports as they are until someone that knows him, and gets different information announces otherwise.

    The dude is a moron that stabs people, hope he gets what he deserves.

    I gave an opinion stating "I doubt he stabbed the guy" and people like you start making a song and dance about it.

    Get a grip.

    You can believe anything you like - by all means just believe every asinine report you read in the Pattaya News.

    A Canadian guy has a scratch on his arm and the big tattooed guy is walking around and still enjoying himself. Big deal!

    The only reason why I chimed in here was because I know the guy.

    A scratch?

    And yes I do believe someone being stabbed as a big deal.

    You know him but refuse to ask his side of the story yet tell others not to believe it.

    There are plenty of murderers that happen where the people that knew the guy can't believe he would do such a thing.

    Fair enough you don't believe he stabbed him but you are not basing it on anything other than what you think of him. That's up to you, but no reason to think others shouldn't believe the report without providing any evidence to the contrary.

  4. Colin, can I ask you for an honest opinion.

    If the UN bombed the crap out of Gaza and there was no more Hamas. No rockets fired into Israel. No more hate speach etc etc. The Palestinians just wanted to be left alone and go about their business on the land they now occupy.

    Do you think Israel would forever abide by that

    Certainly. Israel has traded land for peace already.

    Fair enough, thank you for answering.

  5. The airstrike was targeting commanders of the Mullah Nazir group, which is known for fighting against U.S.-led security forces.

    Remind me again whose country this is happening in?

    The US goes into Pakistan and the local goat herders get up in arms and fight back. What a shock. How dare they, bombs away.

    On the map it's Pakistani territory, but in reality, the Pakis have nearly no hand in what goes on there. The only goat herders who are getting targetted are those who pick up AK's and get fired up to shoot at westerners. Similar dynamics have been happening all over the world since Man first formed gangs and attacked other gangs - about 250,000 years (or longer, if you count troops of apes). Lesson: If you choose to fight a stronger force, you take the chance of getting killed.

    Since when was there a war with Pakistan?

    The goat herders pick up AK's to shoot at westerners because....................why the hell are the westerners in Pakistan shooting at them?

    Please don't give me the apeman scenario, I thought we'd moved on from that or are us westerners still in the stoneage.

  6. Colin, can I ask you for an honest opinion.

    If the UN bombed the crap out of Gaza and there was no more Hamas. No rockets fired into Israel. No more hate speach etc etc. The Palestinians just wanted to be left alone and go about their business on the land they now occupy.

    Do you think Israel would forever abide by that or do you think in that in 10 or 20 years time Israel will need more land due to increasing population or whatever, and begin further settlements.

    Of course there may be unthought of issues but generally speaking do you think the fighting would forever end?

    Wallaby I seriously suggest you read in its entirety the Hamas "Covenant or Charter", its quite easy just type it in on Google, then give me your opinion, and I see I have no reply About the ultra extremist Wahhabi sect in Saudi Arabia.

    No I haven't commented on Wahhabi as Saudi Arabia is not the topic of this thread.

    I asked what I thought was quite a simple question yet your response has nothing to do with my question. In your second response you again didn't answer.

    I am not trying to be a smartass in asking you, it is a genuine question. If you don't wish to answer then that is fine, but please don't quote my question if your response has nothing to do with it.

  7. Colin, can I ask you for an honest opinion.

    If the UN bombed the crap out of Gaza and there was no more Hamas. No rockets fired into Israel. No more hate speach etc etc. The Palestinians just wanted to be left alone and go about their business on the land they now occupy.

    Do you think Israel would forever abide by that or do you think in that in 10 or 20 years time Israel will need more land due to increasing population or whatever, and begin further settlements.

    Of course there may be unthought of issues but generally speaking do you think the fighting would forever end?

  8. So what? They hurt, maim and kill people and if they could figure out how to kill more, they would. They are terrorists and they target innocent civilians in any way that they can.

    How many have they killed? Even you admitted that killing isn't their main objective.

    How many have the Israelis killed?

    Obviously every time they use a hammer to drive a nail they break their thumbs ,either they are very stupid or getting well paid for doing socoffee1.gif

    Can't argue with that at all. I agree, they ain't the brightest or best at it.

  9. But they still hit bugger all don't they?

    And it seems Hamas wasn't involved so no point arguing about what they have done.

    One reason they are not hitting much is because 75% of them are being intercepted by Iron Dome Missiles.

    Wish I could hit 75% of fairways and greens.


    75% of Gaza rockets blocked by Israel’s ‘Iron Dome’ air-defence system

    Agence France-Presse Mar 12, 2012 – 12:31 PM ET | Last Updated: Mar 12, 2012 12:36 PM ET

    "From the article"

    By Monday afternoon, Palestinians had fired more than 200 rockets and mortar rounds from Gaza into southern Israel since a latest round of fighting erupted on Friday, the military said.

    Gaza emergency services said that at least 23 Palestinians had been killed and 73 wounded since Friday as Israeli launched 36 air strikes against the territory.

