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Posts posted by wiggy221

  1. I would also like to point out, before i get bashed any more... That i DO value Thai cultire and traditions and i DO live and mix in with Thais.

    It was just a point that although it is law and i fully agree with law and order, things like corruption are AGAINST the law but are common place in Thailand.

    I also wonder how many of you expats who have gave me a bash acttually speak Thai as i DO to fit in? Bit off topic i know but still just a thought.

  2. Posted 2011-02-03 12:40:42

    snapback.pngwiggy221, on 2011-02-03 10:01:53, said:

    snapback.pngHerbalEd, on 2011-02-03 09:51:45, said:

    snapback.pngwiggy221, on 2011-02-03 09:32:17, said:

    ..... and the lady went back to her stall to sell the porn dvd's i bet.

    Some things you just couldnt make up in Thailand, how is it so acceptable to sell SEX and SEX DVD's but showing a bit of flesh on the beach or surrounding area is frowned upon. Is it one rule for Farangs and obne rule for locals here ?

    What a broad-sweeping generality. If you broadened your horizons beyond sex you'd realize that only a small percentage of Thais are involved in sex-related commerce and most are indeed offended by public nudity. It is their country and culture you know.

    Gee really, i didnt know that.

    I didnt mean to tar everyone with the same brush but most Thais are hypacrits, i am married to a Thai by the way and have been for years so i think i am a pretty good judge and have lived in the country and city for most of that time (UK now). Most of the country elders frown upon this stuff and disagree with it but at the same time have daughters who sell sex, the elders then have no problems accepting the money they send back home.

    I know its gone a bit off the original topic but sex and flashing/showing the body naked is along the same lines.

    Well you did tar them all with the same brush. Just because your wife is a hypocrite dosen't mean all Thai's are. Mine is not.

    In case you didn't know it and obviously you didn't they are two separate issues.

    Your view of sex is clouded understandably so judging every thing in Thailand by it's sex capitol If they were one and the same how come we don't have it here in Chiang Mai. How come you don't have it in your front yard they are one in the same according to you.

    Get a life in the UK and pretend to be a expert on the Thai culture because you have a hypocrite for a wife.


    Sorry, where did i mention my wife was a hypacrit? Please read the post again as i did not in any way say SHE was a hypacrit.

  3. snapback.pngIAMSOBAD, on 2011-02-15 07:11:41, said:

    Best of luck to the Farang victim.

    And screw his Thai wife, yes? Unless you have any proof to the contrary, why not assume they were a happily married couple who were BOTH TIED UP, ATTACKED AND ROBBED OF THEIR MONEY. Or is that possibility beyond belief for you?

    People with all these comments about inside jobs and deceitful wives are revealing a great deal about themselves and nothing about the actual victims.

    As to moving away from Pattaya to escape crime, where are these havens of crime-free existence? Theft, breaking and entering, phsyical assault happen everywhere. Even the Queen of England had an intruder in her bedroom.


    Early on Friday morning, July 9, 1982, Queen Elizabeth II woke to find a strange man sitting at the end of her bed. The man, dressed in jeans and a dirty T-shirt, was cradling a broken ashtray and dripping blood onto the royal linens from a lacerated hand. The Queen kept calm and picked up the phone from her bedside table. She asked the operator at the palace switchboard to summon the police. Though the operator did pass the message to the police, the police didn't respond.


    I totally agree with you, is it really so hard to understand and believe that not all relationships with Thai women are bad? I think you are also right in when you say a lot of the people who comment on here have been on the receiving end of a bad experience but what they are doing is tarring all people with the same brush! It all depends on who you choose to be with and who chooses you, if you get a bar girl that does not necessarily mean she will rip you off, i know lots in the UK who worked bars and they are the nicest people i know and are happily married, have children and are in a great relationship but you have to choose wisely.

    One can be hapilly married to a Thai, not everything is about money and inside jobs. I am married to a Thai and she has never asked for huge sums of money, we live within our means etc etc. I would say my last English gf was a lot worse than my Thai wife without doubt.

    Anyway, a speedy recovery to them both.

  4. ..... and the lady went back to her stall to sell the porn dvd's i bet.

    Some things you just couldnt make up in Thailand, how is it so acceptable to sell SEX and SEX DVD's but showing a bit of flesh on the beach or surrounding area is frowned upon. Is it one rule for Farangs and obne rule for locals here ?

    What a broad-sweeping generality. If you broadened your horizons beyond sex you'd realize that only a small percentage of Thais are involved in sex-related commerce and most are indeed offended by public nudity. It is their country and culture you know.

    Gee really, i didnt know that.

