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Posts posted by Suiken

  1. what was the inflation like in Thailand for the last 20,30 years or so? 3% on average ?

    China was growing at 8 to 12% or more in the last decade or so? so if you moved to China 10,20 years ago, the 2M will get eaten up by the inflation greatly and it won't worth much today. What's the economy outlook like for Thailand? Is it pretty much saturated, maybe still some room for improvement. Anyways you still need to factor those in.

    for expats and older guys with experiences......how much do you spend when you get older like 50s,60s. Is it more or less vs when you were 30s,40s. assuming you have medical insurance and no real surprises like divorce etc.

  2. hi guys how would you advise me on how to managing/investing 2 million USD?

    here are some background, I am 35, I don't spend that much I just spend on things that I need. single now but might get married later or might not. I got a part time job it doesn't pay much at all and I might just stop that job. My money will worth a lot more I might move to Thailand, or just stay in the states and move to other states that got lower cost of living. Any states you guys can recommend that's decent to live and got low cost of living?

    So I am 35 and I plan to maybe just retire and not work anymore. So still got 50 years to live, maybe longer maybe shorter. How would you guys advise me on those 2 million USD? Houses in the states are cheap now what do you guys think about that? other investments? insurances? etc

    inflation is about 3%...but what is it like realistically for you older guys....I mean like living in the same standards how much more do you pay 10 or 20 years from now ? is it really 3% every year on avg?

    2M USD in Thailand probably worth more? about how much more?

    thanks guys

  3. Hi guys some of the clubs like neverland, the bank, hollywood. Are they similar to agogos? where you go to pay and pick up girls? are they similar to agogos or are they real clubs/discos?

    expenses in those clubs? anyone been? also like exotica, big apple, piano. thanks guys

  4. Hi guys for TC if you lose them or they got stolen, does american express really replace them? anyone ever have problem getting them replaced or any problems? I always use them and never had the need to call for lost checks...just wondering how safe/good are they.

  5. question: so compared to other average to decent hospitals in Bangkok and Thailand, how much more expensive is Bumrungrad ?

    What if the surgery or recovery process needs to be more than 1 month, which is longer than the visa....is there a special visa the hospital can get you or soemthing?

  6. hey guys, went to open up an account today, however in kriskorn bank they don't have atm cad, they only have debit card, and they want 350 baht for the basic card, and 200 baht? every year for the card, I asked they don't have atm card? they said no, only debit card. that sucked so I have to go to bank and manually withdraw money now. so which banks won't charge you for getting an atm card? and will only allow a passport and hotel address? thanks

    also in the passbook it got my signature, so I guess everytime I want to go withdrawl money I have to bring the passbook?

    they said they guarantee 1 million baht in the bank. I guess it's similar to FDIC? not really sure but I asked the girl that in the states there is the FDIC. and if they got something similar and she said ya up to 1 million. I wonder how reliable it is.

    and in savings accont you have to keep min of 2000 baht at anytime, if under it they charge 50 baht every month until it's depleted. that's what the lady told me

    opening up an account they needed a mobile phone to set up online banking...I didn't have one so I used a thai girls cell phone...I wonder if that's ok, they aid I can pick either passcode or use cell phone to send sms for online banking....so the cell phone wont' matter then

  7. ok I read this on the other board, it sounds pretty bad I say, what do you guys think any of you have similar experience like this?

    Moving and living in Thailand does take a while to get use to and lots of alcohol to start with, unless you coming from a small village in the middle of nowhere, in this case everything is just great.

    For starters simple things are made very hard.

    Internet-back home takes a phone call and you are in line few hours later, Thailand can take up to 4 weeks

    Same with phone and cable

    You can not pay your bills with credit card, and if you late with payment, you must go to the actual office, can not pay at 7/11 or post office.

    Buying things for the house can be little challenging, not only because staff do not know anything about what they sell, but for half of the time, what is shown is actually not in stock.

    When renting, getting your deposit back or part of it is like winning a lotto.

    Getting license, while it is not hard but it sure takes time, buying bike or car is rather a headache.

    You really do not have any right at all. No matter how it looks from the "roof" on the ground we do not have any rights -full stop.

    If you new car or bike breaks, they do not really fix it, but drag it out for warranty to finish, and there is not much you can do.

    Just recently i had a bike accident, and decided to fix up the bike, so gave it to a shop to respray the panels. Its now been 6 weeks and its still not done, because either they forgot to sand it and the color is not flat, or forgot to clean the surface after sanding so the color looks dirty, or get the color wrong and so on and on and on. It is now the 7th week and i still do not have the bike.

    I had a surgery in Thailand which went wrong somewhere. Doctor said he can fix but i have to again the full amount 350 000 baht.So he fuc_ks up but i have to pay again. Again no one gives a fuc_k.

    I have sent parcels back home, which were confiscated by Thai customs with no explanation or letter or anything. So you understand i sent parcel from Thailand to Australia and parcel was taken by Thai customs in the airport.

    Business wise, putting aside all the hassles with visa, WP, staff etc, i use Fedex for all my shipping. A few times now i order boxes and 2 weeks later i still do not receive. When they really piss me off and i get through to a manager in Singapore, they tell me i never ordered any boxes, and this happens very often.

    Yes you really do not have any rights. for BIB you are just a walking ATM, i been robbed in a high rise condo. Stupid guards were sleeping or were to stupid to question why someone is taking out everything who does not live in the condo. Everything was on video, but BIB did not even bother to check or do anything

    Any motor accident,you will always be in the wrong.

    If a Thai piles shit outside your house, there is not much you can do.If Thai does something wrong, again do not expect any assistance from the authorities.

    There is no consumer protection agency's. They have set up an agency but from my experience they do not give a fuc_k and do not do anything.

    There is no health and safety regulations, restaurant can serve you with rotten meat and again nothing you can do.

    Lodging complains anywhere, does not get you anything, possibly a sorry if you lucky.

    No matter if you live here for 1 year or 30 years you will always be a farang. If you meet the "right"people your life will be easier, but you will also be buying gifts and paying for every single step.

    Your investment is not safe, because you never know what new law they will come up with. If your money in the bank go missing for some reason-you will not get it back.

    I have heard of people putting in a large sum of money to get interest, only at the end of the term to find out they do not get any interest because they are not Thai( true story)

    Other things to mention, say you open a business and it does very well, you will start to get visits from police, immigration and everyone else who can extort you one way or another.

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