    On Monday, 31 rockets headed for urban centres were targeted by Iron Dome, which scored 23 hits, the military said, a 75 percent success rate.

    “The system is working very well,” Brigadier General Doron Gavish briefed reporters at one of the batteries in the vicinity of Ashdod, 25 kilometres from the Gaza border.


    If we could hit that percentage of fairways and greens I doubt either of us would be on this forum. We'd be much happier out on the course. drunk.gif

  10. And the majority of the world agreeing with Palestine.

    There is no country called Palestine to agree with, but there would be if they ever agreed to make peace.

    I didn't say there was a country called Palestine. Please learn to read. Though I do accept that to jusify your argument you have to clutch at straws.

    Your view is a minority and is wrong. The majority of the world knows you are wrong and agrees with the Palestinians. Put any spin on it you like and believe what you like. If you are happy being wrong then that's a matter for you.

    Of course the "MAJORITY" once said the Earth was flat did,nt itlaugh.png

    Is that what you rely on as a defence? clap2.gif

  11. The so called Country of Palestine is split in two halfs, Hamas in Gaza and Fattah on the West Bank ,All through this thread Fattah has never been mentioned as showing violent tendencies towards Israel or Israel towards Fattah maybe this should spell it out EXACTLY what I wrote previously if Hamas just listened to Mahmoud Abbas and not their well heeled leaders who subscribe Jihad then there would be peace and a state called Palastine with months

    BTW, I don't see the need to refer to it as a 'so called country'. The majority of the world already recognise it. Having to tiptoe around it should only be the reserve for pedants who have nothing but that argument to justify warmongering.

  12. I don't know some people think that the Palestinians have to bend over and take it before they are considered for inclusion as a country. Why is it that the Palestinians have to accept Israel's demands. If Israel wanted peace surely they too could have it by accepting the Palestinian demands.

    But for some on here it is just one way traffic and can be no other way.

    Fortunately, the majority of the world doesn't think like some on here, they already recognise Palestine, and the number is growing.

    Even without any peace agreement with Israel they will still eventually have full international recognition. If Israel isn't careful, and doesn't start coming to the party, they may find that they are the ones that will end up with nothing.

  13. Thank you Pakboong for your most informative links ,as stated previously which was indicated quite plainly in the links ,it is NOT Palestine that is the problem but Hamas in Gaza ,not once did I read of Fattah in the West Bank ,as stated previously too the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is branded a traitor by Hamas, A traitor for wanting peace with Israel!!!, as for the targeted killings ,far better to target an individual deemed a threat to Israel's security than a fire rockets indiscriminately into a civilian area with no idea what or who they are going to hit .

    But who do they hit? How many have been hit?

    Do you really think they are that bad a shot that with hundreds of rockets fired into civilian areas that they can't even hit a target, any target?

    If Hamas are that bad with their aim I don't know why Israel even bothers swatting them away.

    Are you saying they fire their rockets and pray to Allah they do not hit anyone or anything!laugh.png

    No, but they aren't very succesful are they. As UG says, their main objective is fear. So it isn't their main objective to kill.

    They don't have to pray to Allah that they don't kill anyone because they rarely do.

  14. So what is his side of the story?

    Once again, I said I don't think he stabbed anyone. I don't think you've been talking to any credible witnesses either - that's my opinion.

    And they are not credible because they are prostitutes who were there? If you have worked together and have known him for 30 years why don't you just ask him if you are so sure he did not do it?

    I don't have to ask Tim - I'm sure enough without asking him.

    Yes, if they are street prostitutes I could consider them even less credible.

    If there was a fight and someone jumped in and stabbed the Canadian and everyone split, it's pretty obvious that Tim would be the easiest suspect to identify, so they go after him. They would also take the word of any Thai "witnesses" who said he did it. He's the guy who would net the police a decent pay out so they certainly aren't going after some broke Thai.

    Use your imagination and stop being so naive. The police have already been paid off - everyone is happy and the story will go away. It's already been pulled from the linked news website.

    You've just won the oddest post of the year.

    You don't believe reports he stabbed someone because you know him and know he wouldn't do it, but won't ask him because you know the answer.

    I'm afraid very few will just take your word for it, if you'd ask him then relayed what happened then maybe people would take notice but it seems to me like you'd prefer to just put your head in the sand for fear of hearing the truth.

    I'm happy to believe the reports as they are until someone that knows him, and gets different information announces otherwise.

    The dude is a moron that stabs people, hope he gets what he deserves.

  15. As for cheaper. It seems easier to get robbed here with little recourse in the the practical application of the law than it does back on your home turf. It happen, sure, but I think the percentages are favouring picking a partner from your own country.

    Anyway, none of my business really. Sorry if any offence caused. Boring if we were all the same and all that pish. coffee1.gif

    No offence caused.

    I meant cheaper as in.........lose your home and superannuation etc etc. I would imagine the whole gf through to wife and difforce experience in the west is lot more expensive.

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