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Posts posted by sms747

  1. I have made swift transfers from my UK Bank to ones in Thailand when in the UK and when in Thailand, but is it possible and how easy to do it the other way around? I know you can transfer largish amounts out if you can show the documentation of when it was transferred into Thailand, I still have that, but that's for when you are here.Is it possible to transfer money from a Thai Bank (siam city) to my UK one if I am in the UK? I have tried asking at the Bank but got nowhere, they said use ATM! The amount would be the 800.000 stuck in there for visa extension usage.

  2. Hi SMS747

    It is unclear if you have had a negative Helicobacter pylori (HP) test or you just had the antibiotic regime to cover all bases without actually having the test.

    Not feeling better after taking the antibotic regime does not mean one never had and still does not have HP.

    Sometimes up to 20 % of positive HP cases fail the first antibotic regime and require a follow up HP test and a subsequent second antibiotic regime.


    I believe they gave me an HP test when I had the endoscopy done, which is why they did not give anti biotics,but it must have been a blood test. It might be worth having another, I see these are available online now cheaply

  3. Interesting topic.

    I have a very acidic system (A+ blood type).

    Firstly I recommend that you follow the diet for A blood types.

    Secondly I have been taking slippery elm for years and also quercetin which assist in preventing gastric reflux.

    You should eat small meals and drink lots of water as well.

    Foods like bananas, cabbages, carrot and fresh veggie juices will help in alkalinising you system.

    Finally if you want to drink take a handful of slippery elm capsules before you go out and some before you go to bed.

    BTW Stay clear of beer completely this is extremely bad for someone who has acidic system.

    Better advice hear than trawling google for hours! I did have an endoscopy and have tried the anti biotics just in case HP test was wrong but they made no difference. I find beer and chocolate to be the worst causes, also pastry. Will certainly look into the suggestions here, thanks very much. I am never sure if red wine is as bad as beer, I think not as long as you drink it with a meal, but I must admit beer is probably the biggest irritant. Anyone know where to get slippery elm in Thailand?.

  4. I have suffered from stomach ulcers for years and been on Losec daily for the past 8. My problem is not caused by HP infection or asprin etc. All sources only ever talk about these two causes, especially HP which was originally laughed at as causing ulcers until the ozzie Doctor proved it. I seem to be one of the 20% or so with ulcers of unknown cause so any tips would be helpful as all the doc wants to do is keep handing out the acid limiting losec which never actually clears it up, just helps with the pain. I don't smoke or eat spicy food.

  5. Had a bit of a look around on line, ( sound like a travel agent don't I .... I should be concentrating on MRT construction really ).

    I remember that my brother has stayed at the Robertson Quay Hotel before, a few years ago.

    According to the web site http://www.robertson...om.sg/rates.htm they have an offer on, but you would better check on the phone first. Its in a great spot on the Singapore River.


    This place is not far from Chinatown and right next to Clarke Quay and across the river from the best place for a few beers in town . " Brewerks " on Riverside Point. It is probably nicer than The Chinatown Hotel, which is ok for a place to get your head down , but a bit pokey.

    There are some hotels in Chinatown , the one I mentioned that looked better is Hotel 1929.



    I would try the Robertson Quay by phone to check rates first as the location is superior to the others.

    Interesting to see the rates for Singapore F1 weekend almost doubled.


    Have a nice time!

    I need to get to work now.

    I heard it it cheaper to book hotels at a service located in the airport is this true? if just slightly I would rater book first, has anyone used it?

  6. I am not a teacher and have no interest in teaching English to Thai's. However my wife is a teacher and has been asked to teach English to another adult Thai. She asks what is a recommended language book to use? I have had a look in the shops but the range is baffling, is there something that stands out as a good learning resource for Thai? The lady is a beginner and has no time to attend a School.

  7. Not for me thank goodness but for a mate in BKK who has got himself on a theft charge and who urgently called me to recommend a lawyer. I don't know of any but saw Chaninat and Leeds on Sukhumvit 13 on the Internet, anyone know if they are reputable, or what about Sun Belt? By reputable I mean a firm that will not cost the earth and actually do something for him.

  8. I married a Thai lady several years ago in Bkk and live here still. Some time after we were married I changed my last name for family reasons and soon changed everything over to my new name-apart from the marriage certificates. Now we want to go back to the UK we really should get this done but how to go about it and would it be easy? I am assuming we have to go back to the amphur office where we were married with passport, change of name document, her ID and marriage certs. To complicate things further I have lost my certificate so we only have the one she has, think they were both the same.

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