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Posts posted by ChristianPFC

  1. 23 hours ago, Georgealbert said:

    How do you know there is a finger mark on the brush and it can be recovered?

    What makes you think that the finger mark is going to be clear, complete and not just smudged?

    He used the toothbrush. I don't know if the fingerprint is clear.

    My processing of the evidence would not hold up in the Western world in a court.


    "How can you provide the police in Cambodia with proof it was a the scene of the crime?"

    Surveillance camera at my hotel shows him with a face mask, can't recognize his face.


    As far as I know, for ID cards in Cambodia, fingerprints are taken. If I can get a clear fingerprint off the toothbrush, and get the to the right government office in Cambodia, he will be found.


    As for value for money, the guy is a serial thief, I know two other victims. The stolen object was a mobile phone, worth about 500 USD (when I buy the same model second hand). For me, it's a matter of principle, the thief will continue until someone catches him. I have the time and money to try to be the one.

  2. I'm looking for a service to lift fingerprints in Bangkok. Not my own fingerprints, fingerprints of a thief off an object he touched (single-use plastic toothbrush provided by hotel, should not have anyone else's fingerprints).


    The theft happened in Cambodia, so I don't think Thai police or their forensic services would get involved. Neither Khmer police; hotel manager accompanied me to police station to translate. However with fingerprint and an incentive, Khmer police might be able to ID the thief. A Khmer friend would handle the matter for me.

  3. I'm looking for a shop that can repair a telescopic handlebar of a suitcase. I have two suitcases where the handlebar is stuck. I had a walk around Chinatown for other purposes and didn't see any. I came across such shops in Saigon and guess there must be some in Thailand as well. Where (in Bangkok) and price estimation?

  4. Is the Bo Y border crossing open to international (German) tourists and are VOA issued, at what cost/documentation? In particular I plan to leave Lao over land to Thailand, that means I have no proof of leaving.


    How to I get from Nha Trang to Bo Y, and how to continue to next town in Lao by public transport?


  5. I'm planning to cross from Thailand to Cambodia at Chong Sa-Ngam. Is this border open for international (German) tourists and are VOA issued, at what cost?


    How to get there from Srisaket or Ubon by public transport, or how much is car rental full day (to do sightseeing along the way)?


    Hotel recommendations right at the border on Cambodian side (i.e. not Anlong Veng which is 10 km away)? I want to stay a night to see Khmer Rouge sites and Peuy Taruon.


    How to continue to Siem Reap by public transport?

  6. I bought the salad / BBQ tongs in pictures about 5 years ago at a fair (Sirikit Center or Bitec, beside the fair there were several souvenir/clothes/food stalls, 300 THB if I remember correctly, rather expensive but I like the idea). The important feature is that they are flat in storage position, then you flip it 360 degree and the cuts in the wood work as spring. I want to get more for friends and family, but haven't seen them anywhere and asking around in several places (MBK, woodworking shops near Golden Mount, various markets) was fruitless. Does anyone know where I can buy them?




  7. I had a sudden data loss on the external memory of my mobile phone (Samsung A9pro). Some of the folders are empty (but the folder is still there). About 8 GB out of 60 GB (of a 64 GB card) lost. This might be due to internal memory almost full (30 MB left).


    I switched the phone off and on, unchanged. I freed internal memory, unchanged. I copied a few files on the external, unchanged.


    I went to MBK (mobile phone shops in 4th floor), and after 2 h of scanning the card, the employee said he would have to format the card, and then might be able to recover the data. In case of success he would charge 800 THB. I took the card home to save everything, and got the idea to ask here for advice how to do it myself or recommendations where to go.

  8. E-visa application did not ask for proof of leaving Thailand.


    Airline (Turkish Airlines BER-IST-BKK) did not ask for visa or proof of leaving Thailand.


    Actually that was one of the reasons why I go the visa in the first place, so I can show airline that I have a valid visa and am not required to show proof of leaving Thailand (to the best of my knowledge, everything other than a flight ticket will be impossible or a major hassle to explain and get accepted), and then get a VE and leave Thailand within 30 days over land.


    In the end, everything worked well. With the upcoming 45 days VE, I get 60 days (TV) + 45 days (VE) in Thailand, whereas on my original plan I would have gotten 30 days (VE) + 60 days (TV). I don't do extensions any more as the money and hassle is the same as traveling to another country in SEAsia.

  9. 14 hours ago, BritTim said:

    As a matter of interest, what date did you provide for intended entry into Thailand when applying for the eVisa? I am wondering if the date and flight information provided with the application was part of what was provided to Immigration.

    I put in the date and the flight I actually took.


    In my case just a minor change of plans and inconvenience (no loss of money, I hadn't booked any flight or hotels).

  10. 7 hours ago, FriendlyFarang said:

    How did immigration know that you had an evisa?

    When I applied for the visa, I had to submit my passport details. Obviously, immigration is linked digitally to evisa. I was not aware of that, but it must be shown on their screen. Seconds after scanning my passport, immigration officer asked for my evisa printout.


    Now I wonder if manually issued visas (go to embassy in person, paper forms) are in the system as well.

