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Posts posted by spytheweb

  1. Your argument is hard to follow - regardless, I'll keep to my initial posting - US government workers are far from enviable when it comes to work ethic. Add a complex web based database system for online services to the mix and you have a recipe for disaster. Contrary to what you might believe, their online services are not magic - it's staffed by plenty of government employees. I've worked with my fair share of GS types and the competent are few and far between.

    I'm happy to hear your experiences with the SS folk have been easy, but opinions and accounts differ, and this is a forum. Again, I am not proud of a program that is taking money from me or my generation that will never be seen again.

    "US government workers are far from enviable when it comes to work ethic." So are people who work for corporations, the only difference is when corporate folks make mistakes they are usually in their favor and profit for the company. Now if you said Americans are incompetent on the whole that would be more on the mark. No matter where you go in America there's rotten service, you can't just blame government workers.

    I am not proud of a program (DOD) that is taking money from me or my generation and bombs the hell out of 3rd world countries.

  2. You must be a MAN with a lot of money if you do not mind losing a house. :D

    Why would I want to keep a house in the Jungle?

    And yes, I do have money. I'm not the average destitute, happy hour drinking, noodle eating farang, thankfully.

    Why pay for one?

    Real man learn to say NO!

    Yes, you're right. Why would I want a house for my family?? What a stupid idea that was.

    I'm glad I have spoke to you, now I am going to spend it on whores instead :bah:

    Good, as long as you don't waste it.

  3. I just went to the site seems ok


    Do you know anyone who uses the new SS debit card to get their funds. I hear by March 2013 there will only be 2 ways to get paid, by bank DD and new debit card.

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