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Posts posted by EODghost

  1. If you don't like the prices, don't go!

    Put up or pack up. Never complain.


    Yeah, never complain, That always solves all problems.

    I went to Major Cineplex and they were charging extra for big box office movies. I not only complained, but I also never went back. That was a year ago.

    I send them another email now, complaining again, reminding them of my exodus and that I also told all my friends to stay away too.

    Som Nam Na, I guess

  2. Always wondered what Pattaya's finest did when they're not out commiting crimes. Now I know.

    How those five clowns can keep a straight face, especially that old Danish pimp, is beyond me

    Think I'll mosey over to Andrew's website and thank him. What a hoot, great way to start the week.

    hehe...."I dub thee. Sir Irish of Coffee

    Sir English of Muffin

    Sir Fatty of Beef Patty

    Sir Pimp of Airport Lounge

    and Sir Douche Bag of Walking Street.

    Now go forth and Conquer.

  3. What about the Thai drug dealers that were buying the cocaine from him? Any thought to allowing him through customs, following him to his destination and busting the big guys?

    Of course not. The big guys are all standing behind him in #8.

    Who wants to bet the evidence disappears after our Swiss Steak is char broiled and prosecuted. Hypocrisy at its best; bad Foreigner...Good Thailand.

  4. Its all down to Education, Education , Education, as we have been told in Britain by a famous English Politician Margret Thatcher. and i think its true, if the Thai government spent money on education in stead of pointless adverts thats are on every night, at 7pm and 8pm on all the TV channels.You cannot blame the people for ignorance because they know no different , I have been laughed at because i get mosquito bites and it makes me concerned, Try tell the Thai people about dengue fever, even though many people die every year they seem not to understand..Why not have TV adverts explaining simple things about health issues. like coughs and sneezes , the basic things about general hygiene. the rest should follow. but again every thing is down to Money.

    I recently updated my vaccinations (Tetanus, Hep A and B The response from my Thai friends. ""What's wrong with you, why you get so many shots???"

    There's no such thing as preventative medicine to most of these people.

  5. Where can I report my ex and her mother for subjecting my 4 year old daughter to these bad Thai soap operas?

    Whoever the authority is should make sure that Thai soap operas that have nothing to do with proper moral values should be screened after bed time.

    Thai soap opera teaches kids the act of promiscuity, which leads many to prostitution.

    But when is bedtime ???

    Exactly. Thais let their kids run the streets at all hours of the night with Zero discipline and supervision. You get what you deserve, Thailand. Time to grow up?

  6. The French have an advantage though. It's called common sense.

    Granted some will abuse their privilege, but the majority are sensible and don't over do it. In Thailand, it is completely the opposite.

    A few drink responsibly, but the majority can't control themselves.

    In France during lunch hour we love to have a drink with our meals,mostly wine.laugh.gif

  7. Typical short sighted Thais. These scams have been going on for ages. Word of mouth and the power of the internet is spreading and people are simply not coming back to Thailand or not going in the first place now.

    Tourist numbers are declining at a rapid rate, not much money coming in, bars closing, Police losing their tea money and kickbacks. Now they are starting to see why and it's too late people.

    You've been scamming tourists for too long and people are not coming here. Should have shut these monkeys down ages ago and you might have more tourists spending money in honest establishments.

    But then there's no such thing as honesty here, is there? So Som nam naa, I guess.

    Too bad so sad, too little too late.

  8. Awesome! Let's show a picture of someone dead, their body imbedded in someone's windshield.

    Thai people have absolutely no respect for the dead or their families.

    I am sure that is the last image they want of their loved ones, plastered all over the news with limbs missing and a caved in skull. Nice job retards.

  9. Sad indeed, no thought for the loss of life, only their own pocket books. Selfish Thailand.

    tens of thousands of people died or might die, and thailand is thinking about losing some money, sad sad thailand

    do you think, if japan asks countries around them, to have refugies from japan for a long stay, that thailand will come up with blue cheese VISA requirements , 90 day reports for japanase refugees, leaving the country every 90 days for a stamp ???

  10. Another money making scam by the BIB. They should be ashamed of themselves. And they think we believe this sh*t?<br>

    The thing is, they don't care if we believe them or not, they do what they want with impunity. Their statements make themselves feel better so they can sleep at night. Why be ashamed when there's no one to shame you?

    Who's going to fix the Police, the Mayor? He's in power because they say he is.

    Only someone with Balls in the high command in the Police dept. can start a crack down on the Corrupt BIB.

    The Challenge: Find one of them with a moral compass pointing in the right direction to do something like that. Better luck being struck by lightning...twice

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