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Posts posted by schoopinij

  1. Sawaddee ka, :)

    I have started an experiment on structured Thai teaching

    I've just created a page called 'Siamese Tongue' on facebook

    My aim is to make it a sort of forum that me and participants can share the Thai-language experience

    I'm doing a lot of research now, as well as starting to write some articles

    there will also be some useful vocabulary charts and some stuff to support better understanding in Thai grammars ... that you can take for free

    This page is a non-commercial page on behalf of my experiment

    and I'm going to give away a lot of my work ... yes all for free

    I can also answer questions that you may not be able to raise at Thai-language schools

    I just need to expand the network for now so hope some of you may be interested

    Please look up 'Siamese Tongue' on facebook and give it a LIKE :) hope you'll enjoy it

    p.s. about the name Siamese Tongue. I've been told it's sorta double-meaning but well ,

    I intended to cause it may attract people better? lol

    Thank you for your attention ^^

    Fark Duai na ka :)

  2. theres a thai guy advertising guitar lessons on one of the free classifieds sites

    Private Guitar Lesson สอนกีตาร์ตัวต่อตัว

    Pao (เปา)


    as for boxing go to California Wow in the Airport Plaza shopping mall and see if u can blag a free month membership to see if u like it

    they have a boxing ring and a trainer as part of the gym..its not serious stuff but would be good for a girly to get a taste of whats involved

    Oh thanks heaps !!!

  3. Hello everyone.

    Let's start with the main point !

    I am looking for a boxing lesson and Guitar or Ukulele lessons

    from the second week September

    I am currently overseas, but I'll be in Chiang Mai from the second week of September onward.

    I don't have many friends in Chiangmai, so I still have my arms wide open for any of those who have wild spirits and like traveling as much as chilling out.

    Any suggestions will be appreciated

    Sally C.

  4. Master of Business Adminstration suppose to be บริหารธุรกิจมหาบัณฑิต

    but I'm not sure about Merit and Distinction

    I guess Distinction is เกียรตินิยม ... in Thailand universities give เกีรยตินิยม to the top students

    and DBA is บริหารธุรกิจดุษฎีบัณฑิต :) sorry I cannot help you that much

  5. Dear Khun Kriswillems

    According to your texts that say

    "It was amazing to see how each of those Thai people (with a masters degree) didn't manage to explain the tone rules of the Thai language (although they knew with tone to use). I guess using the tones correctly was just obvious for them and they never suspected that it might be a problem for foreigners."

    it is quite surprising for me.. you know if you learn how to read and right Thai .. they should've taught you about 5 basic tones we got .. and 3 different kind of alphabet that we manage by tones of the alphabet... low tone alphabets , middle tone alphabet (which could mix with long sound vowels and the tone marks and make the right tone of every tone marks such as กา ก่า ก้า ก๊า ก๋า ... ) , and High tone alphabet. It is hard to explain by text but if you speak it out you will understand.

    There's my trick about the tones which I mixed the singing skill with the tones. I don't have enough time to explain about that but I will do it later.

    By the way ... TONES are first things that I will teach because it's so important .. plus .. the shape of the mouth when you speak Thai can't be the same as the shape when you speak English or other language ... I will have to teach them to learn that too .. then .. I will teach the words bit by bit .. :)

    sounds like a teaching plan huh? you know it's just like the way i studied English in school

    I had to learn how to say THREE ... I bet some Thai people still say like TREE or TEA .. :)

    in the same way foreigners find it's hard to tell the different between ป ปลา and บ ใบไม้ :) I really hope that my student can learn from me to say it right .

  6. hahaha I'm quite happy to see that there're my post becomes a bit popular now !

    thank you everyone for visiting and thank you every messages especially 'all the COMMENTS' I really appreciate that.. so now I know what have I done wrong

    First thing I would like to say sorry to the webmaster I forgot that I shouldn't leave my private e-mail address here! but I believe that it's ok to post about the offers like this .. am I right?

    To Mr.Todd

    I will have to say thank you to let me know that ' Foreigners don't have to learn the culture of the place they live' it's a new thing for me!

    but I can guess why you believe that this idea is alright.

