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Posts posted by fstarbkk

  1. Thaivisa - Home of people shopping for the answer they want to hear!


    True: people have started working after applying for their WP since time immemorial. 


    Also true: No work is legally permitted unless a valid work permit is in the possession of the (foreign) person working.


    Additionally true: The law in Thailand is whatever the official in front of you says it is. Not his colleague at the next desk over... not the hotline in Bangkok... not the ministry website, and certainly not what some guy on TV says.

    So, if you want to sleep well at night, follow the most literal and conservative interpretation of the rules and you will most likely be okay. Or, If you have a bit of a gambler personality, pick the answer on TV that most closely meets what you actually want to do and hope for the best.




  2. The current policy here in CM is that you are required to report within 24 hours of returning, regardless of your status. However, If you do not have a new address and have the little slip from your previous TM 30 in your passport, they don't require anything more than showing up and presenting that slip in your passport - no new form or paperwork required.


    I returned from an overseas trip last week and the whole process, once my number was up, took less than 2 minutes. They just logged me into the system and sent me on my way.

  3. I visited the HK consulate a few years ago. I'm not sure if it was the same unpleasant woman or her predecessor. But she immediately questioned my need to be in Thailand, rather loudly. Rather than letting me respond to her little speech, she then handed me a blank piece of paper and instructed me to sit down and write a letter to the consul, explaining my reasons for wanting to be in Thailand (yet again). At the time, I was working as a contractor and just wanted to have a place to decompress between projects. This seemed to satisfy the authorities. The next day, my passport was grumpily shoved at me across the counter, with a new TV.

  4. It's two years later and this miserable waste of oxygen hasn't yet spent a day in prison. The judicial foot-dragging is ongoing, which suggests that the eventual consequences are going to be minimal after all the "mitigating" factors have been considered.


    And that, folks, is how things work in a place, where everybody gets the justice they can afford!



  5. This is nothing but pointless harassment and bureaucratic chicanery.

    As for the good Colonel's assertion that "it’s the law in many countries" -- No, it most certainly is not. I have lived in 5 foreign countries on 3 continents and worked in/visited countless others. I cannot recall a single country where this type of rule exists. I must admit, I have not yet visited North Korea though.

    The only place that came close in this regard, was the old soviet union when I was sent to work there in 1979. But even there i could come and go as I wished, albeit accompanied by my friendly government minders.

    • Like 2
  6. 20 hours ago, jvs said:

    You do realize 6 people already died this year?Do you realize how many accidents are caused by dogs crossing the streets?


    Do you realize that according to the Department of Epidemiology, over 300 people died in Thailand every year, from rabies, until the 1990's. Last year there were 11. Those 11 were completely avoidable, since timely post exposure injections are 100% effective. So that's a national emergency, justifying wholesale slaughter.


    Six people is probably about the same number slaughtered, completely avoidably, during the first 6 hours of any given holiday weekend on the roads.


    Do you realize how many accidents are caused by humans who paid a few hundred baht to avoid even the most elementary training to control their vehicles. Not to mention those caused by the criminally selfish "me first" attitude of most local drivers who also think it ain't no big deal driving around loaded to the gills, or stoned, or high on yaba? But THAT is merely a problem we should get around to addressing at some mutually convenient time, right?

    • Thanks 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, vogie said:

    It is not conjecture when you are being chased by them when riding a bicycle or moterbike, nor having to stride over them getting trying to get into a 7/11, nor finding dog muck outside the house. It is not conjecture when a child has their face ripped open by them. It is not conjecture when they bark and fight all night so its impossible to sleep. Before you use words like conjecture I would understand what it means first.

    No, don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel! ?

    • Haha 1
  8. 26 minutes ago, vogie said:

    The irony is it is people like you that are a big part of the problem, I was right in saying nothing will ever get through to you, untill you and your peers start to take responsibility nothing will ever get done.


    As an active animal welfare volunteer, I have dedicated considerable time and resources supporting stray sterilization/ vaccination campaigns for the past 15 years.

    As such, I consider myself slightly more as part of the solution than you, sitting there advocating strategies that have long been proven impractical and doing what? I would bet nothing much, beside blathering on in pages of TV! 

  9. 6 minutes ago, Stupooey said:

    Fining people for allowing their dogs to roam free goes against the culture of dog ownership in Thailand, where most homes do not have surrounding fences or walls, unless you expect the owners to keep the dogs permanently chained up.

    Also, neutering male dogs does make them less aggressive through reduced testosterone levels, and females are usually only aggressive when protecting puppies, which again would not happen if spayed.

