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Everything posted by aries

  1. I think she deserves every penny, look at the poor girl, she had to put up with a saggy sex tourist flesh monster in her prime, I bet the poor girl gagged and had to hold her nose every time she got into bed with short time Roger the Cabin Boy...
  2. Do a little research on this before spouting the racist stuff - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organized_crime_in_Sweden
  3. I really don't think you are this silly that you do not see the link between Trump's people trying to spoil the vote and Trump's own indictments on the very same thing. You really can't be that ideologically stunted right? You do realise they are all interlinked right????
  4. Aww look at you spitting inanities instead of using some cognitive reasoning. Bless you for using a logical fallacy in the face of intelligence. If you wish to use an ad hominem attack on me personally when you can't respond with intelligence, I will happily school you every time you use one. Not the smartest tool in the shed are you? I guess that is why you support Trump though as all analysis points to those with limited intellectual capacity and education providing about 75% of Trump's voting population.
  5. Intelligence is quite easy to define, it is the ability to comprehend a situation and use the knowledge or skills at your disposal to determine the best course of action from your comprehension of the problem. Basically cognitive reasoning. It is the complexity of this intellectual pursuit that often results in people thinking they are intelligent, without having the knowledge and skills at their disposal to look at complex issues, and simplify them or outright reject the knowledge we have collected and ignore that in favour of an ideology, that issue is one of the main problems facing the world today. It is the difference between using objective scientific facts and subjective beliefs. The best analogy I have heard is "science flies you to the moon" this is an objective fact and "religion flies you into buildings" based on subjective beliefs. Which circles very nicely back to the comprehension aspect of defining intelligence as it is the cognitive reasoning function of intelligence that determines if someone is actually intelligent or not. This is also where bias plays a part as ideologically trapped people forego the cognitive function for the sake of their ideology.
  6. IQ of a peanut then like the rest of those voting for the Cheeto coloured fascist? You asked for the criminal and civil cases against the urophiliac in chief, so I provided them for you. Now see if you can string a salient sentence together for me offering a critique of these cases...
  7. 555 You asked and didn't like the answer, bless you, please don't breed...
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_affairs_of_Donald_Trump_as_president#Trump_as_defendant Starter for 10 for you
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