w.t.f? How dare they in such a pure, sincere, god fearing and clean country. Yesterday i saw a new Thai movie called
สมมติ (Supposed)
They were banging around in a car in the middle of Bangkok. Is there a difference between foreigners doing this and Thai people?
Everyone has a cross below his belly, no Christian, Buddhist, Moslim or any religion is making a problem of that. If we would not have it the world would be a better place and less stupid things to worry about, right?
In the Netherlands the solution is simple. Go to the municipal office and ask for a "Extract from the Personal Records Database" . On that document the Social security number is given. They already have it they just don't want to provide it. I came across this by accident when the school required that document. I was amazed that the Social Security number was on it. But once i had it i could resolve the circular problem is was in.
Exactly. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Seen this before in the Netherlands where one could not get a health insurance without a social security number and the social security number was not provided when one did not have a permit to stay in the country and the permit to stay was not provided if one did not have a health insurance. A endless loop that could not be fixed unless one of the parties violated the rules.
Einstein was his time way ahead. I quote him here with permission:
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.
― Albert Einstein
when i am in Thailand the snot/mucus in my nose turns black within 24 hours after arriving. Their lungs must be black as can be. Do they really care about air quality? I guess it is a lot bla bla bla bla for the media and doing nothing in reality.
Maybe they really don't care? I always wonder how these bikes and cars can drive around. In my country they would have been set aside and not allowed to drive any further from that point on.