    I didnt mean to tar everyone with the same brush but most Thais are hypacrits, i am married to a Thai by the way and have been for years so i think i am a pretty good judge and have lived in the country and city for most of that time (UK now). Most of the country elders frown upon this stuff and disagree with it but at the same time have daughters who sell sex, the elders then have no problems accepting the money they send back home.

    I know its gone a bit off the original topic but sex and flashing/showing the body naked is along the same lines.

  5. It appears from what you say that your wife has not satisfied the requirements for Indefinite Leave to Remain, so she will have to apply for Further Leave to Remain again using form FLR(M)

    (If she has satisfied all the requirements for ILR then she applies for this using form SET(M).)

    Does her ESOL course include citizenship materials? If not, then it will not satisfy the knowledge of life and language in the UK (KOL) requirement.

    Persons applying for FLR do have to satisfy the new language requirement. Having passed level A1, speaking and listening, this does satisfy the requirement, and she should submit the pass certificate with her application.

    Note that the new requirement is a lot easier than KOL, and does not replace it; she will still have to satisfy KOL in order to apply for ILR.

    With respect, she has had 2.5 years to satisfy the KOL requirement; you have left it rather late and so unfortunately will have to pay for another FLR, and then ILR when she has satisfied KOL.

    However, if she works full time then maybe her English is good enough to pass the Life in the UK test instead of sitting an ESOL with citizenship course. If so, then you may be able to get this done before her current leave expires and so she will be able to then apply for ILR instead of FLR.

    But whichever she applies for, the application must be submitted by the last day of her current leave.

    Hi 7by7, would just like to say many thanks for the advice and it has all been taken onboard. We have just sent off the FLR M form for another extension.

    The current ESOL course finishes in June and the next level starts in September so when it comes around again in 2 years time my wife can show she has progressed from one level to the next.

    I believe the other English test they requrie you to do is covered by the ESOL course as entry level one is the equivelent to level A1. We will also look into my wife doing the KOL course.

    Many thanks again :)

  6. I am after a bit of help and information regarding which forms my wife requires.

    My Wife is a Thai national and has been in the UK for nearly 2.5 years, she originally entered on a Fiancée visa and then go the two year extension after we married. During this time we have started a family and have a 9mth old boy, my wife works full time (maternity leave at present) and is currently undertaking her ESOL course at college (has passed her level a1 speaking and listening) . The course completes next month (course had not been done sooner due to waiting lists and pregnancy).

    After looking through the forms I am a bit unsure which form is required and what my Wife should be applying for. Would it be FLM R, SET M or another? The FLM R and SET M forms are for indefinite leave to remain but require my wife to have completed an ESOL course (see above comments), is there any other form that can be used which would take into consideration the fact we have a young child etc?

    The ESOL qualification is Cambridge ESOL entry level one which is the equivelent to A1 level required on the SET M form. I belive the rules and regs have changed in Nov 2010 - we had not been informed of this change by the way. Can we still go ahead with the SET M? i have included her certificate and will include a letter from a councellor/MP and possibly a letter from her college tutor and work to state she has integrated in the community and has a good understanding of English.

    Look forward to the responses, many thanks :)

  7. Hi all,

    Following my last post, we have decided to postpone moving to Thailand for the next 12 months.

    This post is however, wanting recommendations on locations to stay on holiday.

    My parents will be coming with my family on our hols this year and i thought instead of going to the usual in Jomtien, we should try somewhere different, this is where i want your help :)

    I would like to be by the beach, lots of activities and attractions to kep us occupied and perhaps a golf course nearby, oh, and there should be a few bars just to keep us entertained in the evening but not like Pattaya. Can anyone give me some recommendations please :)

  8. Hello all

    I have just returned to the UK from beautifull Thailand after a 5 week holiday with my Wife (Thai) and our young son.

    I really have the itch to make it more of a permanent switch out to Thailand but i have the usual things holding me back here in the UK.....

    I have a pretty good job, pays pretty well, unfortunatly at present we do not have much in our savings, and do not own a property in Thailand just yet.

    What i would like to know is, can we get a loan from a Thai bank to start up or buy a business in Thailand, something to help us tick over and keep us occupied out there?

    I know the best way would be to just hang on in the UK and save save save but i am feeling in one of those moods where if i dont do this now i never will....have to bite the bullet sooner rather than later.

    Can anyone else share their experiences of moving to the Land of Smiles, if you work there, how easy was it to get employment etc, if you have a business, how did you go about setting up etc.

