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Posts posted by masuk

  1. Hi.  Having purchased a new supply of coloured printer ink, I'd now like to print the Thai Visa calendar for this year.

    I can't locate it on a general search.   Anyone have the web site to download this?

    Thanks for yr help.


  2. On 1/26/2021 at 9:18 PM, RJRS1301 said:

    Nought to do with collapsable containers and oxygen, it has to do with product in the bladder, distatseful going in distasteful comeing out especially being held at room temp in the shops here. Overpriced stuff that rarely sells in its home country.


    Wrong on both counts!  It's a good product and it sells extremely well in containers from 2 litres to 20litres (for BBQs!)

  3. 32 minutes ago, Dart12 said:

    I'll give it a shot.  I've tried Peter Vella and Mont Clair and another (my fave actually), but I can't think of the name right now.  But they aren't true reds at all.



    16 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

    Whatever you pay for most cardboard wines is way above the value, pity your taste buds

    Oh come on!   The collapsible containers in the casks keep out the oxygen and the taste is excellent.  Do you really think we'd be buying casks if the quality was not there? 

    • Haha 1
  4. 16 hours ago, klauskunkel said:

    "Oh look, there is on orange one..., and this one is bright red with a touch of crimson.."

    "Scarlet, I see scarlet everywhere."

    "This flame is really big compared to the other flame a minute ago..."

    That's how they 'distinguished' the flames as reported in the article.  

  5. On 12/26/2020 at 12:45 PM, George Bowman said:

    Can bamboo rockets travel that far?

    I can't help wondering if they now have a fireproof variety of bamboo which will not burn up on reentry.

    I also wonder if the speed of the rocket which is listed as 11km per hour has a few zeros missing from the figure.

  6. 10 hours ago, lambchops said:

    Unless there is something specific to you, that you know about, you do not get a pension 'til 67 years old. Keep changing it upward every now & then.

    There may be a waiting time before you get any Newstart.Not sure.

    If there is no actual need to do it this month, think & plan ahead.

    There is an Australian pensioners thread here somewhere.

    My bro in law is in the Philippines, wanting to come back to Oz. He's been told that he can't apply for a pension until he's been back 2 years.

    Also, to qualify for a full aged pension, you have to have worked in Oz for 35 yrs.

    Anything less than 35 yrs and the pension is pro rata.

    All this info is available in the Centrelink pages on the web.

    • Like 1
  7. 8 hours ago, jackdd said:

    Does anybody know any dealer who actually registers the vehicle with a week?

    The fastest i've seen were two weeks, but just because i pressured it.

    Especially Honda motorbike shops will usually tell people 90 days.

    About three years ago, I bought a new car South of Chiang Mai.  I picked this up, complete with red plates and drove back to Chiang Mai.    

    I'd hardly driven for half an hour when i was flagged down by a policeman, and he fined me 100baht for "driving out of the province with a red plate."

    I learned later that one is not even supposed to drive a car with a red plate at night!  No doubt there are other restrictions as well.   

    It took about a month to get the papers allowing me to obtain the standard white plates.


  8. 26 minutes ago, PatOngo said:

    Why not give Agent Orange a crack, it has a proven track record for killing weeds!

    You're partly correct.   As I understand it, Agent Orange was a generic name for Glyphosphate (Roundup) but it contained impurities which caused genetic defects in people coming in contact with it - for some generations.

    More recently, farmers and other uses of Glyphosphate have been developing cancers due to contact with Roundup/Glyphosphate.

    Given that the average farmer in Thailand would not have had much training in the use of agricultural chemicals, let alone correct disposal of containers, contamination of water or even correct protective clothing, the risk is much greater than in most Western countries.

    • Like 1
  9. 18 hours ago, dallen52 said:

    (There are two kinds of offences. The first kind are minor ones that would merit fines but no points. However, if fines are not paid within a stipulated period then both a fine and points will be levied.


    In the second group are more serious offences such as speeding, going the wrong way on the highway, passing through red lights, DUI, using phones while driving and not wearing helmets on motorcycles. 


    Drunk driving: 3 points

    Red lights: 2 points

    Helmets and speeding: 1 point each


    Repeat offenders face a three year ban and having to retake their driving test.


    Police will post fines to people and then they have 15 days to pay up.

    If they don't then the Department of Land Transport will be contacted so that fines can be paid at the DLT when tax renewal time comes. 


    If offenders don't have enough money to pay they can still renew their tax but will get a 30 day final notice on the fine after which no tax disc can be issued.)


    It begs believe really. 

    Its baby stuff.

    Lets be honest about it!!!


    More than 6 million unpaid fines reported in the first half of the year. 

    Taking a license test will be a novel experience for some.

    One recent road blitz revealed 40% of drivers were unlicensed. 

    28% DUI. Be it hooch or drugs. 

    Hardly anyone lives at the recorded address so what's the point of mailing the infringements out?


    There's many models around the world that can be considered. 

    Drunk driving = take the license and take the vehicle. 


    But please don't make it 500 baht and 3 wais.



    One of the Scandinavian countries (Sweden I think)  has an automatic jailing for DUI  -  booze or drugs.  No fines, no points.  just a month or so in the slammer!!

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, colinneil said:

    What a load of hog wash....Points system will not improve driving standards 1 iota.

    A hell of a lot of drivers here dont even have a license, so points wont change anything.

    Drive on regardless..... Thats the motto here.

    Correct!  However, as the licences are cancelled, that might reduce the number of accidents.  

    Speed and traffic light cameras in Australia are linked to the vehicle data, address of owner and licence number.  If these are out of date or non-existent, then police are alerted. 

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