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Posts posted by Jason1968

  1. I have travelled to Thailand from the UK six times since 2009, always on a single entry 60 day visa. I have not yet been to the surrounding countries. I am considering visiting Thailand again next year, but this time visiting, Laos, Cambodia, maybe other bordering countries and possibly Vietnam. If I wanted to fly on each of these journeys, saving time and also for safety reasons, what type of visa would I need to obtain from the UK and would I have to return to Thailand each time before visiting the next country? For example: Fly to Thailand, then fly to Laos, then fly to Cambodia, then fly to Vietnam, then fly from Vietnam to Thailand, then fly from Thailand to Burma or Malaysia. Is this possible?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. This piece of English crap is going to kill himself,,, which is ok with me as he is a low life looking for his dog, which brings a question,,, is the dog still alive??? the American that kicked his face in is not, so where is the dog,,,I'm an animal lover,,,,,,,,,, Better yet I have never been in that 7/11 and had knifes thrown at me???? it must be a British thing,,,,, the law between the Thais and the Brits is simple,,, you plead guilty to your crimes and get life if you waste the courts time then you get the death penalty,,,, I pray to god that this piece of garbidge gets life in a Thai prison,,,, the pitbull will be now known as the pumping chawawwara,,,, I hope Martin Carpenter the British council has a lot of vasalean for this garbidge from England he will need it

    What a mindless,,,,,,, racist post this is....... What a lot of crap!,,,,,,,, and what's with all the commas and question marks???? Maybe you've got the shakes from too much alcohol. Maybe I'm being a little unfair; you should receive some credit for attempting to spell and punctuate, but even if you had half achieved this, the content still would make no sense. But I guess everyone loves a trier, so, bless you.
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  3. It's looking for a needle in a haystack. He could have been dropped from a Cliff, he could have been the victim of a crime but it is just as likely that he doesn't want to be found anymore. Hard to believe sometimes for family and friends but fairly common. (And imagine when he had a farang wife/GF than disappearance is the preferred option)

    Just as likely he doesn't want to be found anymore? What nonsense!
  4. I think most of the commentors in this post probably live in Thailand and don't keep up with the news reports in the western world. This isn't just happening in as you like to keep saying, "amazing Thailand". This and much worse happens all over the world. Women in India are sexually abused and have far fewer rights than in Thailand. Also Pakistan and many other middle eastern countries, with laws such as a rape is not a rape unless it is witnessed by 3 or more men, otherwise it will be deemed a false allegation and she will be punished, possibly hanged. At least there is a law against these depraved actions in Thailand even if they are not always obeyed. I'm far from condoning what happens in Thailand, but statements suggesting...'only in Thailand' or 'Thais must be from another world' or 'police and government officials in civilised societies don't use prostitutes' I think the people in here posting this crap are the ones who live in another world of make believe.

  5. I think this could be a hot topic today!!!

    It is alarming that 18 year olds are undergoing this kind of treatment. When oh when will men realise that 'it aint what you got, it's how you use it ' !!

    If these procedures are causing such high rates of complications (30-40 a month is a huge number), the offending clinics should be closed down and the procedures made illegal, as they clearly don't work.

    That's the cliche...but actually what is better taught and more correct is: It's nothing to do with size or how one uses it, but about the person inside and the communication between the couple.
  6. In every country and race there are people that cheat on their partners. The Canadian is a Psychopath. His extreme reaction proves this.

    Love to see evidence of the Thai law permitting a Thai man, in his own home, to kill another person having an affair with his wife. Sounds like nonsense to me.

    And to the cynics, there are as many genuine and trust worthy Thai men and women as there are in any walk of life.

    • Like 2
  7. Since 2009, I have driven roughly 20,000 miles around Thailand. I have been stopped eight times by the traffic police. Two of those occasions I was at fault, honest mistakes when I started using Thai road. One of these times I was fined, given a ticket to take the police station and the other I was let off. The other six occasions I was totally innocent and given the choice of a ticket, which would cost me 400 Baht at a police station, or a 200 Baht fine given directly to the traffic policeman. I already know the police do this to boost their wages. So it doesn't surprise me to read the report.

  8. Hello, can this beach casting multilier be used for river fishing also? I am also wanting to buy for my friend in Thailand. Thank you so much for your information.

    I have bought quite a few reels out here, Shimano is an excellent brand, when I was working on an Island in the middle east I bought a beach casting multilier and a couple of fixed spools, I spent the next 5 years taking a shedload back for my mates on every visit to Thailand. Uk prices are incredibly inflated, I have had Penn reels fall apart on me after a seasons hard fishing but these Thai multipliers go on and on. And yes I do maintain them after use fresh water wash ad lubrication with a quality grease. On a lighter note:

    Forget the Tai Chi, here is some useful anti-stress advice for you fishermen out there sent to me by a dear friend; I am passing this on to you because it definitely worked for me and we all could use more calm in our lives.

    By following this simple advice, I have finally found inner peace. A Doctor proclaimed the way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started.

    So I looked around my house to see things I'd started and hadn't finished and, before leaving the house this morning, I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of shhhardonay, a bodle of Baileys, a butle of vocka, a pockage of Prunglies, tha mainder of bot Prozic and Valum scriptins, the res of the Chesescke an a box a chocolets. Yu haf no idr who fkin gud I fel.Peas sen dis orn to dem yu fee AR in ned ov inr pece

    Tight Lines!


  9. I dive all these sites regularly. I can say for sure the coral is in rough shape. The Irony is the divers are for the most part the most ecologically conscious groups of people out there. I am not a Thailand basher. In fact I usually read alot of this commentary with disgust at how much Thai bashing goes on by people who are living here as guests.

    That said, I can't help but think divers are being singled out because they are tourists. Almost no Thais dive. I wager at everyone of these sights the fishing boats (who are not supposed to be there anyway, yet always seem to be) are responsible for 100 times the pollution of the dive boats. I have seen it with my own eyes. The saddest thing, is the largest factor in coral death is sudden water temperature shifts, which are beyond the control of anyone sitting in a boat. If the close the Similans I can say for certain Thailand's already suffering tourist trade will take yet another hit from shortsighted politicians. Of course, they could always restrict access by raising the park fees? I wonder if that is being suggested.

    Speaking as a Diver myself and a resident in Thailand, I agree that there is no group of people more interested and aware of the environment than Divers. I am also lucky enough to meet quite a lot of Thai Divers - I will tell you I have NEVER once seen a Diver doing anything that would harm the underwater environment we love so much. I do however see a lot of discarded rubbish in the Sea (Gulf of Thailand) and It is not the dive boats.

    I have dived many times in Thailand. I do not know what the main reason for declining coral, I guess all of the reasons mentioned are a factor. To the comments about instructors and divers being aware of the fragility of coral, although the instructors verbalise to this effect, I have seen many divers accidentally stepping on coral due to lack of control. I was also in a group when an extremely experienced dive master, wrongly in strong current, tried to take inexperienced divers in a swim through and they were struggling and banging against coral. This may have been just a one off, but I do not believe this. IMHO

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