    My experience as a frequent cyclist is that the stray dogs usually ignore me. The ones who chase after me tend to run out from roadside properties, as they think I am invading their territory, which seems to include the area in front of "their" house.

    I believe catch/neuter/vaccinate/release is the way to go. There are many people running such schemes here, constrained mainly by lack of funds. Perhaps the "something must be done" brigade writing on this forum should actually do something themselves by contributing to these schemes - the one I have personal experience of has certainly gone a long way to controlling the situation where it is operating.

    Amen!!! :thumbsup:

  10. 32 minutes ago, spermwhale said:

    I am for euthanizing all stray dogs here, but it must be done humanely. This is a travesty and hamfisted. Those dogs suffered greatly. 

    Thanks for this. But consider the very real and proven fact (World Health Organization et al.) that eradication of strays through euthanasia is not practical when you have such a large population. Since you don't seem like an irrational and blood-thirsty person, please open your mind to the arguments and facts presented in this piece:




    • Thanks 1
  11. 54 minutes ago, jvs said:

    Well just maybe they do not want the death toll to reach 300 a year again?This year 6 people died already.Just to get things back into perspective,this could be the agenda.

    Yeah sure. Except that the massive decrease of rabies deaths was not achieved by mass slaughter of dogs (which wouldn't work in any case), but through the increased availability and deployment of vaccines, sterilizations and countermeasures, in the event of an attack. I'm all for an intensified use of things that have actually prove n to work.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 1 hour ago, vogie said:

    Telling a dog lover that dogs are a very serious health hazard as well as a danger to society, especially young children is like telling a smoker that cigarettes a bad for them. Nothing will get through to you.

    Not sure about dog lovers... But as for me, logic and proven facts always "get through" to me. You know, the thing your posts are usually so devoid of. :smile:

  13. Just a bit of perspective on this all-engulfing crisis, threatening the very existence of human life in Thailand:

    According to the Bureau of Epidemiology statistics, the average human death rate from rabies in Thailand was around 300 annually, in the 1990's. Last year it was 11. So what is this hysteria all about? What's the real agenda?

  14. 1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:

    This is Thailand. The hint is the big Thai flag  posted at ports of entry. What goes on in your country is of no relevance. The English used to publicly execute children, the Spanish & Portuguese used slave galleys for centuries, the Japanese forced  millions into slavery etc. What's your point?


    This isn't the public responding. It is common violent criminals who will be caught and eventually punished. They are using this an excuse to  engage in their deviant criminal acts. Any foreigner caught at this will be deported. 



    You do not understand  infectious disease. There is a significant. difference between the management of disease in food supplies and domestic animal populations. We are not over run by wild dogs. What we have are a small but vocal group of angry foreigners trying to impose their ignorant views. If you were not living in fear of the poor dogs, you would be complaining about the Thai  kids  who laughed at you.



    Rubbish. There are a large number of no kill shelters around the USA and they humane societies in North America work with each other to ship out excess animals to other regions.


    You have bigger problems than dogs if you are taking your  8 year old on "motorbike rides". Did you know that this is dangerous? Are you even aware that your child is more likely to die from a motorbike incident than from rabies? You are the posterboy of ignorance when you wail about the threat of rabies, yet engage in an activity far more dangerous and with a significantly higher rate of injury and death than  the potential exposure to rabies.  You have the option of eliminating the risk of the motorbike caused death, but have chosen not too, and yet here you are crying about the minimal risk of rabies. Brilliant.  And then you bleat about your beloved USA. Did you know that Surgeon General of the USA recommends that children not ride on motorbikes? Of course not. No need for you to listen because you are right and everyone else is wrong. Take care of your own risks first before dictating to others.



    No. This is the result of people abandoning  dogs when they are no longer cute puppies. It is the  result of allowing  puppy mills and the disgusting animal markets to operate unfettered. It is the responsibility of people like you for not supporting spaying and neutering activities.


    I support the MoH long standing infectious disease management strategy and  give thanks to the thousands of dedicated and hardworking Thais who have kept millions safe and alive today. If there is a public health problem now it is because the public including the  angry farangs on this forum  do not listen and follow the procedures that are common throughout the world. The MoH has done nothing wrong. 


    If and when the people caught poisoning and abandoning the dead carcasses to rot, I hope that they are prosecuted to the full extent of the law including the crime of putting the lives of others at risk.

    THANK YOU! A lonely voice of reason in a sea of ignorance.

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