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Posts posted by sassienie

  1. (1) Charlie asked me to pass on a message from him to Thaivisa. He says thank you for letting this thread stay open so his friends and well wishers can know his new location and where to find him.

    I have, (2) not sure how, become Charlie`s unofficial public relations assistant, messenger boy and spokesperson. This is my last post on the subject because this is not about promoting Charlie`s business.

    1.. Quote from Thaivisa classified records




    Kampaengdin lane 1, Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai, Thailand

    2.. Because you jump in to defend the restaurant. Remember your comment on Piggy's whern they started . Rubbishing it aftetr admitting you'd never been there.

    You say Charlie is in poor health and wants to retire, now you're saying he is considering opening longer hours.

    I wish Charlie well but please, sassienie, cut out the hypocracy.

    The two besy places for fisha nd chips inChiangmai are Charlies and Piggys. I have my preference others have theirs. There is room for both.

    Not at all sure what you're saying here

    but categorically... Sassienie is not Charlie!


    Hi David

    At least you know me and your wife and beautiful baby. Don`t think I’m all that mysterious. Probably meet you again at the Wang Tung or maybe at Howard`s? Not aware of any place where it says I am the owner of Charlie’s or have shares in the place, but Sassienie`s fish and chips restaurant does have a nice ring to it, although I find boiling an egg complicated. I created a freebie web site on a freebie host site for Charlie. That`s what I do, my profession was before I retired was IT, printing and commercial artist. I make websites free for family and friends only, as a pass time.

    Last night I visited Charlie’s new restaurant in the peeing rain (For the first time believe or not believe), went with Delboy and Dave. Arrived just as they were putting the final touches on his sign. Thought the new layout was very impressive, (dare I say) nice food, nice Charlie, beautiful lady staff and I was with nice friends. We went on to the Friendly bar in Loi Kroh road, probably serves the best coffee in Chiang Mai, owned by Richard. I don`t own that place either. Later I went on for a special massage at another place I don’t own. Finished the night by driving in the peeing rain back to my house, in which I do own, or maybe not under the laws of Thailand.

  2. I can see what you are saying, but if CC could thrive in his former location, this has to be a step up. There is so much more foot traffic behind the Night Bazaar and all the expats that frequent his place do not have to move very far. I just wish that he was open during the late evening when I get off work as I have wanted to try the place forever.

    Are their new opening hours as it is a busier area?

    The only foot traffic behind the NB on that Soi are the punters going and coming from Foxy Lady.:lol: Maybe CC can work out a deal with FL:whistling:

    I'm sure the last thing on fellas mind's when leaving the Foxy Lady with a bird is a bit of fish and chips :( .

    The Foxy Lady and Charlie`s fish and chips do have much in common. They both have hot saucy treats and both do take aways. Only at Charlie`s it costs a lot less.

    Charlie says that he is considering staying open later. It all depends on the flow of customers.

    Charlie asked me to pass on a message from him to Thaivisa. He says thank you for letting this thread stay open so his friends and well wishers can know his new location and where to find him.

    I have, not sure how, become Charlie`s unofficial public relations assistant, messenger boy and spokesperson. This is my last post on the subject because this is not about promoting Charlie`s business.

    Any enquiries you can contact Charlie via his Thai visa classified ad or I have created a little website for Charlie and you can find him by Googling in: Cheerful Charlie`s Chiang Mai. All updates can be seen on the website.

  3. Charlie opens his new restaurant tomorrow.

    For those of you who would like to visit Charlie, below is his restaurant`s new location map.

    I have created this map because many of Charlie`s friends and Farang residents of Chiang Mai are very fond of Charlie, last of the great charactors still left in the area and lots of people have shown interest and do not want to lose contact with him.

    If anyone considers this as promoting, fine, I understand, go ahead and delete the map, but this is not the intention.

    post-11344-089623500 1277893378_thumb.jp

  4. The way I read Sassienie's comment was that there is only one business and that the business is moving to a better location, but at the same time if Charlie had an offer for the business he would sell. Clarification needed.


    Charlie is not expanding, only changing to a better premises and if he sells his company, the new owners can still run the restaurant under the successful name of Cheerful Charlie`s fish and chips restaurant.

    Charlie is getting on in years and he does have health problems. If anyone takes over Cheerful charlie`s restaurant he will call it a day and retire.

    Charlie is not very good with computers and has asked me to explain things on line. Otherwise if you want to know more, it`s best that you visit Charlie at his restaurant or phone him. Charlie can explain much better.

  5. Charlie’s business is still thriving and is not done yet.

    He planned to move to a better location with more parking and better faculties, which he will do next week.

    Since the start of this project, Charlie has suffered health problems and although he is still as cheerful as ever and not desperate to sell his business, I think he would prefer to retire and call it a day.

    Charlie will continue on as normal in the new premises, but if he can sell the company Charlie will retire and leave it to the new owners.

    post-11344-032932000 1277590364_thumb.jp

  6. 1 year ago my 82 year old mother in law went to a well known eye hospital here in Chiang Mai for the removal of a cataract.

