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Posts posted by venturalaw

  1. On 11/12/2016 at 5:19 PM, ClutchClark said:

    Still in denial.


    Still blaming everyone but herself and her own decisions.


    it was either the FBI or racism or sexism or.....


    Great example to send to her followers.


    Take zero personal responsibility.

    That and throw in lie when confronted with undeniable facts, plus a healthy dose of 'Delay as long as possible' and you have the Clinton 'Playbook'. 

  2. Thailand will soon have the title of suicide capitol of the world.

    Nearly every day another suicide reported !!!!

    No signs of a struggle. You will not find any sign if you do not look for 1.

    Only a farang. case closed.

    "Only a farang. case closed."

    So very true.

    One of the reasons, after living 7 years in Thailand, I left and never looked back. I miss my friends, but not the corruption and prejudice. For those friends who remain, please be safe.

  3. coffee1.gif

    Last attempt:

    Should foreign policy and major public decisions be determined by polling data?


    Or, "Do we have a dictator who even defies Congress rather than giving a damn what the people think? Should one narcissistic be able to crash around like a loose cannon despite what the people who elected him think? Is it a dictatorship or does the jerk work for the people? Just who are his real bosses, anyway? Who gave him his position and power? Why does he insist on taking more power than anyone expected him to?

    Does the US have a junta, or does the POTUS still answer to the people?

    Let's take a closer look at some of the language used in this post:

    "A dictator"

    "A junta"

    "Defies congress"

    "Taking more power"


    You certainly do like the drama, don't you?

    But if any of the above were true, why hasn't the US Congress (both of which are controlled by Republicans) commenced with impeachment proceedings? Don't worry, I don't expect answer. coffee1.gif

    Just like I didn't expect an answer to the question in the post you quoted. coffee1.gif When he knew he had painted himself into a corner, he attempted to distract with silly requests about posting the same link for the second time. However, it was apparent to every one reading the thread what he was doing. I posted the question 3 times in direct response to something he posted, but he never responded. He ran away. Unfortunately some just don't have the intellectual wherewithal to think critically about the ideological positions they hold. Sad but true. sorry.gif

    Of course you did not expect an answer. Your question was completely off topic and an obvious attempt to distract from the fact that you do not understand how polling works. Why would anyone take it seriously?

  4. I am one of the best friends Israel could have

    Why do you fell the need to constantly misrepresent the truth in your posts? Almost every post is packed full of false information that is easily disproved with factual links to credible sources or - in this case - by simply using common sense.

    I am addressing the OP.

    I leave it to forum readers to have the common sense to judge for themselves the truth of my posts and the credibility of my links.

    Your posts seem popular with the other Israel/Jew haters anyway.

  5. I don't think that many of the readers see the significance of this. Instead of sweeping it under the already lumpy carpet, they are actually investigating what has been happening.

    Without being too optimistic, for me anyway, it is a step in the right direction. There will be quite a few people panicking about this.

    Get rid of the inactive posts and enforce the full force of the law, they might be on the path to making a difference.......................rolleyes.gif

    The question is how much bribe money will the guilty officers pay to get out from under this and where will their next assignment be?

  6. i am now thinking that the thai police did not expect such a larg international back lash about these two

    in the past they have got away with itimatation beating confessions out of peole

    but this time ?????????

    anyone on KAO TAO living there can corrobrate the claim tourists are comming back in droves

    One wonders; how do the Thai police achieve a 100% confession rate??? whistling.gifbeatdeadhorse.gif

    they smack the them in the head with a phone book untill their ears bleed. there are no marks. tissue is put in the ears and the smacking goes on untill they agree to what ever you want them to say. it works almost as good as water boarding, the victim is left rummy and will do as you say. :-)

    mikiea - Not questioning the accuracy of your statement - just curious how you know about the method.

  7. What is the rough count of Thai sex workers in Betong? Most of their tourist revenue is from sex trade for sure. Are they counting the sex trade money?

