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  1. What's the betting that she doesn't report that GBP27,600 annual income on her Thai tax return ?
  2. Do they still have traffic cops ? Haven't seen one for honks ?
  3. The UK should have the same policy of holding incompetent and / corrupt politician to account. In fact the EU should adopt it too.
  4. I don't have a problem with charging tourists visiting from more affluent countries a premium for national, public amenities. I do have for foreigner living here though. Many such facilities will apply the locals rate if you can show a Thai driving licence. I do have an issue with the use of medical facilities. Those tourist who do not take out medical cover, that is their choice. But using government medical facilities even with insurance coverage is a problem as the government hospitals do not claim direct from the insurer. And they can take a couple of weeks, following discharge, to provide the insured with the documentation necessary for a claim to be made. Another aspect of government charging scales is that they are often higher than private hospitals'. Room rates, X-rays and CT Scans are examples. Normally up to 50%. But by how much depends on the colour of your passport.
  5. I was on a guardian visa, that is I was responsible for my son, until he became 20. His mother and I lived together but were never married. Needed - 400k in the bank just on the day of application, - agreement of mother - two witnesses that I was caring for the boy - photos of us together in the home - our presence together at the Immig office It was so simple. When he reached 20 he could have become my guardian. Didn't though as last point a problem as he away at uni. Good luck.
  6. Bar quiz question (probably not to be asked in an Amazing Thailand bar ) -Which country has had the military take over governmental power since 1945 on the most occasions ?
  7. If SRT wishes to protect it's passengers from such incidents, perhaps a system requiring closed doors on trains in motion should be a high priority.
  8. You are wrong to even suggest that you are wrong.
  9. Worth more revenue than they will get from reducing alcohol by a few Baht a drink.
  10. Why is it now in February 2024 that we hear of new regulations set to kick in at the beginning of this year quote set to kick in from January 1, 2024 unquote ?
  11. Can I see a defamation suite being reported on soon ?
  12. It would appear that would not be a newsworthy item in Thailand, or any other country come to that, had not a superstar, politician, musician, sports media personality or any other been involved.
  13. The "journalist" to whom this article is accredited, Puntid Tantivangphaisal, seems to be unaware of the concept of "innocent until proven guilty". Is this a direct attack on AI, which it is conceivable though unjustified if no alternative is offered, or a desperate attempt by the state's religion to defend its role in indoctrinating its views on how Thailand should develop. But then, over the millenniums, all states have used religion to maintain control.
  14. And this guy is the Director of Baan Taen District Hospital ? I am glad our family, living in a neighbouring province, can credit the local government facilities with providing us all with excellent medical services.
  15. Way back in the last millennium, it was raised to Baht 800 (though I remember not from what). (Forget all the "adjustments" about it needing to be in the account for month and months. Those rules came in as groups of farang passed around the same 800.) At the time it was raised to Baht 800 the grandfather rule applied, i.e. the new amount only applied to those taking a retirement visa for the first time. For the rest they stayed on the old amount. Allegedly some needed just 100 though it is doubtful that any of those guys are still breathing. What do you think of the chances of Immigration applying that rule this time ?
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