    The doctor that operated on her made a horrific job of the operation. After 5 days my mother in law`s eye was just a ball of red jelly with some puss hanging off of it.

    I thought that I had seem everything in my lifetime and that nothing could ever shock me, but when I saw the eye, it was beyond belief.

    The Doctor had charged my mother in law 25000 baht for the main op and than additional fees for trying to stop the infection that totalled 31000 baht. Instead of sending her to another hospital that had better facilities to try and correct the mess this eye hospital had made of the job, the Doctor was prepared to let my mother in law die from infection rather than spoil his reputation.

    I visited the eye hospital, cleared his surgery and gave the Doctor a balling out. He refunded the 31000 baht.

    On the same day we took my mother in law to another hospital in Chiang Mai. After examination the Doctor told us that my Mother in law has a most severe eye infection and if not operated on within the next 2 days, she will go blind and plus the infection will probably spread with fatal consequences.

    I asked about the 30 baht scheme, as the hospital was a participant in the scheme. The Doctor said that if we choose that option there is no guarantee that my mother in law can be seen for a least a month. So I asked OK, HOW MUCH. About 80000 baht replied the Doctor. Thought about it and said, yes, go ahead. It was either pay or let her die.

    So the operation was performed the following day and then after 2 weeks of intensive care, the life of my mother in law was spared, although she had most of the eye removed and lost the sight of her eye.

    Up to date, the eye is still a mess and she requires regular visits to a hospital for the continued treatment of infection.

  7. What?

    The OP required a graphic designer to create that simple logo?

    My 5 year old nephew could design something better than that.

    I have heard people say something similar when walking through the Tate modern more than once.

    It usually says a lot about the person making that kind of remark.


    I was a printer and a comericial artist. Used to design logos for certain Government establishments in the UK including the Ministry of Defense.

    Here is my family`s logo and past business. These pipes, are valuble collectors items.



  8. wouldn't the mods just ban that ip addy?

    if it were a troll.

    Still, no reason to dump a girl just because she is unfaithful, if we all did that it would be a real pain.

    AIDS is a real pain too ! You are just joshing right? :)

    Very true.

    It reminds me of some of those American Movies, guy meets girl, they have sex the same night and in their world no need to have protective sex because stds and aids doesn’t exist.

  9. Don’t you guys get it?

    This OP is a troll.

    He creates several new ThaiVisa memberships within a month; throws in the bait, hoping everyone will bite, than disappears into obscurity.

    Over the months I have become to recognise his format, mostly the same themes just that he changes the situation slightly.

  10. " so called friend borrowed 200,000 baht from me in february and it should have been paid back by March...I know it was stupid of me to do this in the first instance but all I need now is some helpful advice on what I can legally do."

    Since you had him sign an IOU - right? - what were the stipulations of the repayment and penalty for non-payment?

    The only legal action option availible is to take it to the civil court.

    The plantiff can claim back, the loan amount, interest at the going bank rate over the time of due payment and any expenses incurred such as postage, loss of work and phone calls ect.

    That`s it I`m afraid and of course first you have to research that the guy has the funds to pay back and can be traced, otherwise there is no reason to take this to court.

    Sorry, these are not my views but the law as imposed by the civil acts.


    Sorry, I think you have confused what I said with another post. I totally agree with everything you say.

    30 years ago, my wife and I suffered over the death of our child, and later she had an affair and left me. I also fought like a tiger for custody of my 2 children, a boy of 5 and a daughter of 2.

    The odds were against me in the UK courts and I lost big time, my home, being full time with the kids and all the crap that went with it. Took me 20 years after that to rebuild my life again.

    Got the teeshirt, read the book and seen the movie.

    I can 100% relate to how you feel, but the anger does wear off over time, life has to continue on.

    And please don`t suggest I should be castrated, my sex life is bad enough as it is.

  12. Don’t you guys get it?

    This newbie is a troll.

    He creates several new ThaiVisa memberships within a month; throws in the bait, hoping everyone will bite, than disappears into obscurity.

    Over the months I have become to recognise his format, mostly the same themes just that he changes the situation slightly.

  13. Guys such as the OP totally do amaze me.

    Are some men really so desperate for a woman that they are willing to let themselves be 100% controlled and would give all including their assets as in the sin-sod scams and in some cases even their souls.

    In the OPs case he should have stipulated from the beginning that he has children and will be visiting them on a regular basis and that’s the situation and she should accept it or leave it.

    I doubt if the OP will be able to do this, as it seems hot totty first and family matters second.

    Today in one of the Thai national newspapers the front page is about a 75 year old Jap who married a Thai lady 25 years his junior. The Thai lady manipulated her Thai boyfriend to murder the Jap and burn his body for his money. Both are now is jail.

  14. Point 1

    Many white men are delusional over women, they like to convince themselves they have something that everyone else wants, before the relationship becomes worthwhile to them. Often no Thai man would look twice at their girlfriends.

