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Posts posted by SoiRider

  1. Just had a few atg Asia Bar before doing the Stairway to Heaven thingo... The Super Maow owner speaked about 5 languages... None of them can be understood... etc.

    Do people from various countries live in certain sectors?

  2. Well, looks like the vote is in... Radio Free Britty Boy sucks......now will they take this mandate or just say "It's my radio station" Contact an advert company and protest.....that'll get'er done!

  3. Back to the topic of our being pused into have radio Britty Boy (does that ryme with Bwotty Boy) . Have a look at the sports coverage... Nothing but Brit. We'll we would expect that becasue the Brity boys don;t know jack but soccer! Wake up as YOUR sprot is not taken over by all the immigrants you have on welfare.. Niggerians and other such Afrikan rubbish in the streets. Look, the U.S. is now producing great players and has a fine league. For the Record I was playing organized soccer 50 years ago in San Francisco, under the tutilange of a fromer Pro from Romania! Steve Negiousco, name sakeof the University of San Francisco socccer program. How about some American and Aussie sports. The stations need a makeover to include all of expats not just the Birtty Boys and their mum's. Have a go at it and lets not hear from any wimps or bed wetters!

    We don't smoke marajuana in Muskogie!

    I say to all no Brit expats to contact the advert people and say there is no reason to listen to Radio Free Brity Boy!

  4. Yeah, the price is an issue. Remember Avo trees take a few years to produce etc. Also I like the Haas variety... Avos are plentiful as far north as Hawaii but I will and do pay for Haas. Mexico is a great source

  5. yeah seriously, the itree scottish or british acccent is so annoying, the other day i needed their service while i was at the bank next door.. i looked at the banner.. and say, **** it im going to a thai competitor.

    True story.

    How about sports. Ya gotta sayh that these wannbe DJ's don't jack outside of the UK. Lets get ride of the lil Britty Boyh shows and make itg an Int'l event as well as it should be... Tis only the priemership and the ashes test.. My asses test! Off with their heads for putting on Radio Britty Boy. Welll see aboutg the advert p!ayers.. I for one call all to ring up the advert people and complain about radio dumb dumb!


  6. Good English Breakfast = Oxymoron

    High in Fat

    High in Cholesterol

    High in Carbohydrates

    High in Sodium

    Low in nutritional value

    Will cause hardening of the arteries hence dehardening of something else

    Yep. No Good and certailnly not Proper!

    Whole grain cerial, non fat milk and a few laps about the hong non with your tilac will do!!!!!!!!!

  7. I have heard all of those on 91.5. They even had a Roy Orbison special a while back. Ask for a request they will play it as they seem to have a fairly extensive selection. BTW I can understand American accents, even red neck, but I don't come from anywhere near there. In fact living in Phuket you should understand all sorts of English accents, even mine.

    Just a smidgen of stuff. If I were an advertisder I would be very concerned at the blatent oversue of Britty colloquialisms. It is to the extgent that is has be come a Radio Cockney which is just a smak in the face of arrogance. I'll think I'll sample the sponsors and have them listen in to see is the staion reaches a broad spectrum for advertisers or is just a little centralized smak in the face.. Have a look at that, luv!

    Not to mention that BBC is not the holy grail of news!

    I'm supprised we don't hear God Save the Queen Lizzie and subtitle as HMRS!

    post-113802-001319900 1284966910_thumb.j

  8. Are both 90.65 and 91.5 Radro Brit? hel_l, I speak English, have 7 years of higher education in America and haven't a clue about lots of stuff cause they don't speak English. Why don't they get some Yanks and Aussies on board... Opps, at a social event a muckie muckiemuck in the bossland of radio free Brit admitted, after a bit of drinking, that they liked to keep the lil Brittie boys about so they can dip their wicks into something decent! Da man did say so! How about Radio Free Engrit!

    And some good American country wester music... <deleted>... hear a little ZZ Top, with Sharp Dressed Man or Merrill Haggard doing I'm just an Okie from MuskogieWhat about a littel rock-a-billy.. Roy Orbison. dam_n, I ought to get into the studio... Ooops again, Don't want to get a work permit!!!!