    Thanks :-)

  9. If you are going to Southern Buriram, A really pleasant way to go is :: Take Viphadi Rangsit Highway to the Nakhon Nayok turnoff .Go through Nakhon Nayok, Kabin Buri, Sa Kaeo, Turn LEFT at the traffic lights AT Wattana Nakhon And follow that road through Nong Din Daeng.If going to Somewhere near Nang Rong ,take Pa Kham road. If going more to the East ,,go via Lahansai.To Ban Kruat. Just stop, whenever you see something you might like to explore. This route has much less traffic , so is a much more enjoyable way to go.


    Thanks for the replies. I believe it is near Muang Buri Ram where we are going to, i dont know if that helps you? It certainly does not help me lol.

    Well, i think it will be an intresting drive anyway :)

  10. stick to # 2 highway until you come to turn off for #24 to Nangrong/Buriram.

    @24 is the Ringroad for Korat,pass true NangRong ,turn left onto #219...straight into Buriram.Traveltime from BKK about 5 hrs or less.

    Have a safe trip.

    Thanks Taurus,

    Much appreciated :jap:

  11. Hi all,

    Could anybody let me know what the weather has been like in Buri Ram recently, is there any flloding like there is in Khorat? We will be staying 5-10 mins outside the main centre.

    Also, does anyone know the directions from BKK to Buri Ram? I will be driving and dont know which way to go :(

    Thank you

  12. I am due to go out in 3 weeks time for 5 weeks, with the Wife (Thai) and our baby (6mth)

    We are going to BKK, travelling up to Buri-Ram and then to Jomtien. Whilst in BKK we will be getting a enw passport for the wife, she is not worried at all about the bombings going on, nothing will ever happen in tourist areas she says, I ask how she can be so sure, they wont risk damaging the tourist industy she says,..... Afraid to say it bu i think they already have. I honestly dont know what planet they are on half of the time.

    I am certainly keeping an eye on the news and TV to find out what is happening, if there are any more or if the threats continue to come i will probably cancel the trip, why risk your life and that of your family......but at the same time, dont let these terrorists win.

    Hard call.

  13. Sounds a horrific accident, condolences to all the families involved. Maybe a chance for Tesco to step in and take the high ground here. If this is a notorious accident junction improve the road layout to save lifes - it looks like its outside their store.

    Horrible accident ? Yes. Tesco's responsibility? None at all.

    I just fell over on the broken pathway outside your house. Please send the repair crews to resurface the sidewalk.

    Always no shortage of geniuses ready to spend someone elses money and then the first to complain when that results in higher prices.

    It's a big, wide, open intersection with a clear view approach.

    Red-light cameras and aggressive policing appear to me to be the first step.

    Firstly, condolences to the family and may the young lady rest in peace.

    I have to say i agree with the above statement. The only way you will be able to bring an end to these things is by enforcing the law with red light cameras, speed cameras, strong policing (i know this will never happen) fines and loosing their licence for driving while over any legal limits, on the phone, etc etc.

    Unfortunatley i can not see this happening any time soon, if ever. There needs to be a restructure of the whole country and a strong government in place to make the changes that are needed and to ensure the law is enforced....... a very distant dream i think. Very sad.

  14. I dont know if i should start worrying now!

    Due to go to Bangkok and Pattaya for 5 weeks, starting at the end of October, with my wife and our newborn son.

    After reading all the stories coming out recently and just watching the video above i am seriously considering my options as i do not want to endangermy wife or child. Should i go or cancel, big decision.

    OR do i cancell the Pattaya part and go elsewhere, not Phuket or Phi Phi due to the oil spillage...oh deer.

    Such a shame, such a wonderfull country and they are dividing themselves and are going to drive away one of their biggest economic industries, tourism.

  15. I have used FastCar hire a few times and been very happy with them so i would also consider them as well .

    Hi there,

    Thanks to everyone for the replies so far.

    Would just like to ask what their insurance is like? Is it a full hire/rental insurance?

    I know there are a lot of cowboys out there who say they have full insurance and then when you are about to leave they say, 'if you have accident or problem tell them this is family/friend car, give me a ring and we will come' ... meaning basically that they are not fully covered for rental/hire purposes.

    Just out of intrest, what did you hire and how much did they charge? ...... you can tell me to mind my own if you want :)



  16. Hi all,

    Newbie here, glad i have found the forum :-)

    Would just like to ask if anyone has used Q Cars for car hire recently or in the past, i am looking at using them very soon and they have an attractive rate and seem to have all the insurance in place, not that i know what the correct insurance is, but they say they have full insurance.

    Would really welcome peoples comments on them.

    Also, would like to know if you know of any car rental companies who would allow you to rent a car without a credit card? Most ask for the credit card to pre-authorise a deposit when you take the car i do not own a credit card and nor can i get one. Thus one reason Q cars have been handy as they will take the deposit in cash.

    Thanks everyone,


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