    Point 2

    Many Thai ladies (if not all) are up for a shag on the side. If they want to, you ain't going to stop them. Thai culture places importance on 'face', or in out western terms, you can do whatever you like as long as nobody else finds out about it. Fidelity is a western christioan idea and has little value out here.


    Forget about a lifetime of marriage with fidelity, they will have affairs, so you have affairs. It's all about fun, if you can't cope with that better you just go home.

    And where are all these Thai ladies that are up for a shag and can`t be stopped?

    If you know of any, please point them in my direction.

  15. The problem in all these cases, the same worldwide, is that, for example if I was to steal 200000 baht out of macanello`s pocket or fraudulently obtained his bank details and withdrew the amount from his bank account, that would be a criminal offence and I would be facing a long prison term.

    But if I was to ask macanello for a loan of 200000 baht with no intentions of paying him back and he couldn’t prove that was my intentions, than under the law, that’s a civil offence and all macanello could do is live in hope that he may obtain his money back in full.

    In fact stealing the 200000 baht or deliberately not paying it back as a loan amounts to the same thing, yet the law sees this differently.

    The law’s an ass, as they say in the textbooks.

  16. To the OP:

    In cases of debt, this is classified under civil law and not criminal law.

    Your only option is to take the guy to the civil court which under Thailand’s antiquated legal system can take several years and be a very costly experience, legal fees in which maybe you cant get back.

    If the guy does not have the available funds or assets to pay back the loan, than all the court can do is make an order for the guy to pay any amount he can afford in instalments or write the debt off all together. In over words, you can’t squeeze blood out of a stone.

    Be careful about naming and shaming anyone in Thailand. There are strict defamatory laws here and you could be in big trouble under the criminal Acts.

  17. In her younger days my wife was very attractive and if that sort of thing happened, she would tell them to f/off.

    It`s that simple.

    I'm sure all guys would like to believe that their wives tell guys who show an interest in them to f/off, but that might be more to do with what guys would like them to say/think, than what actually happens. In actual fact most women i would imagine probably find it flattering and enjoy the attention. Not that means they would take it any further, but the likelihood of them telling a guy to f/off for simply trying to chat them up is i think slim (of course if the guy starts touching them then it's a different matter).

    Put it this way, if a young saucy chick started chatting you up, with you tell her to f/off... or would you politely decline the offer and spend the next three months fantasizing about what might have been?

    I would say; how much for short time or would you consider an all night job?

    Because they`re the only type that chat to me these days. Sadly more interested in the contents of my wallet than what`s in my pants.

  18. 'Clockwork Orange' <deleted>? :)

    the movie 'A Clockwork Orange' came out in the 70's if I remember correctly. Had to be 18 or over to see it. Screwed up movie for sure

    What doesn’t ring true is: how did the perpetrators know where the couple were staying?

    If they allege that they were too drugged up to remember anything until the following two days after the incident and the wife had to be carried out of the bar, how did the couple find their way home, bringing the alleged rapists with them?

    I believe this incident really happened, but rather than it starting out in a bar, that the husband and wife were attending a party or had a party where they staying, that involved drink and drugs, which went out of control.

    Perhaps the police and British consulate officials realised this and that accounts for the lack of interest.

    This has tones of the UK entertainer, Michael Barrymore, when at one of his parties a few years ago, a guy was found sexually assaulted, drugged and then drowned in his swimming pool.

    I think the couple should be grateful that they are still alive to tell the tale. Although tragic, it could have been worse.

    Over to you, Dr Watson.

  19. I think it's more a personal problem. My wife is damm sexy, yet no one that knows she is with me EVER hits on her. Secondly she doesn't put her self out there like that in situations were she would be around a bunch of guys that would likely hit on her.

    Spot on, Huey.

    The wife has to give clear signals to the guys that she is not interested and a look as if to say, don`t try that bullshit out on me.

    In her younger days my wife was very attractive and if that sort of thing happened, she would tell them to f/off.

    It`s that simple.

  20. To the OP:

    When a guy says directly to your wife; she is sexy, what is her reaction?

    I don’t believe you are paranoid, but rather that you think maybe your wife enjoys the attention and could if you’re not around be lead astray.

    I would guess that somehow your wife is giving the impression that she could be up for it if caught in the right place at the right time, especially if you’re not on the scene.

    It is your wife who should be getting angry and telling these guys to be more respectful as she’s married and not that type of girl.

    If not, than you have a serious problem and completely justified with your concerns.

    I certainly wouldn’t go in for any children just yet or make any investments such as a new home until you are convinced of your wife`s loyality to you.

  21. Daily Mail


    A British couple have become victims of a horrendous Clockwork Orange-style sex attack ordeal while on holiday in Thailand.

    The professional couple had chosen the Thai holiday island of Koh Chang to round off a memorable one-year sabbatical from their jobs touring the world.

    But last night, the couple, one a government employee, the other a businessman, fled Thailand after they were subjected to a night of terror in which they say they were drugged and raped by a gang they suspect preys on foreign tourists.

    <snip> //removed by Admin//

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