  9. I have been a bit farniente recently, but am going to visit Khon Kaen soon.

    My cert. of res. has me living in Nonthaburi. Would that preclude my applying for a first driving license in KK?

    Anyone with relevant experience, know where to go? Or would JJ be a better bet?


    Yep, you have to appl;y in the section where you live. Get the to Immi in KK and get a new paper for you residence and then progress!

  10. Good stuff.. Sure some folks got the run around but they looked like it was up for a good roasting for them. I did my temp, (1year) in BKK out in Suk 101 something.. Mai Pen Rai. Went back and got my 5 year at same place... Being a law abiding gent when I moved to Phuket I went out to get my new card (in both style and address) and that was more hoops than Miki Jordan ever saw... A med for a new address, etc. I had just gotton a hair cut so mabey that was the problem????????

    Now, let me just say that because a driving card will not attract a Ha Roy fine at cholong Circle doesn't mean you are out of the woods..OK it tis the law that after 90 days of residence you need a Thai DL. there are some funky dudes with offices who give you these papers etc... Have a smash up and see that beside being Farang you are guilty of have no lic when they look thru your passport. I know of a gent who stayed in Chalong lock up 2 extra days because of his Thailand INt'l lic. Do what you like but the smart money is on.. Proper Papers, always

  11. Banter about has been the status of the Patong Immi Offit! Now for those of us who remember the well staffed local ready to serve and collect those days are finit! As to it being close long ago.. NOT. I agree that it was closed for a bit.. I think about mid summer. I all fairness it does offer 90 reports hours of operation 1000-1200 and 1300 to 1500 Mon thru

    Sat. I popped in today looking for an official statement on the 90 report float for a first time TM7 and TM8 customer... Well, the officer (note lower case) was ujnaware of either form and wasn't willing or able to contact Saphin Hin for an offical statement. I had a few opines here abouts but will wait till Mon when I can scoot up that way at get the official info.

    As stated prior my experience in getting both forms approved was so pleasent I forgot to as about the 90day report. One Officer (note caps) whom has helped me before looked up to say hello...

    Does HKT Immi like expats.. Yes Sir!

    BTW,Imake a post to the Phuket section I have never seen so many mid east folk as right now!

  12. Total Success...NOT... Many kids were injured.... I've a friend that has a business in the same block as Sainamyen school and it was a cluster ....!

    I was at Massage across from Home Pro Rawai and didn't even hear it.....

  13. Actually they do see the first extension of stay using the TM.7 as a 90 day report but after that you must use the TM.47 form. In this case he must provide both forms but the order does not matter. Only for the re-entry permit is doing the TM.7 first vital.

    How do they figure it all. My 90 day isn't due for about 60 from my Extension of Stay and Multiple reentry permit. My last 90 reports get the bottom paqrt iof the form into your passport. Do I read this and reponses to other as they will see the first TM7 as my date. Remeber I've had a previous re-entry permit pursuant to the expiry of my OA-Retirment.

    Anyway, not to ruffel the feather of anybody, HOWEVER, I'll stop off the Immi Hut in Patong and have a double check... Then drive out to Saphan Hin and see whatg they say. I've emailed the office but no response... Is the a quote on the site.. BTW, most form downloads are <deleted> but the pages from the HKT immi site are up to date and clear!

    But everythning is Phuket is better cause it's Pang Mahk

  14. Was it your first TM.7 one year extension of stay (that is the only one that is considered a 90 day address report) and you have not had to do 90 day reports before? Start date should be date of application.

    Yes, my first Tm7... I have done one 90 day ( Iike to travel about Asia) and got the paper into my passport. I'm looking thru you info and wonder if the only the first TM7 is considered as an address report of or do all count. could be read either way???? I stop by Patong Immi office a check this out for the board info.. As added info I have been her for a while but kept a place of residence not far from a Thai Offit and used to just get new OA's and then get a multiple re-entry for the second part of my visa. I now live only in Phuket etc.

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