    I'm not saying that you're wrong Mr.Todd cause everyone can think different ! We're in the land of DEMOCRACY!( someone wouldn't agree with that tho lol )

    so your opinion is reasonable !!!!!! and I can accept that so .. if you really don't mind the lessons which might have some arguments

    p.s. Sorry for the EXTRA FONT .. there was something wrong with my laptop . last night the letters I saw was sooooo small so I increased the size of the texts and I didn't know that it will be this bad ! SORRY na ka!! ><"

    Dear Mr.Edwardandtub

    Thank you for your comment and I've had enough foreigner friends and I taught them something for free but now I just have an idea to start to teach it for money

    Dear Khun Grungthep

    Thank you for the questions . They're good questions . I have a plan how to teach but I didn't wanna post it here cause it might make my posts too long and some people would get bored of reading

    but if you would like to know I don't mind to tell you .

    Honestly I don't have an experience in TEACHING Thai lessons but I've taught some of my foreigner friends and some told me that I should start to have an idea to teach for money.

    And now I'm studying English in the Language school in the city . I can say that it's a FREE English class because the school needs students for the trainees that are studying to get there certificate to teach English.

    So I have an idea to teach from how the trainees teach me.

    I have an idea that I need to get my students to do Pre-Tests so I will know what level they're and what do I have to teach them and how would they be happy to study.

    My way to teach would make you feel like you're a kid cause I will give you many pictures and make you describe the picture as much as you can.

    I will give you the papers with vocabularies in English and teach you what are those words in Thai . I will make you remember and I will give you a test .

    I will keep teaching you in Thai and talk to you in Thai and I think that you will learn to use Thai that way too .. because that's the way I learn English .. I just speak a lot and listen a lot.

    And as it is just conversation lesson I might just take you for a walk and point out to someone and ask you what's she/he doing.. or what is this..

    I will make you learn like a child ! and make you speak ! ... I will speak Thai even you don't understand it ! cause I taught my nephew that way too and he's learnt a lot ! lol

    AND This would make you unhappy cause I don't have text book for you.... My aim is to teach you to speak and when you can speak I can teach you to write later


    that's something about my lesson plan You might be happy or unhappy with it .

    And I added that I've graduated from Law School because I was thinking that this post is like a CV ! and I'm trying to apply for a career lol I know that degree has nothing to do with teaching but I want to let you know that I'm quite well educated. I'm sorry if that annoyed you

    By the way I agree that there're some good Thai movies but this is just about the taste so I can say that I agree or disagree ! but Fan Chaan is one of my favorites!

    Dear Khun Peppy

    Thank you for your reply and I agree with you about your view of culture.~! and it's quite embarrassing to say that I've been living in Thailand for 22 years and I always learn something new about Thai culture ! Culture is a mysterious thing , isn't it ? .. You just know that it exists but you barely know how did it happen !

    And in my opinion , nobody has to change their culture to be in other countries but at least they should "RESPECT" the cultures in where the live in as well as the local people will respect the foreigners' cultures because they're foreigners and because they believe that human beings could learn the mistake and do something with it ... right?

    Dear Khun Makescent

    Hahaha I'm not sure what are you talking about maybe they wanna exchange culture , travel experience , or ........ something else?

    Dear Khun Harrry

    Thank you for your reply.

    I know about that point too but honestly I'm not so keen on being Thai Teacher for all my life cause I have 2 Masters to do in Australia and Europe in next 2 years.

    I just trying to find someone that 'would' like my teaching style and sorry I didn't leave the information about how will I teach.. that's a big mistake in this post.

    I started to think about this teaching style because I studied to speak English by talking to my professors in university and my mixed cousins and my dad .. the way they helped me learn was to talk to me in English and let me struggle in curiosity but finally i found that I can understand them ! and for me TEXTBOOK is important too but it couldn't help me to speak English that much !

    Dear Khun Bifftastic

    Thank you for your reply and thank you for supporting something in my mind for a bit

    well I think learning Thai culture would be useful for speaking Thai because just so you know. Thai language has many levels and we use different words in different situations

    and I just want my students to speak right Thai for right situations .. so it would worth there money ! lol

    Dear Khun Kikenyoy

    just like I've told someone before ... I've had enough of language exchange so I just wanna start to make money but thanks for the information

    Dear Khun Dobadoy

    Thank you for your support I really appreciate that .

    Well I know that the way I questioned Khub Todd was not Thai way ... I got it from my foreigner teacher .. he always leave the question like this ! lol and I found that this kind of question always bring someone's idea out !

    And all the posts are ok for me .. I'm not a weak mind lady who's gonna cry when I got complaint ! I accepted or the opinion and I will learn the mistake and do something with it !

