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Posts posted by tole

  1. i,m a regular there,I always bottom fish but the bait and addatives are something which change often, The lam is something quit new there and say it needs an addative which they sell to attract plah buek...i never had much success with it,

    MY ex gf is in the know and has contact with thais who fish there every week so before going i call and ask her to get the info, she claims they use something they call a bomb to make the fish loose the taste for the bait and addatives they have been taking so as to stop locals taking there own bait, Pandan was working for a while but it since changed to durian, something called fruity was also working.

    Can you explain this bomb thing, when I fish my local lake the Thai's always catch many more fish and they do seem to have something special in there bait, a recent competition where there were 5 thai's and 7 Falang the Thai's caught many many fish where as us only a few, in fact the Thai fishing next to me had many many runs and fish whereas myself only 1 fish and one other run. so what do they do to attract the fish to there bait?

    I remember the first time I went to skunar pond.

    I did not catch anything the whole day (blank) while the Thais beside me strike almost every 2 casting the whole day !

    I think the fish in BSR is easier to catch than skunar but BSR is much pricey and I don't like double pricing standard they use

  2. i,m a regular there,I always bottom fish but the bait and addatives are something which change often, The lam is something quit new there and say it needs an addative which they sell to attract plah buek...i never had much success with it,

    MY ex gf is in the know and has contact with thais who fish there every week so before going i call and ask her to get the info, she claims they use something they call a bomb to make the fish loose the taste for the bait and addatives they have been taking so as to stop locals taking there own bait, Pandan was working for a while but it since changed to durian, something called fruity was also working.

    Thanks for the info.

    Contact with Thais is a bit difficult as I don't speak Thai anyway, next visit I will try durian and this fruity.

    BTW..does the small shop there has this durian and fruity thing ?

  3. Hi,

    Maybe someone who use to fish at skunar pond willing to share the effective bait for this pond :-)

    Last weekend we went there and use 2 kind of bait:

    1. Dough made from bread and mix it with some additive (I think cocnut milk and pandan smell)

    2. Lam mix with water and vanilla smell.

    Both were okay but the result was not as good as the local ...just wondering what do they use..

    Beside that, I notice there are 3 different tackle set up

    1. with semifloat and using the dough

    2. botom fishing using lam

    3. with float using lam

    Which one is the modt effective in this pond ...

    Many thanks for the info


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