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Posts posted by zeke123

  1. Macksview, are you thinking of Coliseum, between Asoke and Thong Lor on the even number side? That was a great place. Too bad it got taken down about 6 years ago to build a condo.

    Out of curiosity, what do the Thais do? I've never really noticed if they drop a 20 bahter in the tray or not. Of course, not all do, but do most?

    You can always head to the stall to avoid them as well, especially if you keep heading back to the urinal in one night. They don't seem to follow you into the stall, but if they do, watch out!

  2. Hello,

    I had laser lipo surgery at Siam Swan Clinic about a year and a half ago. The price was 60,000 baht. I am a slim, but fit male, who had a bit of belly fat. I exercise regularly, but couldn’t seem to get rid of a stubborn small “pocket” below my belly button.

    I had researched various forms of liposuction and felt that laser lipo was the best option for me. I only saw a couple of clinics doing this in Bangkok, one of them being Siam Swan. In this form of laser lipo, the fat is removed at the same time the fat is “melted”, so there was no need for the fat to drain or be “absorbed” by the body.

    I had a consultation with Dr. Niwet, who I believe is the only doctor at the clinic (I could be wrong here). He is a nice man and speaks decent English. I did not experience any scams, which apparently other people have experienced at other clinics. His staff was friendly and helpful.

    The procedure went as planned, and was performed at the clinic in Siam Square with no complications, which I am thankful for. Yes, there was some amount of lower abdomen pain for some time afterwards (like a burning sensation, or overworked muscles), but I was up and around after a day.

    Now, for the results… to be honest, I am not pleased with the results. Dr. Niwet did remove most of the stubborn pocket, but he also seems to have semi-gauged my abdomen and left me with an uneven result (evident about 3 months after the surgery, when the swelling had gone down). I actually went back to Dr. Niwet for a post-consultation and expressed, in a polite way, that I felt it was uneven. I even offered to pay more to have a kind of “touch up” and fix some uneven areas.

    However, and this was the biggest disappointment, I felt like he no longer wanted to have anything to do with me. I.e. I had paid the money, had the surgery, and should accept the results. I believe he felt it was an improvement, and that he could not do anything more. It is actually common to have touch up surgery in North America following a laser lipo procedure, but not at Siam Swan I guess.

    My end impression is that Dr. Niwet took a weekend course on laser lipo (he has a certificate in the waiting room), and that he isn’t very competent at this procedure (yes, I could be wrong). He may be very good at other procedures, and perhaps he is better now after a year and a half of practicing, but he seemed unable to achieve the result I was looking for, and worse, was not really willing to help afterwards.

    In the end, I will be heading back to North America at some point to have another procedure (laser lipo again), to try and touch up, and even up, my abdomen. My recommendation would be to pay more money the first time and get it done right. Surgery seems to be hit and miss here in Bangkok.

    On this note, my wife has had a good rhinoplasty procedure btw, but her breast augmentation surgery doctor left her with some pretty visible scars under her armpits which can be seen when her arms are at her sides (done at Yanhee, can’t remember the doctor’s name). Btw, I also have two scars to the inside of my pelvic bones, which after a year and a half are still quite visible.

    Finally, a negative side-effect of having fat cells removed from my abdomen has been to grow love handles (small, but now evident), where I never had them before. I guess the body has found a new place to store the fat. I do eat very healthily (yes, healthily is a word), and exercise often, but nature will find a way sometimes, I guess.

    I’ve written this on the forum for others to learn from. I found the forum helpful when I was deciding where to go for my surgery. I had also done extensive research on forms of liposuction on the internet in various places.

    Hope this helps.

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