    Betong may or may not have sex trade during Pretty Yingluck time as PM.

    But under Gen Prayuth, anything illegal has been stop.

    Including sex trade, as Thailand is a Buddhist countries.

    What ever trade the Islamic people offer I will not comment, but Thais will not deviate from Buddhist teaching on sex trade.

    BTW, the first thing you notice in Betong is a large statue of Buddha. No statue of prophet Mohammad can be seen anywhere in town AT ALL.

    "What ever trade the Islamic people offer I will not comment, but Thais will not deviate from Buddhist teaching on sex trade."

    I've been reading and posting on ThaiVisa for more than 10 years. This is absolutely the funniest statement I have ever read. Thanks.

  8. I have a friend who lived next door (not in Thailand) to an owner of a dog that would bark all day long. The neighbor worked a night shift and slept during the day. My friend recorded the dog barking and put loud speakers up in his windows facing the neighbor's bedroom and played the recording of the neighbor's dog during the day. The neighbor was at my friend's door when he came home from work complaining about my friend's dog. My friend told him that he didn't have a dog - that it was his (the neighbor's dog). Problem solved. Wish it could be so easy here.

    Wierd story:

    ...The neighbor had a dog that barked all day.

    ...The neighbor slept all day.

    Why didn't his barking dog disturb him, yet the recording did?


    I dont get it.

    Sorry for the confusion. The neighbor's dog barked all night while the neighbor was at work (he worked a night-shift). My friend, who works days and was trying to sleep at night, recorded the dog barking one night, then played the recording during the day through speakers pointed at the neighbors bedroom while the night-shift working neighbor was trying to sleep.

  9. Why does it take someone doing a documentary and a downgrade by the US before things finally start to get done. There are hundreds more all over the tourist destinations and beyond. You have made a tiny, tiny dent in the problem and have a long, long way to go so get moving.

    Not a tiny dent, rather a tiny temporary dent. In Chiang Mai the children are out selling flowers, then after some 'crackdown', they are replaced by adults for a few months. And then like everything else in this country, the adjustment is for show and in no time the children are out selling flowers again.

  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Purchased from the family, sick, just sick. The family and the guy involved. $51 for a child ! How could they? I bet the family buffalo is still at home !

    "How could they?"

    How else is the father's alcohol, smoking and gambling habits be supported? Where are your values? As you said, it's really SICK!

  11. I didn't quote the article in its entirety because we are not allowed to per TV rules. However, you can pick those parts that favor your position. The article points out that its conclusion generally goes against the position of its authors. You chose to cherry-pick part of a single paragraph that states the authors' position ignoring the concluding sentence in said paragraph, and the article's conclusion to wit: "But what is clear, and what they do say, is that gun control is ineffectual at preventing murder, and apparently counterproductive.

    Not only is the D.C. gun ban ill-conceived on constitutional grounds, it fails to live up to its purpose. If the astronomical murder rate in the nation's capitol, in comparison to cities where gun ownership is permitted, didn't already make that fact clear, this study out of Harvard should."

    Throughout the years I practiced and since I often encounter individuals who lash out. Frequently they were law school dropouts who seek to elevate their self-loathed insecurity by attempting to prove an unsupported position. Good luck to you.

    really? No effect hey?

    Law school drop out. Funny...


    Comparing the U.S. to Australia is comparing apples to oranges. Australian citizens do not (and never did) have a constitutional right to own firearms — even before the 1997 buyback program, handgun ownership in Australia was restricted to certain groups, such as those needing weapons for occupational reasons, members of approved sporting clubs, hunters, and collectors. Moreover, the 1997 buyback program did not take away all the guns owned by these groups; only some types of firearms (primarily semi-automatic and pump-action weapons) were banned. And even with the ban in effect, those who could demonstrate a legitimate need to possess prohibited categories of firearms could petition for exemptions from the law. Bottom line - there is no comparison.

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