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Posts posted by bitterbatter

  1. I know this may be slightly off-topic, but I am having trouble with this new system finding the latest news about requirements for people coming to Thailand. My Thai wife And I are having a disagreement. She is telling me that you must have a vaccine to come to Thailand for both foreigners and Thais. And that a digitalI ID is required in most shops now.

    I have been looking at the government website and I don’t see rules like this at all. She says her cousin in the tourist police just telling her this. She said the government website is not correct.


    Can anybody help point me in the right direction so I can know what is going on?

  2. 1 minute ago, Aeiou7 said:

    I am usually not a conspiracy theorist believing in all kind of weird nonsense about hidden government agendas and I do think that the Thai government has generally done a great job in containing Covid-19, no matter if covidiots get that or (more likely) not. 

    But I definitely see a possibility that the current Thai governments (national and provincial) are abusing their newly acquired powers to crack down on the sex industry here. Go-go-bars that don't survive might be seen as a big success by them. Of course, I am just speculating here and not accusing anyone in power of any wrongdoings. ???? 

    How much do you want to bet that it's a self-righteous spinster wife, behind a cucked husband politician, that is making a lot of these decisions?

  3. The first big trials in the U.S. as a result of the massive Panama Papers leak, will begin in January 2020.  Some other countries have already been having trials. This movie is an attempt to get ahead of the story by creating their own narrative.  The real thing is much much bigger than anything they will put into a simple movie and involves names of some really big whales.  This will take a few years to fully unravel.


    The original name: The Laundromat
    Director: Steven Soderbergh
    Duration: 96 min.
    Cast: Meryl Streep, Gary Oldman, Antonio Banderas, David Schwimmer, Alex Pettyfer, Will Forte, James Cromwell, Matthias Schoenaerts, Nonso Anozie, Melissa Rauch, Robert Patrick, Jeffrey Wright, Amy Louise Pemberton, Chris Parnell
    Genre: Drama
    Country: USA
    Release date USA: 2019-10-18

  4. Wait a second.... Malaria has always been drug resistant.  What kind of bs is this headline?  Is it a prelude to some new vaccine like the dengue vaccine?  That worked out real well!!!


    Let me be clear, drugs are pharmaceuticals controlled by copyrighted substances, while natural medicine and cures remain solutions outside of monopolized products

  5. https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2013/jun/21/gchq-cables-secret-world-communications-nsa

    Here is a quote from the article- 

    GCHQ and the NSA are consequently able to access and process vast quantities of communications between entirely innocent people, as well as targeted suspects.

    This includes recordings of phone calls, the content of email messages, entries on Facebook and the history of any internet user's access to websites – all of which is deemed legal, even though the warrant system was supposed to limit interception to a specified range of targets.

  6. 9 hours ago, maxpower said:

    Unfortunately my wife says that the Thai here isn't good, difficult to comprehend. Can anyone suggest a better article? I fear that the  lack of any decent journalism on this subject is why Thais are still in the dark as to the dangers of chemicals in skin care products. It is so frustrating to try to convince them of the clear dangers when they are in denial of facts that are simply words of a farang or husband.

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