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  1. w.t.f? How dare they in such a pure, sincere, god fearing and clean country. Yesterday i saw a new Thai movie called สมมติ (Supposed) They were banging around in a car in the middle of Bangkok. Is there a difference between foreigners doing this and Thai people?
  2. It is the same as throwing them infront of a running train.
  3. Everyone has a cross below his belly, no Christian, Buddhist, Moslim or any religion is making a problem of that. If we would not have it the world would be a better place and less stupid things to worry about, right?
  4. It is getting worse and worse in Thailand. Is this normal behaviour now?
  5. In the Netherlands the solution is simple. Go to the municipal office and ask for a "Extract from the Personal Records Database" . On that document the Social security number is given. They already have it they just don't want to provide it. I came across this by accident when the school required that document. I was amazed that the Social Security number was on it. But once i had it i could resolve the circular problem is was in.
  6. Exactly. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Seen this before in the Netherlands where one could not get a health insurance without a social security number and the social security number was not provided when one did not have a permit to stay in the country and the permit to stay was not provided if one did not have a health insurance. A endless loop that could not be fixed unless one of the parties violated the rules.
  7. They did according to the ranking. But it can be worse, checkout the Corruption Index
  8. For those who want to see the complete list it can be found here https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2024
  9. We will just read more here about misbehaving drunk Farangs and how Thailand hates that. It is a neverending circle.
  10. That is why almost every article here is about the bad things Farangs/Foreigners do abroad in Thailand.
  11. Einstein was his time way ahead. I quote him here with permission: Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe. ― Albert Einstein
  12. They added the bla bla bla bla bla and for the rest nothing changes?
  13. A better way costs money which they don't have. So they cheapest way is burning the fields. Which they will keep on doing.
  14. when i am in Thailand the snot/mucus in my nose turns black within 24 hours after arriving. Their lungs must be black as can be. Do they really care about air quality? I guess it is a lot bla bla bla bla for the media and doing nothing in reality.
  15. Maybe they really don't care? I always wonder how these bikes and cars can drive around. In my country they would have been set aside and not allowed to drive any further from that point on.
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