  11. I had a tourist single entry e-visa but my plan was to enter Thailand 30 days visa-exempt, then spend 30 days in Cambodia, then come back to Thailand and use my visa. However at immigration (Suvarnabhumi) staff asked for my e-visa printout; I explained my plan and they understood, but told me that if I have a visa, I have to use it to enter Thailand. I was lead to a separate area (out of the queue), where another officer told me the same, my visa was used and I was stamped in for 60 days. I see no reason why this is so. What are others' experiences?

  12. I was boarding a flight from Taipei to Bangkok (Tiger Airways if I remember correctly) in 2018, intending to enter on visa free and extend, and had a flight to Germany about 58 days later. I had a printout of the (then fairly new) possibility to extend a visa-free entry, but that didn't help, airline wanted to see a visa or flight out within 30 days. So I bought a fully refundable flight Bangkok to Taipei with the same airline (about 650 EUR, to get things done quickly so I don't miss my flight) on the spot and paid by credit card. Once in Bangkok, I the cancelled the flight and got a full refund from airline, however fees by my bank and others added up to about 50 EUR, more than a cheap ticket would have cost.


    I once entered on a METV and was asked by immigration officer for proof of leaving (my history of many years on tourist visas must have flagged up; I guess if I had argued that visa holders are not required to show proof of leaving, they would have looked for something else) and I booked a flight on the spot on my phone, showed the flight confirmation on my phone, and got stamped in.


    I would allow plenty of time, and check times and prices and test how do everything on your phone (I usually book flights on computer), and go without flight out within 30 days.

  13. I went today. MRT to Chatuchak, van number 10 (destinations only in Thai) for 26 THB to Goverment Complex entrance, free shuttle.


    Get TM.7 from information, but even after asking for affidavit I didn't get one. Did others get the affidavit at information or from officer? Fill out forms, get queue number 10:41. Lunch break 12-13, my number is called 14:01.


    Before even opening my passport (How did they know I'm here for Covid extension? Because they saw the 60 days on the form?), the lady tells me the extension will be valid from today. My current stay expires on 9 Mar, and I want to spend another 60 days in Thailand and then return to Germany, so I told them I will come back on 8 Mar. Officer asked for TM.30. I had a screenshot (i.e. I took a optical picture of my landlord's computer screen when she registered me), but she said I should print it out when I come back.


    By chance, it was the same counter, but I don't remember if the same officer, as my 30 day extension a month ago (did not ask for TM.30).


    The reason the extension starts from the day I apply is because it's a change from tourist visa to Covid extension, the officer said. A knowledgeable friend said the first Covid extension is from day of application, all further extensions are added to the end of permission to stay.


    I want to maximize my time in Thailand, better to spend another day going to Immigration and getting two weeks more. On the other hand I like to do things well in advance, but that did not work out in this case. If going one day before expiry does not work (e.g. if they insist on an embassy letter), I will be in a rush to leave the country!


    Bus 66 (Southern Bus Station - Government Complex) and 166 (Victory Monument - Government Complex - Muang Thong Thani) now pass right in front. Frequency between 20 and 40 minutes between busses.


    I should have asked for another set of forms at information, so I can fill them out in the comfort of my home and save time in CW!


    • Like 1
  14. German national, entered Dec 2021 on tourist visa 60 days, currently on 30 days regular extension (see my report a month ago).

    I want to spend another 60 days on Covid Extension. Here what I have gathered, correct me if I'm wrong.


    For tourist visa holders, Government Complex in Chaeng Wattana is the place to go for both regular and Covid extension.

    Whereas for visa free entry, Mueang Thong Thani for both regular and Covid extension (this fact is often lost in reports).


    No need for 90 day reporting because the extension (i.e. my presence at Immigration Office) counts as report?


    I'm going to Pattaya next week, is it better to get the extension in Bangkok (Chaeng Wattana) or Pattaya (Jomtien)?


    I certainly want to avoid 'under consideration' and getting extension counting from the day of application (I go two weeks before expiry), how to do? Any recent experience?


    I will bring TM.30 (even though it was not required for regular extension), but I have no health insurance and no flight out of Thailand. That was no problem for regular extension, will it be for Covid extension?


    All links to the affidavit on Aseannnow and Thethaiger are broken, but the forms are available at immigration?

    Nonetheless, I would like to have a look at the form in advance, can someone post a working link?

    No letter from embassy required any more?







  15. Here my experiences from trip to Government Complex yesterday 25jan2022.


    MRT to Chatuchak, wait in vain for bus 52 (to Pak Kret, passes GoCo), but then spot a van number 10 (to Pak Kret, passes GoCo, destinations written only in Thai) and take it for 26 THB. Then free shuttle from main road to GoCo.


    On the Covid-19 Screening Form, I ticked "In the past 14 days, Have you travelled from abroad or other provinces?" (Yes: Suphanburi, Phetchaburi) and they sent me for an ATK.