    But thank you for your kind text again ! and thank you for wishing me a luck na ka

    Dear Khun Kokesaat

    Thank you for your reply I reckon that I should answer you in Thai but my laptop cannot type Thai right now ( it's all because the virus from free download files ~~~ T^T )

    so I find that it's hard to learn to WRITE before you have an idea what sounds this language has or some words.

    Even Thai students in kindergarten learn to speak English by conversation with foreigner teachers ( and they get paid more that 35k a month which is really cool! ) then they teach them some alphabets then teach them how to mix the alphabets to make the words ! and that's the way it should be ..

    it would be harder in Thai cause we have many sounds ... such as ... 4 different 'p' sounds , M , CH sounds, and so on ! ... but I know the way to manage those sounds and how to use them easily but on top of that

    you need to know some words or phrases first !

    and it will be so &lt;deleted&gt; easy if you know many phrases and words before you can write

    good to hear that you're getting improve with Thai language by the way

    i think that's enough for tonight I wish my reply will make my post clearer .. thank you everyone and all the messages sent to my inbox about the lessons :)

    goodnight !

    • Like 1
  7. thank you mr.Todd-Daniels for your reply .

    you make me realized some good points

    I don't really know how could I answer all your questions but I will just let you know about my teaching plan

    since I studied English by myself , I reckon that we always do our best if we really interested to speak that language and have strong feeling to communicate with the native speakers of that language ... those factors keep everyone motivated

    So.. my plan is ... I'm going to teach some necessary things that you haven't learn. Because I'm not gonna let my students pay without knowing important things ............. that include CULTURE too.

    I'm gonna ask you a question ... do you think that Language is a part of a culture?

    if you think so or don't think so please give me one good reason. ( I'm open minded :) just tell me how do you think )

    And I don't mind a class of 4-7 students .. I think it's gonna be fun and I can give you special Price that we're gonna talk about it later.

    So .. Khun Tod-Daniels Please answer the question :)

  8. I'm not sure if this post could help you but I'll try my best

    let's start with the word "ซึ่ง"

    ซึ่ง by itself means "which, who , that .. etc." in some sentences such as 'ผมอาศัยอยู่ในหมู่บ้านซึ่งอยู่ในป่า' means 'I live in the village which located in the woods '

    "ซึ่งหน้า"or "ซึ่งๆหน้า" is more like an adverb means " Face to Face " or Openly or Directly or straight ... so ซึ่งหน้า(or ซึ่งๆหน้า) is a word you don't have to separate it when you translate.

    and your translation" I was too shy to bring it to her personally. To hire a child to run over and give it to her was again too embarrassing" is ok :)

    • Like 1
  9. your spelling is alright don't worry

    just a bit wrong spelling in this part

    "การปฏิบัติที่ทูกต้องแก่" it suppose to be "การปฏิบัติที่ถูกต้องแก่"

    well you translated it quite well but you don't have to put necessary in the sentence , so as "which includes'

    I'm not sure if this is a good translation for me but I reckon that it should be like

    The Dharma is a system of correct behavior for human beings. Every developmentally step is for the benefit of oneself and for the benefit of others. this would be fine :D

  10. Thank you for checking this Topic .

    I'm 22 years old Thai woman , who's just graduated from Faculty of Law , Thammasat University.

    Since I was a law student so I have out standing speaking and writing skill in Thai .

    I can teach you to speak basic Thai for everyday conversation that can help you to survive in the area that full of local people that don't speak English .

    I can also teach you about Thai Culture and history , I think that it is quite important to you if you would like to speak Thai , because I have some foreigner friends and sometimes I found that they know the words but they have some kind of face expressions that are not polite for Thai people , and the tones you use is the big problem .

    Thai language has variety levels and I can teach you any level you want to learn, but basically I will teach you the middle level which is polite in every situation .

    For those who would like to learn formal Thai for being a good foreigner business man or for communicating with your Thai subordinates I can teach you some useful words too.

    the price will be 250 thb per hour/person .. and I suggest you should study only 3 hours a week .. maybe 1.30 hour a day .. 2 days a week .. or more if you have free times

    that was the price for one on one class ... and for small group class

    a group of 2 persons will cost 400 thb

    a group of 3-4 persons will cost 600 thb

    by the way I don't have a school or work place so the lessons might take place in some coffee shops or the lovely park nearby your place

    or to somewhere near bts or mrt

    I'm gonna refuse to teach in the apartment room or in any 'private place' because I don't want any trouble.

    thank you for spending your time on my offer and if you're interested in the offer please contact me by sending an e-mail to

    [email protected]

    or [email protected]

    please kindly mention to this post on your topic.

    Thank you.

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