    I arrived at immigration just when they were closing for lunch break 12-13. Copy passport pages and have lunch in ground level. Back at immigration 13, there is a queue of about 100 m, but moving quickly. I get TM.7* and fill it out outside (tables were moved outside) and get my queue number 13:30 with 53 people waiting in front of me. I didn't make an appointment and they didn't ask if I have an appointment. I am told to wait outside and check queue with the QR code on the ticket. When only 10 people ahead of me, I move to inside waiting area.


    *And disclaimer about temporary stay and disclaimer about overstay, that means if I had printed the TM.7 in a copy shop and filled out at home, that would not have saved me time. 


    At counter 16:18-25. No questions about my vaccination status or tests on arrival (day 1 and 5). No questions about my address, rent contract or PM.30. No questions about health insurance or flight out of Thailand. But officer wanted to see my e-visa. Luckily I had it with me (I took all my documentation from Test&Go, just in case). I'm told to wait for processing of my extension and my number is called again 16:44 to hand back my passport to me. There were still about 20 people sitting and two J counters open when I left.


    There used to be a bus station (bus 66 and 166 from/to Victory Monument, I took them many years ago) next to Golden Place supermarket near GoCo. That area is now a huge construction site. Golden Place moved across the road, but the bus station is gone.


    I was lucky to get it all done in one day! Next will be 90 day reporting and Covid extension, none of which I have done before but will read reports here to prepare.

    • Thanks 1
  16. My current stay based on TV expires on 7feb2022 and I want to extend for 30 days. Last time I did an extension was about 5 years ago. Many of my questions for current situation are answered here (thank you for sharing):


    Extension is done in Chaeng Wattana. Either proof of vaccination or ATK to enter building. No proof of leaving Thailand required. Copy shop in basement. Lunch break 12-1.


    My further questions:

    1. It doesn't matter how long vaccination is back? I came across several places that only accept vaccination within the last 3 months, if longer ago, customer has to take an ATK.


    2. Book an appointment or just walk in? I mean is it compulsory to book an appointment?


    3. I assume TM7 (Application for Extension of Temporary Stay in the Kingdom) will be available there, only if I want to fill it out at home I should download and print myself?


    4. Is health insurance for the 30 days required? When I entered Thailand, I bought health insurance for the 60 days on TV. Where would I get health insurance now that I am in Thailand? I used AXA which is only for people entering Thailand.


    5. I just give my address or do they want to see a rent contract? I'm renting a room, but there is no rental duration specified on the contract (it has been running for years). Or do they want a TM30?


    6. Proof of negative ATK test on day 5-7 required? I entered under the T&G on 10dec2021. Any other Covid-tests documentation required? I asked my hotel for a print out of test result when checking out, and I have the Mor Chana app, that's all I have.




  17. Do I get this right? You have been in Thailand for 30 days visa-exempt, then out for one week, then in again (which entry point?) since Oct 2019 and had no problems with immigration?


    I'm asking because I'm planning to do similar in the future. I used to come here on METV but now that a visa does not guarantee entry, and I will spend more time out of Thailand, plan to do 30 days in - 1 week out.


    To answer your question: should be no problem. I'm in similar situation (just back in Thai on visa exempt, will do extension).

  18. I'm back, here how it went.


    There was some information about bus Siem Reap to O'Smach on the internet, but when I asked in TS Travel and Tour (Tourist Information Center and Free Tourist Information) the lady called the bus operator and told me there is no bus at the moment. My impression of TS Travel and Tour was positive, so I didn't ask elsewhere. She had a list with taxi prices, O'Smach would be 54 USD.


    The morning of my departure I asked reception at my hotel, and they asked a tuk-tuk driver outside, and he said there would be shared taxis at bus station, up to 6 people, 10 USD per person. So I went with him (he didn't take me to bus station, but somewhere else where a taxi was waiting with already one passenger and several parcels). Taxi driver offered me the 4 back seats for 30 USD which I accepted (it would have been a wait for more passengers, and a squeeze to fit four in the back). Driver spoke only basic English, but good Thai.


    Before reaching Thai immigration counter, my forehead tempereature was measures 3 times (by three different people) and noted on TM6 form, with stamp and signature by medical services. I had to fill out TM8 as well.


    At immigration counter, I had to follow officer to his office. My visa history was no issue, he rather wanted to know where I was (Vietnam, Cambodia), if there were Chinese/Japanese/Korean tourists, if people wore face masks.


    And finally this document (a poor copy or fax, the stamp says Royal Thai Consul General Penang), which requires German passport holders who apply for a visa to submit a health certificate.


    (picture at end of post)


    How did they get this document? So I had to follow an un-uniformed helper to a health service station to fill out one more form. Afterward question where I'm going (Surin, tourism, Elephant village) and where I will stay (show hotel booking). And then, after total 25 minutes, finally in (VE 30 days)!


    There were no other Whites, but a trickle of locals crossing the border.


    On Thai side van to Surin for 45 THB every 15 minuntes.



  19. I don't remember the correct name of the form, but some details:

    when you are denied entry, you can repeal and will be put in detention. Your repeal will be sent to Prime Minister and if there is no reply within 7 days, you will be granted entry. I'm looking for that form.


    Related question: has anyone ever done it and can report? I can't imagine the Prime Minister deals with such matters.

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